Comergy Redux
Comergy Redux is an add-on for monitoring players power. It currently supports all primary powers and most secondary. It allows for many customizations including colors, sound notifications, bar partitioning, size, orientation, and textures.
Use /comergy or /cmg to open the setting window.
Special thanks to yjoe61, the author of the original Comergy, for allowing me to expand and update this add-on.
Now on Icebox
- Custom colors and sizes
- Horizontal, and vertical bars
- Custom textures
- Partitionable power bar
- Separate Dual-spec settings
- Optional player health and target health bars
- Energy
- Focus
- Rage
- Runic Power
- Mana
- Combo points
- Chi
- Shadow Orbs
- Holy Power
- Runes
- Soul Shards
- Burning Embers
- Demonic Fury
- Add support for eclipse
- Complete rewrite using Ace3
Sounds like you got your hands on a beta release. You should check the version. Type /cmg and see what the top says. If it starts with an 'r', it's a beta release.
Please update this for 6.0 :-)
Hey, this is my last week before finals start, so I don't have time to test every class, but if you have something specific that is broken, please let me know, and I'll take a look.
Big fan of this addon -- 6.0.2 seems to function as disabled alright -- any chance for a TOC update for this one?
That's good to hear. What classes have you used it on? I haven't had time to sit down and do tests on everything and won't until the weekend. I don't feel comfortable bumping the toc until I know it works for most of the classes it's suppose to.
@robfaie: Thanks for the response!
I added another bug report showing the error log that I see when entering an instance on my DK. I hope that helps.
BTW I still think this is a terrific addon. I especially like the combination of Comergy and Raven, where I have the Raven buff groups parented to my Comergy window so that they all move together as a unit. I have it set up so that my short-term buffs appear on the right of the comergy bar, and short-term mob debuffs appear on the left, making for a nice compact display that tells me what I need without overwhelming me with too much information.
I can't think of too many things I would ask for - I like the fact that the UI is minimal and not distracting. The only addition I can think of would be maybe for monks to keep track of their stagger level / damage so that they know when to use purifying brew.
I want to mention that Comergy and Raven make a great combo. I have it set up with the Comergy window in the lower center of the screen, with two Raven bar groups parented to the Comergy window: my short-term buffs extending to the left of the Comergy window, and the target's short-term debuffs extending to the right. I use this setup for all of my characters, it works well for pretty much every class, and it's pretty minimal - shows me everything I need to know without cluttering up the screen or overwhelming me with too much data like a lot of addons do.
It is. I've been busy with school recently. There is currently 1 bug report from yourself. My schedule has lightened, so I'll be putting time into it again. It is worth noting that I am completely rewriting the addon to take advantage of the changes made to the API in the last three/four years. My goal is for that to be done for the launch of WoD.
Is the addon still being developed? I noticed that several people have reported bugs, and I see errors frequently myself (the lua error window pops up every time I log in with my DK for example), but no new version has come out in several months.
Yet another error on clicking talents to remove - addon prevents it with error, frequently caused by non local variable "_" since MoP. For example
if (specIndex ~= nil) then
_, primaryName = GetSpecializationInfo(specIndex)
in Comergy.lua at line 1865, 2142, Comergyopt.lua 428
After analyzing this error I can't see any reason why it happened (GetRuneType(ConvertRune(i)) returned nil) on port my death knight to Lunar Festival. Anyway:
2x Comergy_Redux-r23\comergy.lua:1891: attempt to concatenate local "runeType" (a nil value)
Comergy_Redux-r23\comergy.lua:1891: in function <Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:1884>
Comergy_Redux-r23\comergy.lua:1724: in function "ComergyOnConfigChange"
Comergy_Redux-r23\comergy.lua:2182: in function "?"
Comergy_Redux-r23\comergy.lua:1829: in function <Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:1814>
DURATIONS = <table> {
CHI_SHOW = <table> {}
MAINFRAME_SHOW = <table> {}
CHI_HIDE = <table> {}
BAR_CHANGE = <table> {}
MAINFRAME_HIDE = <table> {}
OrderThresholds = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:1612
status = <table> {
runeEnabled = true
shapeshiftForm = 1
curMana = 0
curUnit = "player"
curChi = 0
curFury = 0
maxMana = 0
maxTargetHealth = 0
curChiHeight = 10
curEnergy = 0
furyFlashing = 0
playerClass = 1
playerInCombat = false
energyBGFlashing = 0
chiEnabled = false
maxEnergy = 100
energyFlashing = 0
furyBGFlashing = 0
curTargetHealth = 0
initialized = true
maxFury = 0
maxPlayerHealth = 474829
talent = 1
manaEnabled = false
comboEnabled = false
curEnergyHeight = 10
curPlayerHealth = 474829
chiSymbol = "C"
energyEnabled = true
curPowerType = "RUNIC_POWER"
furyEnabled = false
runeFlashing = <table> {}
curFuryHeight = 0
chiFlashing = 0
playerGUID = "0x01000000026DAECB"
FrameResize = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:857
chiBars = <table> {
1 = ComergyChiBar1 {}
2 = ComergyChiBar2 {}
3 = ComergyChiBar3 {}
4 = ComergyChiBar4 {}
5 = ComergyChiBar5 {}
6 = ComergyChiBar6 {}
ColorRune = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:1884
numEnergyBars = 3
energyBars = <table> {
1 = ComergyEnergyBar1 {}
2 = ComergyEnergyBar2 {}
3 = ComergyEnergyBar3 {}
4 = ComergyEnergyBar4 {}
5 = ComergyEnergyBar5 {}
numFuryBars = 1
furyBars = <table> {
1 = ComergyFuryBar1 {}
2 = ComergyFuryBar2 {}
3 = ComergyFuryBar3 {}
4 = ComergyFuryBar4 {}
5 = ComergyFuryBar5 {}
playerBar = ComergyPlayerHealthBar {
0 = <userdata>
curValue = <table> {}
maxColor = <table> {}
deltaValue = <table> {}
minColor = <table> {}
endValue = <table> {}
targetBar = ComergyTargetHealthBar {
0 = <userdata>
curValue = <table> {}
deltaValue = <table> {}
endValue = <table> {}
AnticipationChanged = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:813
EnergyChanged = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:349
ManaChanged = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:400
ChiChanged = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:562
RuneChanged = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:622
FuryChanged = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:763
TextStyleChanged = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:1022
PlayerHealthChanged = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:837
MainFrameToggle = <func> @Comergy_Redux\comergy.lua:167
I absolutely love this add-on. It's exactly the solution I was looking for.
... well, almost.
I would love to use the combo point bar to track Maelstrom Weapon stacks on my Enhancement Shaman, and tracking Fulmination charges 2-7 for Elemental would also be wonderful. If it also could display in two parts and track Tidal Waves then this add-on would be the total package for me.
Is there a way I can mess around in the files and add this functionality?
Thanks for a great addon! I'm using this on all my characters now.
One bug I seem to have run into: After a while (30 minutes to an hour of play) the health bar turns white and stops tracking health. Reloading the UI fixes the problem temporarily.
A little more info: The bug I mentioned appears to be related to WoW's "vehicle" interface, that is the alternate interface that appears in certain quests. For example, in the farming quests at Sunsong Ranch in MoP, there are several actions such as pulling weeds and wrestling with vines that hide the normal UI and display an alternate UI. What I've observed is that sometimes when the regular UI re-appears, Comergy gets into a state where it appears to be "stuck" - the player health bar appears white instead of green, and no longer responds to player health changes.
Updated from the original for my Monk, however I also use it for my other characters - specifically my Death Knight.
Is there any way to disable Runes (like you can with Combo Points etc) as I use a different Rune Addon for the 2x3 layout.
***Edit: I kinda figured it out, for anyone else: Go to Runes and just change the thickness all the way down, I guess the zero hides it.
Please add option to texture player health bar, without texture it hurts my eyes =-(
Any chance this will show level of ember bits for each burning ember, for destro warlocks?
Couple of things:
When not using any energy bar splits and shifting from caster->cat/bear, the power bar briefly extends all the way across the screen. screenshot
When switching between a bar that does/doesnt have combo points, the anchoring of the frame being centered causes the power bar to change its verticle position.
Thanks for keeping this addon alive!
The rage bar was a known issue and should be fixed as of r22. Please let me know if the problem persists. I will look into changing the anchor. It's something I'll need to adjust so it works with vertical bars and flipped bars as well. Should be sorted within a week or two.
Nice addon. All the character specific information I need. Placed where I want. How I want. Found it to be as essential Auctioneer, Bartender and TellMeWhen. Now, I check the new addon listings each day after finding this gem.