Shows ZoneInfo on the World Map in a perfectly cromulent fashion.
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 brought in some big changes to how the world map works. As such, the functionality of Cromulent has changed for a while until ways of re-implementing the old functionality are found.
Zone information is now in the lower left corner of the map and is only shown once a zone has been clicked
Fishing information has been disabled while the LibTourist authors figure out what's happening with fishing
...\Cromulent\Libs\LibBabble-Zone-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:51: LibBabble-Zone-3.0: Translation "The Maelstrom" not found.
Count: 1
Call Stack:
...\Cromulent\Libs\LibBabble-Zone-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:25: in function <...\Cromulent\Libs\LibBabble-Zone-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:23>
...\Cromulent\Libs\LibBabble-Zone-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:51: in function <...\Cromulent\Libs\LibBabble-Zone-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:28>
...Ons\Cromulent\Libs\LibTourist-3.0\LibTourist-3.0.lua:1097: in main chunk
Count: 1
Call Stack:
[C]: ?
...Ons\Cromulent\Libs\LibTourist-3.0\LibTourist-3.0.lua:3452: in main chunk
Replace lines 32 and 33 in Cromulent.lua with:
text:SetFont(font, size+6, "OUTLINE")
text:SetPoint("TOP", WorldMapFrameAreaDescription, "BOTTOM", 0, 60)
Old code:
text:SetFont(font, size, "OUTLINE")
text:SetPoint("TOP", WorldMapFrameAreaDescription, "BOTTOM", 0, -5)
if (event == "WORLD_MAP_UPDATE") then
local miniWorldMap = GetCVar("miniWorldMap");
if (miniWorldMap == "0") then
-- full screen
elseif (miniWorldMap == "1") then
-- window
just an FYI this addon crashs on the beta server. next time i am on i will get the error code for you. i hope you plan to keep this going after 4.0.3 and Cata this is one great mod thanks
The latest Alpha seems to work just fine
ID: 10
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Cromulent\Cromulent.lua line 104:
attempt to call upvalue 'GetNumSkillLines' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
Swatter, v3.1.15 (<%codename%>)
WowheadLooter, v40003
NPCScan, v4.0.0.4
NPCScanOverlay, v4.0.0.2
Ace3, v
AckisRecipeList, v2.0.4
ACP, v3.3.8
Altoholic, v4.0.002
Atlas, v1.17.2
AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.17.2
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.17.2
AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.17.2
AtlasTransportation, v1.17.2
AtlasLoot, vv5.11.06
AtlasLootFu, vv5.11.06
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130
Bejeweled, v1.1b
BigBrother, v3.1.0
BonusScanner, v5.3.1
ChatAlert, v
Chinchilla, vv2.2.1
Configator, v5.1.DEV.278
Cromulent, vv1.5.2
CurseProfiler, v
DataStore, v4.0.001
DataStoreAchievements, v4.0.001
DataStoreAuctions, v4.0.001
DataStoreCharacters, v4.0.001
DataStoreContainers, v4.0.001
DataStoreCrafts, v4.0.001
DataStoreCurrencies, v4.0.001
DataStoreInventory, v4.0.001
DataStoreMails, v4.0.001
DataStorePets, v4.0.001
DataStoreQuests, v4.0.001
DataStoreReputations, v4.0.001
DataStoreSpells, v4.0.001
DataStoreStats, v4.0.001
DataStoreTalents, v4.0.001
DBMBurningCrusade, v
DBMCore, v
FloTotemBar, v
Gatherer, v3.1.15
GathererDBWowhead, v1.0.2009-12-09
GearScore, v3.1.20 - Release
Kennel, v3.2.0.12
LightHeaded, v315
Mapster, v1.3.11
Omen, v3.0.11
OneBag3, vv3.3.12
OneBank3, vv3.3.9
Outfitter, v5.0.1
RatingBuster, v
Recount, v
SlideBar, v3.1.15 (<%codename%>)
Stubby, v5.8.4723 (CreepyKangaroo)
Titan, v4.3.9.40000 - Revision 386
TitanBag, v4.3.9.40000
TitanClock, v4.3.9.40000
TitanCoords, v4.3.9.40000
TitanCurrency, v0.4
TitanDurability, v1.17
TitanEmote, v1.0.8.30300
TitanGoldTracker, v4.3.9.40000
TitanLogout, v1.3.0
TitanLootType, v4.3.9.40000
TitanMail, v3.03.
TitanPerformance, v4.3.9.40000
TitanRepair, v4.3.9.40000
TitanVolume, v4.3.9.40000
TitanWG, v1.1.8.30300
XPerl, v3.1.0 Beta 3
XPerlArcaneBar, v
XPerlParty, v
XPerlPartyPet, v
XPerlPlayer, v
XPerlPlayerBuffs, v
XPerlPlayerPet, v
XPerlRaidAdmin, v
XPerlRaidFrames, v
XPerlRaidPets, v
XPerlTarget, v
XPerlTargetTarget, v
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.0.1.40000 <us>
Here's a patch to get it working until the author makes an official update.
Open Cromulent.lua and go to line 104
Basically replace the use of removed GetNumSkillLines()/GetSkillLineInfo() functions with the new GetProfessions()/GetProfessionsInfo() functions.
I've attached my edited copy of the file for convenience sake.
Edited: Modified as per @daf2 fix for people w/o any fishing profession. He deleted his comment for some reason.
if minFish then
-- Find our current fishing rank
for i = 1, GetNumSkillLines() do
local skillName, _, _, skillRank = GetSkillLineInfo(i)
if skillName == fishingSpell then
local r, g, b = 1, 1, 0
local r1, g1, b1 = 1, 0, 0
if minFish < skillRank then
r1, g1, b1 = 0, 1, 0
fishingSkillText = string_format("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x[%d]|r", r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, fishingSpell, r1 * 255, g1 * 255, b1 * 255, minFish)
-- Break out of the loop after it has been found.
if not fishingSkillText then
minFish = nil
if minFish then
-- Find our current fishing rank
local _,_,_,Fishing = GetProfessions()
local _,_,FishingRank = GetProfessionInfo(Fishing)
local r, g, b = 1, 1, 0
local r1, g1, b1 = 1, 0, 0
if minFish < FishingRank then
r1, g1, b1 = 0, 1, 0
fishingSkillText = string_format("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x[%d]|r", r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, fishingSpell, r1 * 255, g1 * 255, b1 * 255, minFish)
if not fishingSkillText then
minFish = nil
new error for the the current build of Cromulent:
1x Cromulent-v1.5.2\Cromulent.lua:104: attempt to call upvalue 'GetNumSkillLines' (a nil value) (tail call): ?: <in C code>: ?
Locals: (*temporary) = 0.014000000432134 (*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
-Does it on opening the map