Decursive for World of Warcraft
Decursive is a cleansing mod intended to make affliction removal easy, effective and fun for all the classes having this ability.
NOTE: Type /DECURSIVE to open the configuration panel. Decursive's options are not directly available in the "Interface" panel due to ongoing tainting issues Blizzard is not willing to fix.
Decursive usage - Micro Unit Frames documentation - Decursive Macro documentation - Frequently Asked Questions - commands
Decursive key benefits
Ease of use:
- Decursive supports all classes with cleansing abilities and configures itself automatically, it works straight out of the box, no configuration is required.
- Intuitive interface and detailed options, Decursive is suitable for simple usage and power users.
Control what and who you want to dispel:
- Easily Filter out afflictions you don't want to cure or that are useless to remove by class (some are pre-configured). (Such as afflictions affecting mana on non-mana classes, etc...).
- Choose between what you can dispel (magic, curses, poison, diseases, charms) choosing their priority. (this allows you to share the cleansing work with other players effectively)
- Prioritize or exclude members. (keep players, classes, or raid groups in a specific order to cleanse them in order of importance)
Manage Mind controlled units:
- If you are a Mage, a Druid or a Shaman you can Polymorph/Cyclone/Hex mind-controlled players.
- In any case Decursive will allow you to target mind controlled units easily.
- Decursive supports magic charming affect removal for Shamans (Purge and Hex), Priests (Dispel Magic), Hunters (Tranquilizing Shot), and Warlocks (Fellhunter and Doomguards spells).
Don't waste time:
- Your cleansing spell Cooldown is displayed to maximize your dispel speed.
- An automatic blacklist will prevent you from loosing time on players who can't be dispelled. (player 'out of line of sight' for example).
- Decursive choose a logical cleansing order depending on your current position in the raid. (preventing dispel concurrence between players and thus 'nothing to dispel' messages)
React faster:
- Visual and/or auditive alerts when someone needs your attention and can be dispelled.
- Special sound alert when Unstable Affliction is detected and you're about to dispel it.
- Visual and auditive alert when your dispel attempts are resisted or fail.
Integration in any interface:
- Decursive is designed to save screen real estate and to be forgotten when not needed.
- Many options allow you to customize Decursive appearance and interface behavior.
- All Decursive alert colors can be modified making it suitable for color-blind people.
Highly optimized and effective coding:
- Decursive was developed with memory and CPU usage in mind, installing Decursive won't affect your frame rate even in the worst battle conditions.
- Bug free: bugs are not tolerated in Decursive.
In brief, what you get with Decursive is effectiveness, a player using Decursive will always dispel faster than other players.
See also:
- Decursive usage
- Micro Unit Frames documentation
- Decursive Macro documentation
- Frequently Asked Questions try this before asking any question
- commands
Interesting articles and videos about Decursive's usage:
- 2010-11-20 (Updated in 2011-06-11)
A complete Decursive guide by @darista:
- 2009-07-15
- 2010-02-20:
Video: WarcraftScience's Decursive tutorial
For other videos about Decursive, see the YouTube playlist.
Decursive is dedicated to the memory of Bertrand Sense known as Glorfindal on the European server Les Sentinelles. He was the raid leader of my guild (Horizon)
For suggestions, feature request, or bug report, use the ticket system provided by
Development versions of Decursive are available at this URI: ; note that development versions may be unstable. Unless you want to help testing unstable code you should download the versions considered stable below.
Do not forget to rate Decursive!
Bitcoin donation address: 1LEHZuPsiHN4hM3H3Gru5xKmDgCj867eFX
new beta available:
Decursive by Archarodim
Changes from Decursive to Decursive
- When you hide the buttons, the 'Decursive' frame is locked so you can't move it by accident. - When Decursive dispels someone, the text displayed is shorter. - Small changes in the German localization.
My shaman is experiencing a lot of frame rate delay when using decursive but only during certain boss encounters. During the Bug Trio fight in AQ40, Chromag in BWL, and in a couple other spots when I hit my decursive cleanse button I get a lot of frame rate chop, seems to be from the mod scanning the raid or something. Only happens during those fights though, I experience no problems at any other time or during trash mobs that spam poisons across the raid (such as the trash before Huhuran, or the snakes in ZG). Not sure what the issue is, but during fights that require spam cleansing this causes my framerate to nearly stop completely.
I'm so glad someone continued Decursive because it started to annoy me! ;) I have one little suggestion. Pls include an option to expand the list of people to cure upwards instead the current display under the decursive "Frame". :)
"I think this is a strange way of using Decursive to not show the live-list (you don't know when there is someone to cure). You must be bashing your hotkey... "
Yes I do know when there is someone to cure. CT_RaidAssist or the Blizzard Raid UI will show me. I do not need an additional window that adds to the clutter of my already extensive button bars and add-on windows.
"Well I use the hotkey too but Decursive's interface allows me to know WHEN there is something to do... then I just have to press the hotkey"
For that I use CT_RaidAssist
I think this is a strange way of using Decursive to not show the live-list (you don't know when there is someone to cure). You must be bashing your hotkey...
"" I have no desire to use a click-to-decurse interface as I much prefer the hotkey. Is there any way I can get the window just to be hidden on logins? ""
Well I use the hotkey too but Decursive's interface allows me to know WHEN there is something to do... then I just have to press the hotkey.
Decursive remembers if youçe closed its window between logins, there must be something wrong with your savedvariables. Delete all the files called "Decursive.lua" in your WTF folder. It should solve your problem.
that wasn't what I wanted to know.
Old versions of decursive just ran in the background and didn't have any kind of GUI or display on the HUD. I want to be rid of the decursive window without losing the functionality of the decursive hot-key I have assigned, however the new decursive will not remember that I've closed it's window over logins.
I have no desire to use a click-to-decurse interface as I much prefer the hotkey. Is there any way I can get the window just to be hidden on logins?
Thx for the fix, it works now!
Could you add a way to lock the interface down so you cant move it? This would be really helpful during pvp.
Any way to get decursive to remember that I've closed the window with "Decursive" and the 4 buttons every time I log in? It's really annoying having to close this window that I don't use every time I log in on characters.
This (should) be fixed in
The fix is still not working for me...I still get the error message:"impossible to decurse now!" in Shadowform. Plz help!
Thanks for the hint... but now I already cleared up my interface a little bit, so now I have to additional slots free for the curring-spells. ;)
this is fix in
This addon does not allow me to dispell magic in Shadowform. I get the Impossible to decurse now! message
I don't have a curring spell in my Action Bars, just using the Decursive-Macro.
Is there a way to get rid of this error message that pops up every time I log in?