Simple addon that tracks your crititical hits, heals, etc. Doesn't try to discriminate based on target afflictions or player buffs, so in the fights that buff your damage a thousandfold somehow, you'll break all your records.
It includes a small LDB display listing your abilities and the current record for each. Whenever you break a record, a message is also printed to your chat frame. CritSpit includes a simple slash command for outputting your records to any chat channel, like party or guild.
The project screenshot shows CritSpit as displayed through the Blockoland LDB display addon, but remember that it will work with any LDB display, including NinjaPanel, Fortress, TitanPanel, and so forth.
If you wish to request a feature or file a bug report, please use the ticket system on the CritSpit project page.
Thank you, and enjoy!
Anyway, to fix it go to lines:
24: (spellDamage) change the number '9' to a '10'.
25: (swingDamage) change number '6' to '7'.
Save and you are good to go.
Just read that, sorry. So if you can add the splash message, it would be perfect in my eyes...
Just some things I would like to see in it, I am looking to replace an older version of a similar mod.