Not up-to-date. See ingame-help for most recent commands/changes/new commands
- name - refers to a string - example:
"Hand of Freedom" -- this is a string
Hand of Freedom -- not a string in lua
- id - refers to an integer
- flag_name - valid flags
- stack - refers to an integer
- [, ] - means optional
functional commads
- spell(name or id) - registers a spell for the specific icon
- icon(name or id) - registers an item for the specific icon
- flag(flag_name) - registers a specific flag for a specific icon ( valid flags can be found: here )
conditional commands
- PlayerPower() - returns integer value of main power of player (rage, energy, focus, mana, rune power)
- TargetPower() - same as PlayerPower just for your target ... dunno if anyone actually need this
- PlayerBuff(name [, stack]) - returns true/false depending on match of name & stack
- stack is optional for non-stacking buffs/debuffs simply let it blank or write PlayerBuff(name, nil)
- TargetBuff(name [, stack]) - same as PlayerBuff just for your actual target
- TargetHP() - returns the HP% of your actual target
- TalentGroup() - returns integer of actual talentgroup (first spec = 1, second = 2)
- PlayerStance() - returns integer of actual stance/aura/shapeshift form
icon controls
- GrayscaleOn() - force the icon to be desaturated
- GrayscaleOff() - force the icon to be saturated
- ResetGrayscale() - reset any grayscale force
- RangeOn() - force the icon to behave like target is out of range
- RangeOff() - force the icon to behave like target is in range
- ResetRange() - reset any range force
- [NYFI]SetColor(r,g,b,a) - Colors the icon in RGBA - either all between 0 and 1 or 0 and 255 (one above 1 -> all are measured at 255)
- not forcing currently (use with GrayscaleOff & RangeOff to force currently)
- ResetColor() - resets forced color
- Hide() - Hide the icon
- Show() - Shows the icon - use this if you used Hide() in the other "case of if" to show the icon again properly.