This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Allows taking a screenshot without the interface
Abandoned project So you can use the similar but greater one : ScreenPlus
Thanks for this feature request. I have never heard about "Viewport Artwork" fonctionality. I will looking for docs and try to add this as soon as possible.
Currently locales (not locals damnit!) are not properly using AceLocale-3.0. AceLocale-3.0 will return nil if trying to register for a locale that is not selected and not a default. As such, an if statement to check if L is non-nil needs to surround lines 7-24 and another around 28-45. I would guess that whomever uploaded the most recent release is using the French localized client.
Any reason why the code doesn't use separate files to define each locale?
a simple:
if L then
-- define entries for L here
[Sorry for my english]
You can do this in the game menu.
Any reason why the code doesn't use separate files to define each locale?
a simple:
if L then
-- define entries for L here
Yes I use the French localized client.
I'm currently looking for a French to English translator better than me. It will be more easier with separated files.
Sorry for my English.
I can't test on a non-frFR client but I think that it's good.
Can anyone confirm (or not) please ?