Deus Vox Encounters
Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) is a boss mod inspired by RDX. It is designed to be functional, efficient, and customizable, so you can change what you want and how you see this addon.
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Click here to donate to Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) your contribution will really help developing the addon.
- Automated: Activation, starting, and stopping of encounters is automatic
- Flexible alert system:
- Customizable timer bars
- Color
- Texture
- Font
- Width
- Spell icons
- And more...!
- Customizable full screen flashes
- Duration
- Transparency
- Oscillations
- Color
- Customizable sounds: Packaged with 18 distinct ones
- All alerts can be adjusted for all encounters
- Audio countdowns can be activated for certain encounter alerts
- Customizable timer bars
- Raid Icons: Marking on important events with an icon of your choosing
- 3D Arrow: Directional arrows tells you where to go on important events
- Two types:
- Away: Directs you to run from a player or a location
- Toward: Directs you to run to a player or a location
- Ability to play a sound when shown
- Displays your distance, to a player or location, in game yards
- Two types:
- Encounter Pane
- Boss health tracking gives you more awareness of fights
- Engage timer tells you how long you've been fighting
- Shortcut buttons provides easier access to common commands
- Conditions to show the pane only when you want to
- Version Check: View addon and encounter versions of raid members
- Distribution System: Allows you to send encounters to the raid or individual players
- Profile System: Switch settings between your characters
- Modular Design: Encounters are loaded in appropriate zones
- SharedMedia support
Getting Started
When you first login with this AddOn you will see a black transparent rectangle with a blue bar labeled 'Default', called the encounter pane, in the center of your screen. Shift+Click on it to move it. From left to right you will see:
- Stop Icon: Halts the current encounter (you should rarely have to do this)
- Menu Icon: Opens the configuration dialog
- Lock Icon: Toggles frame anchors
- Windows Icon: Opens a drop down menu to show interface windows
Also, if you ever hide the pane and can't get it to show, type /dxe to open the configuration dialog. There is also a minimap icon.
Warlords of Draenor Update
- Encounters: Highmaul, BlackRock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel have been implemented.
- Party Module: Party support has been added.
- World Boss Module: World Bosses support has been added.
- Features: More new Alert Options and Spell descriptions on Options.
Implemented Encounters
- Highmaul: All bosses
- BlackRock Foundry: All bosses
- Hellfire Citadel: All bosses
- Warlords of Draenor Party: All bosses
- World Boss: All bosses
Please visit the localization page to translate in-game phrases. It is open to anyone with an account. The most important phrases are the chat triggers for bosses, because they start encounters. However, not all encounters are started by chat triggers. The rest of the phrases are for display purposes. The following languages need a maintainer:
- Korean (koKR)
- Russian (ruRU)
- Simplified Chinese (zhCN)
- Spanish (esES)
- Traditional Chinese (zhTW)
- Brazilian Portuguese (ptBR)
- Latin American Spanish (esMX)
- Code/Inspiration - RDX, BigWigs, DBM
- Coding and Testing - Mäev
- Pane Buttons - Kassay
- Translations - Pettigrow (frFR), Junkie/Fearendon (deDE), horws (ruRU), and everyone else
If somebody wants some logs from different fights you can check out my homepage I can´t say if they are of the highest quality but i hope they will be to some help!
will also try to get some more logs from BWD tomorrow!
fikasz - nfc, there hasn't been an official word on it being dropped, ect. I like the addon, alot, and as such am choosing to keep it alive for myself and my guild as it were and seeing people requesting stuff here I thought it made sense to release what I had to other people who liked it as much as I did.
Tealta - feud happens every 3rd, usually massacre. for some reason he sometimes does the first feud after the 2nd massacre. I didn't really pay that much attention to make sure it is a consistent 3x massacre after the first feud, its close enough and you get a nice 13s grace period at the beginning of feud so I didn't find it terribly necessary.
I can see that there are some updates comming from separate developers. Does it mean that Authors have abandoned the project. I have just moved to DXE in the end of WOTK and it is a pitty that it doesnt seam to be continued. If Shuang is doing all the updates now does it mean he will take over the project?
fixed a bit timers after the raid. seems on Chimaeron Feud cd timer sometimes wrong, have to research more through my logs.
But the thing is, in my case, even when the encounters are written well, DXE still buggs. On one fight every timers and warnings work and the other time, they start working in the middle of the fight (like valiona & theralion, which should work always, ascendant council waterlogged debuff, fixate on omnitron). The conclave timers and warnings arent working at all.
all that in 25manMalandris - as for most of the council (I'm guess ascendant?) timers I'm using wowhead spell cooldown data for most of those timers at the moment, and I haven't taken the time to check if they are terribly accurate =/
Bad news: There probably won't be much updates going out unless someone has a specific bug / log file to show me in relation to it. I'm working on some code to parse the transcriptor files and dump out 'relevant' details for me to work with... instead of wading through 10 megs of text file a night.
Good news: Once I get the parser working it should be very much so easier for me to get the data needed to make the encounter files, so /yay
I noticed a few people saying they have some transcriptor logs a few pages back, if you have please upload them somewhere for all to see.
It seems that the CDs on council just aren't lining up for me. It may be something I have changed on my end personally. But just checking if anyone else is having issues with the timers for them.
WOW - I fail. sorry, fix'd the upload, lol.
As for Valiona... I haven't touched that fight, its just what the official authors have distributed. I don't actually watch any of the timers for that fight... I just stand not in the insanely obvious ground effects, since I'm melee/tank.
If you have a transcriptor log and a list of the problems you are seeing I can try fixing it though!
You gave bwd instead of bot encouters :p.
edit: halfus 25 hc, timers and warnings worked great, but on valiona, some worked some didnt. I wonder whats causing that.
Found / fix'd a few ascendant council errors too.
Didn't tested mine for BWD, think will do today in 25 man, but as it worked on Atramedes (tested previous week), think will work on others too. If Shuang's not working for you, try mine, or if missing some timers/options. Nefarian and Maloriak not implemented. Heroic - only Magmaw based on BigWigs.
Just replace Interface\AddOns\DXE_Descent\Encounters.lua with this one if want to try.
1st - bump to 513, fixed what appears to have been a bug where special characters like '#5#' weren't being parsed for the say announcements.
2nd - encounter updates
Atramedes - fixed bug from changing multifriendly to friendly for tracking mark. (tested working on 10s normal for all timers)
Omnitron - most of it doesn't work on heroic 10s, everything but poison bombs seems to work on normal 10s.
I'll look into the comments soon, although I have made a couple of random updates which I didn't keep track off.
That said, I made a few somewhat major changes, and at least one isn't back compatible so... I'm uploading our current 'working version' of DXE, and unofficial 512 release.
Points: - bump # of health watcher up to 5 (non-backwards compatible, and used for AC + Halfus)
- allows left click of health watcher to do a '/targetexact <name>' for the unit. It appears to work so far at least, but it (ofc) requires use of secure frames so if the plates aren't up before combat starts you are sol on targetting
- added map data - all but throne was taken form LibMapData, for a more accurate range finder
- expanded bandage list for range finder 18 yard check
- added pair proximity window - compares all pairs of players in raid and displays who is withing the threshold distance of other players... a work in progress
- min range for range finders, ie - must be > min range < range to trigger, useful for reducing # of entries on fights where you group up in tight clumps... also a work in progress.
Hey, I've been on alt 10man bwd with pug today. On omnitron fight, the warning and announces weren't working at all, which is strange because:
seems correct. I've even added:
but still doesn't work. Anyone know if this should work, or why it isn't working ?
Just a note on your fireball barrage changes, you changed the scorching breath warnings etc to fireball warnings.
You also have fireballwarn alert in twice once for scorching breath and once for fireball barrage
Depending on what council you mean the answer is... kinda.
I originally only had glaciate for the ascendant council, but I have been trying to build on it... but as I think I said before, I've only pulled them that first night when I first started mucking with DXE and a couple of times since (yay for low levels of wiping). I'm going to be killing them again this week and should be able to test out a few more of the timers. For the golemn council / omnitron, I, honestly hadn't added any timers at first but some people in guild wanted timers... so I tried building some in.
Unfortunately, this was all built under the premise of using it in guild until or in augmentation of whatever the official DXE release turned out to be. I'm, sadly, not surprised ya'll are seeing quite a few errors =/
Updates: Al'Akir encounter - acid rain still isn't working but doesn't trigger errors at least, wind burst CD should not work for 25s as well as tens, added lightning strike CD that *may* work... didn't get to test.
Halfus Wyrmbreaker - added a warning for fireball barrage (untested thanks to the mia tank /sadface), added storm rider, nether scion and timewarden to tracing. There is a 4 NPC tracing limit, that I'm trying to increase to 5, so it won't trace the Slate Dragon at the moment... probably.
Council - went through and tried to make sure everything was hooked up, hardenskincd wasn't being triggered, I also added per difficulty amounts for hardenskin and aegis... along with fixing the spell id mix up. Removed aegis duration ( it wasn't hooked up and did nothing since aegis running its full duration was a wipe), hooked aegiscd back up... its not very accurate though =/ Added per difficulty #s for aegis absorb amount.. (ps - no clue if these even work) I only saw 2 spells on wowhead though... so no clue if its remotely accurate for heroics.
Good luck!
ps - I despise how wikis require double line break to actually sperate anything :(
Shuang, it seemed tonight on Council a lot of the CD dropdowns weren't showing up for some. I may be entirely mistaken or not.
Have you tested them on council?
I hope they didnt decide to end development. DXE is like my swiss army knife for wow. One of the best and most useful features of DXE was the bars all had different colors. Made it ALOT easier to look at a glance at timers and notice what one i really needed to focus on. Its ease of use and setting up was great, and to be able to config every timer for every encounter was great, plus you can test each one out too. I check to see if been updated like 4 times a day lol. It nice to see that others making there own encounters for DXE rather to use another boss mod with encounters already, show how much others like DXE.
@Lyntz Please show me where its stated they have "decided to end the development" cuz i have never read that anywhere.
And for you people that make you´r own encounter big thanks for the work =)