Due to changes implemented in the 1.12->2.0 patch, the Mana Gem button is incapable of working as it used to. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible for the button to conjure the highest Mana Gem that isn't in your inventory, nor will it ever be possible again (unless Blizzard gives us a new way to do things). We are aware of, and apologize for, the inconvenience that this causes. We ask for your patience regarding this matter. Thank you.
Cryolysis will provide you a sphere and 9 buttons. The sphere will display relevant information and the outer buttons will provide quick access to all your magely desires.
More details?! Okay, here we go!
**Main Sphere**
Right click to open the configuration menu.
Left-click to activate one of the various options.
=> Eat and Drink (default)
=> Use Evocation
=> Cast Polymorph
=> Use Mana Gem
**Main Sphere Display** - You can set the main sphere to show any of these options
Food and Drink Quantities
Drink and Food Quantities (reverse order)
Current Health (Numeric)
Current Health (Percent)
Current Mana (Numeric)
Current Mana (Percent)
Mana Gem Cooldown
Evocation Cooldown
**Food Button**
Left-Click to eat.
Right-Click to conjure food.
=>If you are targetting a player, it will conjure food that they can eat.
Middle-click or Alt-click to trade one stack of food to your target.
=> Do it again to add another stack.
Food count can be displayed on button, or turned off.
**Water Button**
Left-Click to drink.
Right-Click to conjure water.
=>If you are targetting a player, it will conjure water that they can drink.
Middle-click or Alt-click to trade one stack of water to your target.
=> Do it again to add another stack.
Drink count can be displayed on button, or turned off.
**Mana Gem Button**
Left-click to use your mana gem
=> Configurable to use highest or lowest rank mana gem first
Right-click to conjure the highest rank gem that you do not have
Will not allow you to use your mana gem if you have full MP
Mana Gem cooldown displayable on button
**Evocation Button**
Click to use Evocation
Evocation cooldown displayable on button
**Two "Anything" Buttons**
Known as "left spell button" and "right spell button"
Configurable to cast any spell from the buff menu, as well as a few others
=>Left-click to cast primary spell (eg Ice Armor)
=>Right-click to cast alternate spell (eg Mage Armor)
**Spell Menu Button**
Click to show available spells
=> Left-click to the button cast primary spell, right-click to cast alternate
===> Includes Ice Armor (Mage Armor), Arcane Intellect (Arcane Brilliance), Dampen Magic (Amplify Magic)
===> Fire Ward (Frost Ward), Detect Magic, Remove Lesser Curse, and Slow Fall
Right-click to recast the last spell called from this menu
Middle-click or Alt-click to keep the menu from automatically closing
**Mount Button**
Automatically detects your mount when enabled
Right-click to use hearthstone
**Portal Menu Button**
Click to show available portal spells
=> Click the portal button to cast the appropriate message
Right-click to recast the last spell called from this menu
Middle-click or Alt-click to keep the menu from automatically closing
**Spelltimer Button**
Spell cooldowns and durations will appear on the right of this button (configurable)
Right-click the button to use your hearthstone
**** More functionalities ****
You can put the Cryolysis Sphere wherever you want
You can put the Cryolysis Buttons wherever you want
You can have your food and drink automatically sorted into full stacks into the bag of your choice, saving space and keeping your inventory organized
Option available to destroy excess provisions that will not fit into the bag
Automatically restock your reagents to the amount of your chosing (with or without a confirmation)
Show various information on the outer ring of the main sphere, including health, mana, and cooldowns
Clicking the main sphere can eat and/or drink, depending on the health or mana percentage you specify
Advanced warning, letting you know when polymorph is about to break and telling you when it does break
Random chat messages available for polymorph, portals, and mounting.
=>Polymorph message only shows when you are polymorphing a new target
=>All chat messages configurable to a short, raid-ready version
Show or remove any of the visible buttons
Show or remove cooldowns or reagent counts from any button
Option to automatically open/close the buff menu on mouse-over
Text-based timers available for lower-end machines
Timers can grow upward and be anchored from either side of the spelltimer button, to fit anywhere on your screen
Rotate the buttons around the sphere to fit your settings
Detact the buttons from the sphere and move them whereever you'd like.
All of your spell cooldowns and durations will be displayed on the spell timers.
Lomig, There are not enough words to express thank to you for doing this.
I am so glad to see you back on the boards, it will make so many mages happy.
Thank you so much.
Horde only? Yeah it doesn't seem to be working at all for my Alliance mage :(
Going back to 2.1.54
Fixed portals and new water to work, only problem is its horde only :( sorry ally mages. I basically added 4 new ports and in process had to overwrite the position of existance ally ports in the array, its wierd I spent an hour plugging #'s int o get position right.
LvL 67 atm, will get 68 and will try to get mana emerald working but by the looks of it its extremely complicated :(
The error on line 3093 is because portals were not added to xml file. I added part of code the mod and I got it to show all portals (new ones included) but 2 of the buttons arent clicable for some reason and as a result it offsets by 2 and button vs spell cast gets mixed up. Before it was 4 uncliable buttons, but I updated 1 array from 1 to 12 to 1 to 16 and it fixed that problem.
Having worked on mana emerald yet, when I get that implemented hopefuly and fix portals ill upload the bug free version.
Known Bugs:
--Water and Food do not update after trading and after using the last one of either (going from 1 food or water to 0). --Syntax problem with the portal names at lines 248 - 250: missing commas at the end of several lines. --When aboved mentioned syntax is fixed, nil value errors present starting on line 3093. --No button for Molten Armor (Shift+Click Mage/Ice Armor Button?) --Clicking the middle sphere does not seem to work for drinking the new rank of water (unconfirmed: tested with a lot of code commented out). --New rank of water appears to be missing it's graphic (unconfirmed: tested with a lot of code commented out). --Steed is sometimes missing it's graphic until clicked (unconfirmed).
Hope this helps you Lomig, I'll update it as more people post new bugs.
-Jim- aka Paene (Scilla-US)
I have so many bug messages at start that it became unusable...
I just put the 2.1.54 version back...
1) Portals and Water is kewl but i would like to ask you to add Molten Armor spell on button with Ice and Mage ones.
2) I also have bugs with 3093 line.
3) I have programming exp and can debug few things but i dont know how it all works and its really hard to fix any errors more complicated than just syntax...
THANK YOU soo much for working on this addon guys, awesome of you to keep it alive!
I found 2 minor bugs:
If i make 20 water or food and trade them to another player, the food/water button greyes out correctly, but the number 20 is still there. Also the steed button will sometimes appear as a green square until i click it.
again: thank you so much guys!
Okay ive downloaded 2.1.55 and i will recive lots of erros :(
But big thanks to you Lomig!!, i will wait to get back one of my needest mage addons^^
I am lvl62 horde Lenwels so its happening to both sides.
1) I still need to conjure mana stones with one button by right click like Arcanum addon :( /cry
2) Portal menu dont close after I click a portal spell. I need to close it after teleport done
mate, if you can fix these, The addon will be A+. ofc if you have time. ty
After doing some more debugging, it seems like there may be a bad reference to the spell table (I'm not 100% sure, as I don't know exactly how all the code works). I commented out every line that was giving me a problem, and eventually got to a near working version, but the portal menu was only showing portals and was giving me a button for portal to Orgrimmar. I play Alliance. Also, XtroTheArctic's comment makes me think that it was working for him. If that's so, then it may be an alliance side only problem. That would further suggest a problem with the spell table references for the portals.
Anyway, I have a partially working Cryolysis (only the portals aren't working properly). I'll leave it up to Lomig or someone else to fix the problems.
-Jim- aka Paene (Scilla-US)
Again, I really appreciate the good work and am sure you will have the kinks worked out in no time
I looked at your code where the error pointed to and immediately found the problem. It's a simple syntax error in which you forgot some commas after adding the new portal names. I fixed that problem and reloaded my UI to see if it worked. Unfortunately, I ran into an error on line 3093. Attempt to index local "menuVariable" (a nil value). I commented this line out and received the same errors on other lines that referenced menuVariable. Some of these other lines were 3260, 3261, and 3270. I stopped after that, since constantly reloading was getting annoying. I hope this information helps, feel free to contact me on AIM if needed.
-Jim- aka Paene (Scilla-US)
Lomig, i cant put in words how much I apreciate your work on this mod and how much me and all mages LOVE this mod, cant live without it. ANy suport you need you got it! Much love and Infinity Kudos! ~Natas
Thanks for the update Lomig. Your continued support for this mod is really appreciated.
Well, now that I have the rights back, I'll try.
Of course I need calm and quiet report of bugs - Without forgetting that I do not play mage.
Ok, trying to update this damned mod...
ToC updated
I fixed the 820 line error.
I tried to add portals, mana stone and drink in english
I will need the exact spelling of spells, items regarding manastones, portals and drinks in de and fr.
If I find the strength, I will one day fork again my Necrosis in a new tidy and clever Cryolysis.
Your work is much appreciated. Since I stumbled on this mod, I can't live without it. Those first few weeks after 2.0 were hell without it.
Anyway, I hit lvl 65 tonight and got my new rank of conjure water. This broke Cryolysis. So, in a panic I find this update (it had just gone up).
It's not working.
At all actually. All I get is the orb with a pink instead of blue ring and the Fear icon.
EDIT: Specifically it says the error is with line 250, expecting a mark on line 248. My only programming or coding experience is a few years old and I don't know this addon. I hope that this helps some though.
And when I mouse over it, it says an error on line 2.