Deprecation Notice: If possible, please use WeakAuras instead, this addon is no longer maintained
This is an addon to create timers for your own buffs and debuffs.
player bars on left, target in middle, focus on right, all can be moved
To track CC Effects you must set the CCed mob as your focus if its not your target.
Only icons and time can be shown if you don't want bars.
The text can be customized in the options by using, "%s for spell name", "%a for applications", "%u for unit name eg target or player", "%n for mob name"
This mod is set up with AceLocale so anyone who wants to add other locals feel free :)
If you want other textures for the bars, get the AddOn SharedMedia.
Note: When adding values in the files, double parentheses are necessary on the last item in a table because it contains all the values from the function call and we only want the first one.
/classtimer or the LDB Launcher
Must give Nymbia credits as he is a legend!
I have a simple idea which could be really helpful in hectic situations: A short acoustic signal 2 seconds before a dot runs out. This allows enough time to reapply it, especially regarding 1.5 sec casts such as Vampiric touch. I would really love such an implementation into class timer, easpecially as a shadow priest:)
I would also love the possibility to show cooldowns :) Thank you for a great AddOn!
Also, Bloodlust does not seem to work (added it as an extra, other extras work)
Has anyone else experienced that the game completely freezes when clicking the Bar settings section, while playing a hunter or warlock (presumably due to them having pets), and maybe found out which addon is conflicting?
I'd like to say great work on this addon. I have noticed a few missing things as a paladin so far - Divine Plea, and I think Vengeance needs to be Holy Vengeance (at least for alliance paladins) to pick up SoV's debuff. Also, for the Seal of Justice debuff - Stun. (For completeness! lol)
Feature Requests: New Option - Stack Count over spell icon. Display the (de)buffs stacks over the spell icon so you don't need to display a bar to see the stacks.
Tinket Support - a way to auto figure out an equipped trinkets (de)buffs and display proper timer bars. Not sure the best way to do this, but I know DoTimer seemed to pick them all up just fine. More or less, a checkbox to display trinket buffs would be awesome.
The next features are things quite possibly handled by other addons, but would be nice to have in one addon - especially one with as nice a configuration window as ClassTimer. (I currently use CooldownCount and glance at my action bars to see the time remaining, but would be nice to have it closer to the rest of my stuff.)
New Timer Bars - Cooldown Player, Cooldown Raid - to display an abilities cooldown instead of buff duration. Prime examples are Divine Plea, Last Stand, Ice Bound Fortitude, Power Infusion, etc.
Some nice configuration options for those would be to merge the players CD timers with their buff timers in one location. For either set, to put a minimum cd length to crop all abilities shorter than X min. Also, being able to modify the spells displayed as we can with buffs would be perfect. Just select a class/ability we want to track and go from there.
I am pretty sure that oRA2 can handle the raid cooldown information, but it would be nice to have it built into this mod and configurable.
@ Kelem - it is possible with DoTimer, and if you're an Affliction Warlock I would have to recommend it since it was built for that kind of thing. It is however, confusing to configure and sometimes shows wonky timers (I could care less about that BoK I have on an MC'ed guildy.) I've moved from DoTimer to ClassTimer since my main is now my paladin instead of my lock; and I just couldn't figure out how to setup a target, focus, and other debuff anchors in DoTimer - because the way I lay things out for my paladin would require something like that, and I like using the same UI layout for all my toons.
@Woolie, Nenaunir - As I mentioned above, for the time being I use CooldownCount or OmniCC and just look at my actions bars for that. Though I admit, I would love to have it merged with my buff timers.
Is it possible to add timer bars for talents ?
for example when using my dk i would like to add a timer for the blade barrier talent.
i have tried adding it manually but no luck
Im a mage and using r294 and have Heroism as extras and for some reason it does not work. I am wondering what I am doing wrong?
I dont know if it's been asked before (im sure it has though) but can there be any way of tracking multiple targets without them being the target/focus/etc because that's kind of annoying when you're trying to monitor multiple debuffs at once.
Is it possible to add some way of tracking internal spell cooldowns to ClassTimer. My main is a balance druid and it's vital for a proper rotation to track the internal cooldown of Eclipse. As far as i know it's not possible currently, but might be something which is nice to implement?
I am also having trouvle getting Heroism too show. Won't work not even on my shammy. Neiother does feral wolves.
Hey i have a question. I'm trying to set up to (or better three) timers. One for Icy Veins and one for Heroism. The timer for Icy Veins works perfect but i can't get the heroism to be shown in a timer bar. I've entered "Heroism" in the costum spell section and i've edited the mage.lua with this collum "GetSpellInfo(32182), -- Heroism" but i don't get it to work. Please tell me how i can't set up a timer for Heroism.
How do I get ahold of the guy who made this? I got an idea for the Todo. Listen I love this addon. seriously. My prob is I have to run shit like Natur enemy Cast bar because it is important to me to also track my enemies buffs. And de-buffs put on me from enemies. So thats my suggestions. Can you make it to when I add a custom timer I could just add say "Curse of Agony" and anytime curse of agony is on me since im a shaman, it will show on the bar? Or if I add Divine Shield and my target is a paladin it will pop up a timer for Divine Shield? If you could do this this would be the greatest addon especially for pvp imo. Nothing would be moire useful... Interested in hearing your thought son this. I dont even understand why this doesnt already work since it seems it just tracks buffs and debuffs but apprently only those of your own class and im sayting to track all buffs and dbeuffs form all classes.