Deus Vox Encounters
Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) is a boss mod inspired by RDX. It is designed to be functional, efficient, and customizable, so you can change what you want and how you see this addon.
I would like to donate
Click here to donate to Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) your contribution will really help developing the addon.
- Automated: Activation, starting, and stopping of encounters is automatic
- Flexible alert system:
- Customizable timer bars
- Color
- Texture
- Font
- Width
- Spell icons
- And more...!
- Customizable full screen flashes
- Duration
- Transparency
- Oscillations
- Color
- Customizable sounds: Packaged with 18 distinct ones
- All alerts can be adjusted for all encounters
- Audio countdowns can be activated for certain encounter alerts
- Customizable timer bars
- Raid Icons: Marking on important events with an icon of your choosing
- 3D Arrow: Directional arrows tells you where to go on important events
- Two types:
- Away: Directs you to run from a player or a location
- Toward: Directs you to run to a player or a location
- Ability to play a sound when shown
- Displays your distance, to a player or location, in game yards
- Two types:
- Encounter Pane
- Boss health tracking gives you more awareness of fights
- Engage timer tells you how long you've been fighting
- Shortcut buttons provides easier access to common commands
- Conditions to show the pane only when you want to
- Version Check: View addon and encounter versions of raid members
- Distribution System: Allows you to send encounters to the raid or individual players
- Profile System: Switch settings between your characters
- Modular Design: Encounters are loaded in appropriate zones
- SharedMedia support
Getting Started
When you first login with this AddOn you will see a black transparent rectangle with a blue bar labeled 'Default', called the encounter pane, in the center of your screen. Shift+Click on it to move it. From left to right you will see:
- Stop Icon: Halts the current encounter (you should rarely have to do this)
- Menu Icon: Opens the configuration dialog
- Lock Icon: Toggles frame anchors
- Windows Icon: Opens a drop down menu to show interface windows
Also, if you ever hide the pane and can't get it to show, type /dxe to open the configuration dialog. There is also a minimap icon.
Warlords of Draenor Update
- Encounters: Highmaul, BlackRock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel have been implemented.
- Party Module: Party support has been added.
- World Boss Module: World Bosses support has been added.
- Features: More new Alert Options and Spell descriptions on Options.
Implemented Encounters
- Highmaul: All bosses
- BlackRock Foundry: All bosses
- Hellfire Citadel: All bosses
- Warlords of Draenor Party: All bosses
- World Boss: All bosses
Please visit the localization page to translate in-game phrases. It is open to anyone with an account. The most important phrases are the chat triggers for bosses, because they start encounters. However, not all encounters are started by chat triggers. The rest of the phrases are for display purposes. The following languages need a maintainer:
- Korean (koKR)
- Russian (ruRU)
- Simplified Chinese (zhCN)
- Spanish (esES)
- Traditional Chinese (zhTW)
- Brazilian Portuguese (ptBR)
- Latin American Spanish (esMX)
- Code/Inspiration - RDX, BigWigs, DBM
- Coding and Testing - Mäev
- Pane Buttons - Kassay
- Translations - Pettigrow (frFR), Junkie/Fearendon (deDE), horws (ruRU), and everyone else
Ketonic, You can disable comments on curse. And it is far better to have a lot of people beta testing your addon than a select few because there is more chance of finding odd bugs from more people than from a handful.
And I know I personally don't trust random websites no matter how nice or caring the person is. You just can't make exceptions to the rule when trying to keep your computer clean of keyloggers and malware.
Internet rule #1 Don't trust anything you don't know
Unfortunately this means i can't use it anymore, since i won't be downloading addons from some random guildsite, no offense but im not that trusting...
As KLE is still in the BETA stage i would say its a good idea NOT to uploaded in on curse yet as that will just mean TONS of players asking "why do i get this error" "why is this not working" "lol this addon suxx" and so on, as players really can´t read the description. Just check out the comments on Cartographer.
So by keeping it on this site for now means that just the players that want to contribute with something or have a burning love for this addon will use it and hopefully that will mean less stupid question answering and more coding for Shuang
ok I understand a little better now but Im still not sure. Are the DXE people going to update this, as well as you do your version? Its a little confusing at the moment but I'll be using whichever one stays current as I much prefer this over Bigwigs and DBM. Sending that email now.
Shuang, I do recommend putting it on curse or wowace because a lot of people rightfully wont download addons from unknown websites due to the possibility of keyloggers/etc.
arlenwoot - mostly because wowace doesn't support what I'd like to do, at least AFAIK. Looking back at the start of Cataclysm till now and the level of activity in this 'post comment' block, I would really like to a) integrate it with our guild site b) make it very easy for people to upload transcriptor logs, encounter updates and the like to share with others c) provide a more extensive wiki so that details on things like how to write / modify your own encounter file is available. d) I use trac *alot* outside of my modding and as such am comfortable with it and like it, the current registration issues should be fix'd in a week or so. e) it doesn't seem like there is an easy way to 'export' from wowace, the current trac setup lets me just export all the data as a backup and load it into a new trac install elsewhere if I want.
knowntobe - I didn't really discuss if he was going to update DXE, and yes as a fork it shares about 70-80% of its code base with the last official DXE release, some of the stuff I'm really excited about, like the preprocessor, won't even show up for most users, but is a significant portion of code. In terms of feature requests, send me here or an e-mail @ [email protected] and I'll get you a useraccount for the trac site, once you have that you'll be able to push the 'new ticket' button and add a trac ticket, which is basically a feature request :)
Why not just host it here at wowace?
Does this mean DXE is no longer being updated by kollektiv and that your version is the "new" DXE? edit I have installed it and it looks just like DXE so I assume that KLE is the new DXE. Good news! With that in mind, wheres the best place to make feature requests? currently some of my guild members use Bigwigs over DXE for 1 small, simple reason. Bigwigs has a "count down" which is a visible 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, along with a spoken "five, four, three, two, one" that they can hear. Is there any way for KLE to get this in? would be the icing on the cake keep up the good work!
So, as promised, cool (to me at least) news.
I got ahold of Koolectiv and got permission to create a fork of DXE, check it out @, the hosting situation is less than ideal... but its what I have for the moment. toss me an e-mail @ [email protected] to get a username.
That's great news ! Can't wait!
I got ahold of Kollectiv and I'll have some cool news for everyone on Monday :)
@Shuang The enrage timer for Heroic Chimaeron, and I'm guessing normal, is 30 seconds too long.
Any official news about the mod? it's gone over a month now without a single word. I'm sure people would appreciate to know what the future has in store for DXE.
Maybe change the text from Nef Tailswipe CD (or watever it is) to Nef Talswipe Ready when its of CD? (In addition to the bar staying up and full/empty)
Just show the minimum cd of the ability because thats what we want to know in the fight. When the bar is filled it stays visible until the the ability was cast.
Perhaps you could paint a marker onto the statusbar background indicating the minimum time for the ability.
Personally I would show problematic cases like this:
A normal bar that shows the minimum cooldown. When it's filled it stays visible and a 2nd (smaller or thinner) bar attached to it starts filling up showing the timeframe from min cd - max cd.
Well, transcriptor logs and telling me which abilities seem off can certainly help, that said...
- nef tailswip - has a minimum cooldown, but does not go off *on* cooldown necessarily, iirc its between 12 and 20s - ony lightning - is *really* hard to do. a) it has a minimum cooldown instead of a cast cooldown, b) it doesn't trigger a 'spell cast' event, so it only works based on people actually getting hit by it. (at least as far as I can tell)
- Al'Akir wind burst, I could be wrong, but this one also seems slightly randomized.
Of course, the more log files I get, the more data I can get, maybe windburst isn't really random but is some repeating series of timers, or has a small range of wiggle that I can handle some how, but I don't personally have enough logs for that.
.. Also... how would everyone want to see probabalistic abilities like these represented in the UI? Do I show the minimum cd? Do I show two bars, one the minimum and one the maximum? Most common? A distribution of some kind?