This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
This wonderfull addon still works fine! If you do not want to check "load out of date addons", you can edit the file: DeclineDuel.toc with a text editor and the only thing you have to change is the first line so it will show: ## Interface: 40100 That should help!
I love this addon.. With the new patch 3.10, I was wondering if it's going to updated. This is one of the best addons I've found.
I was in tanaris a couple weeks ago and this guy sent a duel request, DD declined the duel and so he asked again.. He kept asking for a duel, over and over. Finaly I yelled "Don't you get the hint!". he stopped asking and a min later someone yelled back "no he doesn't get the hint. He's been anoying everyone down here all day!" Awesome addon.. 5 Stars!!
It still works even in patch 3.2.
Just check the "Load out of date" or edit the .toc file with a text editor (like notepad) for the line:
## Interface: 30200
(instead of 30100)
I love this add on.. A guy wanted to duel and it took care of it.. he kept up trying to duel me and it kept telling him no. Finally I have to say in open chat "do you not get the hint". He stopped asking.. Awesome add on..
In case this ever gets updated, how about an option not to actually decline the duel, but just send the message and hide the request frame, that prevents the dueler to just re-duel you or annoy other people in the area for a while, until the game auto-rejects the duel request (dunno how long that is, because I've been using DD since forever :D )
It's kinda like chastising a dog when he pees on the carpet again ;)
If you do not want to check "load out of date addons", you can edit the file:
with a text editor and the only thing you have to change is the first line so it will show:
## Interface: 40100
That should help!
I was in tanaris a couple weeks ago and this guy sent a duel request, DD declined the duel and so he asked again.. He kept asking for a duel, over and over. Finaly I yelled "Don't you get the hint!". he stopped asking and a min later someone yelled back "no he doesn't get the hint. He's been anoying everyone down here all day!" Awesome addon.. 5 Stars!!
Just check the "Load out of date" or edit the .toc file with a text editor (like notepad) for the line:
## Interface: 30200
(instead of 30100)
It's kinda like chastising a dog when he pees on the carpet again ;)
On a PVE server it's nice if you don't have a pvp or battle class.