This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
CrowBar is an addon that pops up a button when you have a container in your inventory that can be opened.
Click the button to open the container. Once all containers are opened the button will go away.
Hold down the alt-key to drag the button around.
Rogues might want to check out my LockSmith addon to unlock boxes in a similar fashion.
Clams (already supported) and Geodes (Dragonsould gem containers) added in latest alpha.
Both are also locale independent now so should work for any language client.
It might not make release status until Ammo goes over my changes and rubber-stamps them (or does a better implementation) it is however available on the project side here:
The reason the description was short is because it got automatically parsed from the Notes: tag in the .toc, I've updated it with a proper description.
I guess text between greater than and less than symbols gets removed (HTML tags?). Anyway, this addon pops up a button that will open items that say "Right Click to Open"
What, like hitting [B] to open inventory? Binding a key to opening all bank bags? What?
Man, I don't care how popular a developer is...I've about had it with these nonsense descriptions that don't actually describe what the addon does. Sure, maybe 2 out of 10 people that read the description will understand. Curse needs to regulate addon pages better so that devs quit posting 6-word descriptions.
I'd really like to see this addon updated for those salvage boxes that litter my inventory ;-)
please add pet supply bags from the pet tamer and best of fable dailies ect.
thank you.
Ever thought of adding a blacklist option? So people can omit certain items they might carry on them and don't want opened?
Clams (already supported) and Geodes (Dragonsould gem containers) added in latest alpha.
Both are also locale independent now so should work for any language client.
It might not make release status until Ammo goes over my changes and rubber-stamps them (or does a better implementation) it is however available on the project side here:
for early testers (I've been running with it in 4.3 and had no issues)
Made a screenshot with both addons visible:
(lsncb = 'LockSmith and CrowBar' if you find the name suspicious)
Update the icon for the button to dynamically match the container to open.
What, like hitting [B] to open inventory? Binding a key to opening all bank bags? What?
Man, I don't care how popular a developer is...I've about had it with these nonsense descriptions that don't actually describe what the addon does. Sure, maybe 2 out of 10 people that read the description will understand. Curse needs to regulate addon pages better so that devs quit posting 6-word descriptions.
I do not act if open "Darkwater Clam"