
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


cLayout does a group of different configurations to the Blizzard UI. These include:

  • Party frames moved and larger
  • Buff frames larger
  • Player and Target frames more close to the center of the screen
  • Minimap in the lower left corner and square
  • Zone text cleaned up
  • Some default minimap buttons hidden
  • Scrollable minimap zooming with the mouse
  • Party frame is draggable by clicking and dragging the first party member
  • New! I have added the ability to enable or disable some features. You can also now edit the scaling of the buffs, party frame, and minimap scale to your own choosing.

This is a cut-and-dry addon. I do not use this myself on a regular basis and I will probably not be adding anymore features to this. I have commented very much of the Lua file so it will be rather easy to figure out what to change to make it how you like. I hope this is a good example to learn some more Lua.


In the cLayout.lua file you can edit the following:


local MOUSEOVER = false
local SQUARE = true
local BUTTONS = true
local MM_SCALE = 1.2
local BUFF_SCALE = 1.5
local PARTY_SCALE = 1.2
local HNS = true

MOUSEOVER: Show minimap zone text only when you mouse-over the minimap.
SQUARE: Square minimap.
BUTTONS: Hide some of the Blizzard minimap buttons. See the code for which frames.
MM_SCALE: Minimap's scale
BUFF_SCALE: Buff's scale
PARTY_SCALE: Party frame scale
HNS: Hide the N (north) key

Note: If you enter a vehicle, you will have to type /cl reset to bring the player frames back to their correct position.


Seerah, thunder12, and ScytheBlade1


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 21, 2008
  • Last Released File
    May 24, 2009
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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