v1.3.0: Incorporated a more comprehensive approach to default profiles.
If you wish to use the new default profiles, you can flush your profiles and get all the new default profiles by typing
/consider resetall
and then visit the bank to rescan all your items. Remember to set your active profiles again in the options. This will also destroy any custom profile changes.
v1.2.0: Performance enhancement to improve framerates in certain situations.
v1.1.0: Added checkbox for "Use Epic Gems?" in Considerater option panel. When toggled, Considerater will fill in the top-scoring epic gems where applicable.
Upgrading users are advised to type "/consider refresh" and visit their bank to re-score their items.
An add-on that considers an item against all the items you have to determine whether or not it is an upgrade. Scores are computed for an item based on profiles which weight each stat according to relative importance.
There are many pre-defined profiles, which can be edited, or you can create a new one. To avoid taking up too much compute time, only "Active Profiles" will be used for scoring. See the Add-on Interface Options panel for all these details.
Considerater will scan your bank, bags, and inventory whenever you open your bank frame. So if it is your first time loading it, be sure to get to the bank to fill up your item cache.
Considerater will automatically determine the best gem choices according to each profile and will score items as if they had those gems inserted. This should make comparisons between pieces of gemmed and ungemmed gear relatively fair.
Type "/consider help" in game to see the command-line options.
Type "/consider" alone to bring up the Considerater graphical user-interface for comparing items.
Type "/consider [link]" with an item linked to add that item to the list of items considered by the graphical user-interface.
The idea for this add-on came about when I started re-specing my character on a nearly daily basis between four different playstyles. Each requires different sets of gear, and it was getting difficult to remember what I had in my bank and what was considered better for each spec. I relied on the useful website, but I needed something that would be able to quickly make comparisons on the spot, and only with the gear I had or was considering. So, I would consider this add-on to be a combination of ideas from and add-ons like BankItems.
[2008/12/23 19:38:05-332-x1]: StatLogic-1.0-?:43: Cannot find a library instance of AceLocale-2.2.
AutoBar-v3.00.03.11 beta.708\libs\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:490: in function `AceLibrary'
StatLogic-1.0-?:43: in main chunk
[2008/12/23 19:38:18-332-x1]: Considerater-0.1\Core.lua:745: attempt to index global 'StatLogic' (a nil value)
Considerater-0.1\Core.lua:950: in function `DirtyBagWorker'
Considerater-0.1\Core.lua:959: in function `f'
Considerater-0.1\Workqueue.lua:23: in function `DoWorkQueue'
Considerater-0.1\Core.lua:662: in function `OnUpdate'
<string>:"*:OnUpdate":1: in function <[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1>
When I turn off Autobar, it does the same thing, but with Fubar. I can't do without those, is there any way to resolve the conflict?
The full scan is a relatively intensive operations so I only have it automatically performed when you open the bank. I figured most people visit the bank at least once per day, so that would be a good time. The full scan covers the entire bank, all your bags, and your equipped gear.
Admittedly, I'm not sure how to handle the case where a person never visits their bank. I could have it scan the bags upon login, but that could be a severe annoyance, even when running in the background. I will think about it some more.
NB: if you want to revert back to the pristine configuration there is a command "/consider resetall" which does this. Keep in mind this will destroy any custom profile changes and return to the default ones distributed with the add-on. It will set your active profiles to the ones for your class. You'll want to visit your bank afterwards, of course, to re-evaluate your items.
The main description (above) of this add-on pretty much covers all the info you need to know, though. It will scan your bank and bags when you visit the bank.
One thing I've noticed (0.4 beta) is that whenever I login/logout my Auto Loot option in Interface/Controls gets set to checked. I'm not 100 percent that this is caused by Considerater but it is the only addon I've installed or updated recently. Also when I leave the Interface/Controls menu if I've changed anything I get a chat message "Considerater: Profiles were changed. Please revisit your bank to re-evaluate all your items."
I am still trying to figure out a profile for the first toon I'm trying this on, a combat rogue. The included Rogue PvE profile doesn't score items to equate to manually swapping two items and looking through the character sheet for the best changes I want/need. For instance, Considerator may score an item much higher than another using the Rogue PvE proflie, but the second looks preferable when I do a manual comparison for DPS, AP, Crit, hit rating, defensive stats, etc. I guess I need to understand all of the stats & bonuses better so I can figure out what to adjust in the profile.
HolySheepy: That is curious, I tested it on such a quest giver explicitly. Which NPC is causing the problem? And perhaps a copy of the error, if you can get it.
I will have to wait until the servers restart to try anything.