Due to changes implemented in the 1.12->2.0 patch, the Mana Gem button is incapable of working as it used to. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible for the button to conjure the highest Mana Gem that isn't in your inventory, nor will it ever be possible again (unless Blizzard gives us a new way to do things). We are aware of, and apologize for, the inconvenience that this causes. We ask for your patience regarding this matter. Thank you.
Cryolysis will provide you a sphere and 9 buttons. The sphere will display relevant information and the outer buttons will provide quick access to all your magely desires.
More details?! Okay, here we go!
**Main Sphere**
Right click to open the configuration menu.
Left-click to activate one of the various options.
=> Eat and Drink (default)
=> Use Evocation
=> Cast Polymorph
=> Use Mana Gem
**Main Sphere Display** - You can set the main sphere to show any of these options
Food and Drink Quantities
Drink and Food Quantities (reverse order)
Current Health (Numeric)
Current Health (Percent)
Current Mana (Numeric)
Current Mana (Percent)
Mana Gem Cooldown
Evocation Cooldown
**Food Button**
Left-Click to eat.
Right-Click to conjure food.
=>If you are targetting a player, it will conjure food that they can eat.
Middle-click or Alt-click to trade one stack of food to your target.
=> Do it again to add another stack.
Food count can be displayed on button, or turned off.
**Water Button**
Left-Click to drink.
Right-Click to conjure water.
=>If you are targetting a player, it will conjure water that they can drink.
Middle-click or Alt-click to trade one stack of water to your target.
=> Do it again to add another stack.
Drink count can be displayed on button, or turned off.
**Mana Gem Button**
Left-click to use your mana gem
=> Configurable to use highest or lowest rank mana gem first
Right-click to conjure the highest rank gem that you do not have
Will not allow you to use your mana gem if you have full MP
Mana Gem cooldown displayable on button
**Evocation Button**
Click to use Evocation
Evocation cooldown displayable on button
**Two "Anything" Buttons**
Known as "left spell button" and "right spell button"
Configurable to cast any spell from the buff menu, as well as a few others
=>Left-click to cast primary spell (eg Ice Armor)
=>Right-click to cast alternate spell (eg Mage Armor)
**Spell Menu Button**
Click to show available spells
=> Left-click to the button cast primary spell, right-click to cast alternate
===> Includes Ice Armor (Mage Armor), Arcane Intellect (Arcane Brilliance), Dampen Magic (Amplify Magic)
===> Fire Ward (Frost Ward), Detect Magic, Remove Lesser Curse, and Slow Fall
Right-click to recast the last spell called from this menu
Middle-click or Alt-click to keep the menu from automatically closing
**Mount Button**
Automatically detects your mount when enabled
Right-click to use hearthstone
**Portal Menu Button**
Click to show available portal spells
=> Click the portal button to cast the appropriate message
Right-click to recast the last spell called from this menu
Middle-click or Alt-click to keep the menu from automatically closing
**Spelltimer Button**
Spell cooldowns and durations will appear on the right of this button (configurable)
Right-click the button to use your hearthstone
**** More functionalities ****
You can put the Cryolysis Sphere wherever you want
You can put the Cryolysis Buttons wherever you want
You can have your food and drink automatically sorted into full stacks into the bag of your choice, saving space and keeping your inventory organized
Option available to destroy excess provisions that will not fit into the bag
Automatically restock your reagents to the amount of your chosing (with or without a confirmation)
Show various information on the outer ring of the main sphere, including health, mana, and cooldowns
Clicking the main sphere can eat and/or drink, depending on the health or mana percentage you specify
Advanced warning, letting you know when polymorph is about to break and telling you when it does break
Random chat messages available for polymorph, portals, and mounting.
=>Polymorph message only shows when you are polymorphing a new target
=>All chat messages configurable to a short, raid-ready version
Show or remove any of the visible buttons
Show or remove cooldowns or reagent counts from any button
Option to automatically open/close the buff menu on mouse-over
Text-based timers available for lower-end machines
Timers can grow upward and be anchored from either side of the spelltimer button, to fit anywhere on your screen
Rotate the buttons around the sphere to fit your settings
Detact the buttons from the sphere and move them whereever you'd like.
All of your spell cooldowns and durations will be displayed on the spell timers.
It's thanks to your mod that made me change my UI up so much. Up until Cryolysis, I had been pretty much using the standard WoW stuff. I love not having to have so much JUNK on my screen! Mine is still not minimalist compared to some people's but it's functional. :)
And meh...I didn't like the Ace stuff much myself either 6 months or so ago. I thought it was crap and hated the idea of dependancies. Once I started using BigWigs/oRA as a replacement for CT_crap, I started to realize just how good Ace is and I started reading their site. (which is unavailable atm due to a server move!) I guess in a way I *have* become a bit of a fangrrl over the past few months!
Oh...and I haven't updated my compilation thing yet because I'm waiting to see if they put 1.12.1 in today. I'll update once the servers come back up. :p
@Lenny: You contridict yourself. You did take some code from Cryolysis and honestly it doesn't bother me anymore. Your mod is very good and has come a very long way from when I started Cryolysis and Arcanum looked like SacredBuff. If I was starting my mage now and hadn't created Cryolysis, I'd use Arcanum without a doubt.. I also recommend that anyone that does not like my menu interface try out Arcanum. It is a very good mod. I agree with you, there is no competition between us.
One thing that I try to keep true is that I made Cryolysis for myself, not anyone else.
@Aethra: I'll check out your UI when I get home. It's very clean, which is why I like it. Wall o' Buttons = Nothx. I've had some Ace mods and didn't like them though
I can't let you say lie like that, i must say Cryolysis Author took icons from Arcanum as well. But it doesn't matter for me, this is not a war. And as i already said i put the credit about your code in the French Description. Now evreything is gone, it only appeared in one version. I don't want to be the master of the Necrosis based addons. This is only an entertainment for me not a full time job. Cheers
I definately do notice a difference between Cryolysis and Necrosis. Cryo is more memory efficient. I've stopped using the timers with Necrosis as well and use Dotimers instead. I love them and wish they'd work with more mage spells (only work with poly atm)
As for my addons - Click my name! I spend more time playing w/ my UI than I do actually playing the game and I change it up often. If you just want to use the map, I use Simpleminimap...the ace'd version of course.
I will be updating my UI package tomorrow so if you want the full monty, you may want to wait til tomorrow as I've made a few changes.
(surprising! lol)
P.S. If you're not familiar with Ace/Ace2, I strongly suggest you check it out. I would LOVE to see this mod switched to Ace2 and if I had any idea how, I would help/do it myself. Ace is so efficient, it's insane. I have all mods running in a raid and I never go above 35mb or so of memory usage.
Aethra, what else is that in your UI :o I especially like your minimap
@ggeorgak: zomg two mods that do similar thing! Arcanum use to look like this and it is based off of this but I didn't like it so I made this and this and in addition, the creator of Arcanum has taken some code out of Cryolysis.
The "Memory Leak" is from the timer functions, as stated previously. I have not changed them at all from Necrosis but I have efficientalized the other code (the buttons were a problem too. It refreshed everyhing constantly). I'm hoping the necrosis creator will help me go over the timers again to make them more efficient, since the timer code is exceedingly complicated.. Turning them off will floor Cryolysis' memory usage.
What I noticed between Necrosis and Cryolysis was that Necrosis still create the timer table even when the timers are off. I've isolated this code within the OnUpdate so that if the timers are off, it won't recreate this table every time.
is at least known where the memory leak is present? my guess is that the onUpdate() functions re-uses that some variables that could be freed.
I've noticed the same problem as Urlryn. With Cryo turned off, my increasing memory rate is .1-1 or so. With it on full blast, it's 30-40+. It's really bad. x.x
I've been playing without the timers on for quite a while now and it has gone down but it's still much higher than I'd like it to be. Several times I've said to myself, "ok...I'm just gonna have to find a mod to replace Cryo." There nothing out there!
It's not just a Cryo problem - the same thing happens w/ Necrosis (I have a 57 lock) and Arcanum. It does go down a HAIR when you stop using graphical timers but it's still 30+.
I really wish there was a way for Dark & the author or Necrosis to get together and either Ace2 these mods to make them more efficient (I love Ace!11!!) or figure out how to do it another way. - Full Cryo - No Cryo :(
@Urlryn: You're telling me that your interface uses absolutely no memory at all? I find that hard to believe.
@celephais: Button menu
I'm loving this mod so far, but how do you configure which spells appear on the left and right spell buttons?
I have Darklyte....but the increasing rate is a concern
Spelltimers on = 20-40KiB/sec Garbage collection every 4+mins Spelltimers off = 5-12KiB/sec Garbage collection every 10-15mins Cryo Turned off = 0-5KiB/sec Garbage collection every 1-2hours
Just hoping to point it out ... so maybe you will happen across parts that maybe causing this issue while doing updates and patches! =)
Must be a messed up patch version on defcon o.O Tarynn needs to show up and fix everything :O She is fluent in German and English and uses the German client
First of all great mod, I guess it took you hell of a time and work!
But I have trouble configuring my anything buttons. They're set to manashield and fireprotection and I can't find a way to change that.
Also, the remove lesser curse button is missing in the buff menue (or will it only show up when there IS something to remove) and the mount button won't show up?
I'm on the german client using the patch from defcon.
Thanks in advance!
Wonderful mod - I can't manage without it now, thankyou!
@Urlryn: Turn off the spelltimers
How difficult would it be to make poly messages show up in battlegrounds? Is it something I could change myself without knowing any programming stuff?
First off want ot say i really enjoy this keep up the work!
Secondly this consistant 20-40KiB/s average increasing rate is really affecting game play. Normally I have 0-5KiB/sec. Once turning off ALL the spelltimers it drops back down to 5-12KiB/sec on average. Typically it is bad to have this high of a memory increasing rate since it causes garbage collection to happen quite often. When LUA does a garbage collection it tends to cause an fps hiccup and even a short freeze on slower systems.
From what i've been told and have researched...this is typically caused by local tables, strings, and functions that are either really large, created and destroyed too often, or a mix of both.
Is there anything that can be done to drop this from the very high rate to something a bit more managable? =)
Please e-mail me any corrections
I've found some corrections to make in french localization in order to food and drink counts to work. First, in localization-functions-fr.lua, remove the space before each entry of CRYOLYSIS_FOOD_RANK, CRYOLYSIS_DRINK_RANK (and i guess before STONE_RANK will be necessary too) : " Eau.." -> "Eau.." etc... Second, in cryolysis.lua, for each line like this : CRYOLYSIS_DRINK_RANK[StoneMaxRank[3]]..CRYOLYSIS_ITEM.Provision change it like this : CRYOLYSIS_DRINK_RANK[StoneMaxRank[3]]..CRYOLYSIS_ITEM.Provision.."e" (line 2493,3214,3225...).
Thank you for this addon, and excuse my poor english !