Deprecation Notice: If possible, please use WeakAuras instead, this addon is no longer maintained
This is an addon to create timers for your own buffs and debuffs.
player bars on left, target in middle, focus on right, all can be moved
To track CC Effects you must set the CCed mob as your focus if its not your target.
Only icons and time can be shown if you don't want bars.
The text can be customized in the options by using, "%s for spell name", "%a for applications", "%u for unit name eg target or player", "%n for mob name"
This mod is set up with AceLocale so anyone who wants to add other locals feel free :)
If you want other textures for the bars, get the AddOn SharedMedia.
Note: When adding values in the files, double parentheses are necessary on the last item in a table because it contains all the values from the function call and we only want the first one.
/classtimer or the LDB Launcher
Must give Nymbia credits as he is a legend!
how do you move the bar from the center of the screen and there is no menu that comes up for it
Great mod! One request: Add a player timer for mage's summon water elemental please! It should start when the elemental is summoned and count down until it despawns, or if there's a way I can add a timer for this spell that would be great. Thanks.
this mod is awesome ! <3
but i have a question.
I´m a rogue and on my focus frame classtimer shows the timers for sap and blind.
I found a extra option in the menu to add more timers. But what i have to write in to see a sheep / fear timer at my focus bar ?
I really like this mod, moveable coodown bars are really helpful. one problem I'm having tho, is when playing on my paladin concecration does not show up on the cooldown timers. I have even tried adding it as a new spell, but I get nothing. all the timers I use work except for that one, so if there is a way I could adjust it to work it would be nice.
Hello all...
Since im a PvE rogue i'm using the slice and dice ability ALOT and thought it would be easier to keep track of when it expires by a timer (which actually worked with the roguetimerfu), but now doesnt work with classtimer, even though it has been added! Can this be fixed please? Thank you.
You can find the latest version on wowace:
There is no bar showing up for Seed of Corruption. Does this happen for everyone or just me? Please add this spell.
is it possible to add "Announcements" as an option? for example in party/raid when i do a sap and when there's 10sec remanding on sap a party chat displays a bit of test like "Sap Braking in 10 seconds" and again when timer has hit zero like "Sap Broken"
I'm not sure if you have these yet (haven't tested, just downloaded, will test later and edit this post,) but if you could track:
Find Weakness
Slice 'n' Dice
Adrenaline Rush
Mongoose procs, on BOTH weapons
Popular rogue trinkets
Player's Global Cooldown
Optional Player's Swing/Shoot timer
Debuffs on enemy/focus:
Cheap Shot/Kidney Shot/Blind/Gouge/Sap
Poison Stack, with smart-fade if dispelled. Crippling, mind numbing, deadly, wound.
Daze (Such as Blade Twisting)
Obviously I'm a rogue and other classes need equivalent lovin' too.
A HUGE THING, for which you would be a worship-worthy modmaker, would be ENEMY COOLDOWNS.
Frost Nova
Psychic Scream
Howl of Terror
Freezing trap
Hammer of Justice
Kidney Shot
Silenced in School effects. Example; Paladin casts holy light, rogue kicks him. He is now silenced in that tree for six seconds.
Enemy Global Cooldown (Currently in arena, I try to time my moves when I see my enemy use a move, because then I know he won't be able to do anything I have to respond to for the duration of his GCD. This would be amazing to see.)
Currently, there is no mod which tracks all of these to the best of my knowledge. (I've been looking for one)
Of course, you'll have to deal with variations in CDs due to gear and talents.
There are several ways you could do this.
Bars count up from zero, with several clearly visible marks denoting estimates. For example, priests. Psychic scream. It starts counting up from zero with hashmarks at 26 seconds (shadow spec) and 30 seconds (holy or disc.) That way players can estimate based on other information available to them.
OR you can assume based on common PvP specs and gear, for example, most PvP warriors are running around with the 4 set Gladiator confering reduced intercept cooldown. Since this would be a PvP add on, you might as well assume for PvP gear/specs.
If you do this, I also suggest adding some sort of anounce options like raid timers. Have the cooldown bar and also announce when it ticks to the cooldown, or close to it. Maybe something like Jim's Cooldown Pulse (which works for the player's cooldowns)
And if you don't have it yet, different anchors. For example, I'd have self buffs (slice 'n' dice, trinket procs, mongoose, Find Weakness,) in one location, debuffs on enemy in one location, debuffs on focus target in another, and enemy cooldowns in yet another.
Does not show Blade Twisting , How to solve a problem?
Just installed 48421, holy crap loads of bugs, stay away. Stickies that won't go away, test bars that won't go away either. Back to 43307.7 for me.
Dunno what your talking about melec...... to take away the test bars all you do is relock them.
I know how to work the bars, they weren't behaving properly. Going back to an older version fixed all the issues I had.
I've noticed also that on my rogue, my skills such as perception or premed doesnt appear on the countdown. Do we have to add this manually or is it going to be added in the future?? What i'm asking is a more complete cool down list of our skills.... The (de)Buffs arent complete as well.
as i have already said if it works adding the buff/debuff to the custom list then post them here and i will add them
a couple of ideas, which you can take for what they are worth (you may or may not decide they are appropriate or even possible):
it does not appear that shield bash shows up as a debuff on a target, but is there any way to get a timer on it anyway? i could start a timer bar (on one timer or another) synchronously with firing shield bash (macro a timer and casting shield bash together and use that), but it would be nice if the WoW API reported whether it actually hit (or was blocked/dodged/resisted/whatever) and it could actually go up as a timer (on the target bars) only if "successful".
effects like sword specialization/blinkstrike/windfury procs... would there be any way for transient effects like those to be flagged? i can get windury notification from other mods, but as for extra swings from sword specialization or unique weapons like blinkstrike, its hard right now to tell how often those are proccing and what benefit i am getting out of them. i guess what i would like is for a bar to appear as soon as the proc is detected (i guess on the player bars), and then begin to fade out slowly as soon as the proc is accomplished. some way to flag the damage done out of the extra swing(s) or the total proc sequence would be cool as well.
For those looking for what I described in last post, go to ace and get ElkBuffBars. Is exactly what I was looking for.
Ok someone please help me I am going nuts. I have tried every 'debuff timer' addon I can find on the net and not a single one of them seems to be able to do what I am looking for. ClassTimers comes close but no cigar.
I want a timer bar addon that displays bars for debuffs that OTHER PLAYERS PUT ON ME.
Yes, its nice seeing bars for buffs I have put on my target or my focus. Its nice to see what debuffs I myself have put on my target. There are plenty of addons that can do that. But not a single one that will create bars for the debuffs that others put on me.
It can't be that hard to do. Default UI gives an icon with a counter under it for ANY and ALL debuffs any other class can put onto us. How hard can it be to simply ditch the default icons for debuffs placed on us by other players an replace with a timer bar?
When I get stunned, sap'd, feared, dotted, whatever the heck else. I don't want to squint at the default icon with the tiny arse font trying to figure out wtf effect is on me and how long it is going to last. I want a customizable bar that I can put anywhere on my screen!
ClassTimers is a great addon, but it can't seem to do this. On the timers menu I have 'added' every friggen debuff in the game but when I get hit by them it does not make a bar for them. The only debuffs ON ME that ClassTimers makes a bar for are debuffs that I put onto myself, like Forbearance and Weakened Soul.
Get stunned by someone else, no bar. Get sapped, no bar. Get feared, no bar. WHY NOT? Those are the ones that really matter. Who friggen cares about a bar that tells me there is 45 minutes left on the one hour buff I put on someone else. I want to know how much longer I am gonna be stunned, I want to know how long this friggen fear on me is going to last. And I want to know it without squinting at a 12x12 icon with size 5 font!
Please someone point me in the right direction. Thank you.
have been using this for a while and love it. but recently started playing my warlock again and there are no pet timers at all. my hunter has them, but none of my demon pets buffs/debuffs are there. intercept on target, demonic frenzy on pet. the only pet related timer i see is seduction. all the buff/debuffs my hunter's pets can do or have, the demon counterparts do not in classtimer.
just curious why warlocks don't have any pet timers, not demanding that there be one, just curious.
also, just remembered that my Mage has Frost armor buff showing, yet Demon Armor for lock... does not. Looks like a lot left out for warlocks.