Dark Souls Death Screen
Dark Souls Death Screen emulates the "YOU DIED" death screen of Dark Souls to make every death in WoW a little more soul-crushing.
- /dsds on/off: Enables/disables the death screen.
- /dsds version [1/2]: Cycles through animation versions (eg. Dark Souls 1/Dark Souls 2). Sets to specified version if an argument is supplied.
- /dsds sound [on/off]: Enables/disables the death screen sound. Toggles if passed no argument.
- /dsds tex [path\to\custom\texture]: Toggles between the "YOU DIED" and "THANKS OBAMA" textures. If passed an argument, it will try to use the specified texture instead. Note: custom textures need to have dimensions that are a power of 2 (eg, 512x256). The path to the custom texture is relative to your base WoW directory so it should look something like: (notice the double backslashes)
- /dsds test [bonfire]: Shows the death splash screen as if you had died. Displays the bonfire animation if 'bonfire' is passed.
Bug in WW pls update
I added suppor for 9.1.5.
I try to continue support of this mod.
Can this be made to work for Classic?
In reply to Rodyer:
Thank you Rodyer, with this .txt finally work
Thank you Rodyer, with this finally work, but only the version 1. The version 2 still appear at the bottom.
Doesnt work, sends me a lua error for the animation but the sound plays fine even though I told it to not play the sound.
it shows at the bottom of my screen x.x any1 know a fix?
GTA death screen would be pretty nice too, displaying WASTED everytime you die
Here's how to fix the AddOn for 7.0.3:
Lines 158, 161 and 165:
replace SetTexture with SetColorTexture
In 7.0 SetTexture is only for texture files and SetColorTexture is for solid color. Don't replace the other SetTexture methods, since they are correctly setting texture files.
Then find every SetChange (there are a total of 6, 3 for fadeins and 3 for fadeouts) and replace them as follows:
If it's a fadein, such as
then change it to
Of course use the same variable.
If it's a fadeout, such as
then change it to
where BONFIRE_TEXT_END_ALPHA is the variable used in the previous fadein
With these changes it seems to work correctly, but I might've missed something.
All I've gotten was the black bar and no text. It wouldn't even go away. Would it be possible to post your fix on a pastebin somewhere or is that against the rules?
I think you replaced a wrong SetTexture, since the text uses a texture file, which is set by the normal SetTexture.
In any case, here is the fix on pastebin:
Can confirm that this fix is working.
Hoping to see this mod back in action! :)
No longer working as of 7.0.3. The sound plays but the graphic does not. Does anyone know of a quick fix?
got it nearly fixed, only the black bar is still not showing properly (not at all).
I will post the neccessary changes as soon as I have finished them all