Deus Vox Encounters
Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) is a boss mod inspired by RDX. It is designed to be functional, efficient, and customizable, so you can change what you want and how you see this addon.
I would like to donate
Click here to donate to Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) your contribution will really help developing the addon.
- Automated: Activation, starting, and stopping of encounters is automatic
- Flexible alert system:
- Customizable timer bars
- Color
- Texture
- Font
- Width
- Spell icons
- And more...!
- Customizable full screen flashes
- Duration
- Transparency
- Oscillations
- Color
- Customizable sounds: Packaged with 18 distinct ones
- All alerts can be adjusted for all encounters
- Audio countdowns can be activated for certain encounter alerts
- Customizable timer bars
- Raid Icons: Marking on important events with an icon of your choosing
- 3D Arrow: Directional arrows tells you where to go on important events
- Two types:
- Away: Directs you to run from a player or a location
- Toward: Directs you to run to a player or a location
- Ability to play a sound when shown
- Displays your distance, to a player or location, in game yards
- Two types:
- Encounter Pane
- Boss health tracking gives you more awareness of fights
- Engage timer tells you how long you've been fighting
- Shortcut buttons provides easier access to common commands
- Conditions to show the pane only when you want to
- Version Check: View addon and encounter versions of raid members
- Distribution System: Allows you to send encounters to the raid or individual players
- Profile System: Switch settings between your characters
- Modular Design: Encounters are loaded in appropriate zones
- SharedMedia support
Getting Started
When you first login with this AddOn you will see a black transparent rectangle with a blue bar labeled 'Default', called the encounter pane, in the center of your screen. Shift+Click on it to move it. From left to right you will see:
- Stop Icon: Halts the current encounter (you should rarely have to do this)
- Menu Icon: Opens the configuration dialog
- Lock Icon: Toggles frame anchors
- Windows Icon: Opens a drop down menu to show interface windows
Also, if you ever hide the pane and can't get it to show, type /dxe to open the configuration dialog. There is also a minimap icon.
Warlords of Draenor Update
- Encounters: Highmaul, BlackRock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel have been implemented.
- Party Module: Party support has been added.
- World Boss Module: World Bosses support has been added.
- Features: More new Alert Options and Spell descriptions on Options.
Implemented Encounters
- Highmaul: All bosses
- BlackRock Foundry: All bosses
- Hellfire Citadel: All bosses
- Warlords of Draenor Party: All bosses
- World Boss: All bosses
Please visit the localization page to translate in-game phrases. It is open to anyone with an account. The most important phrases are the chat triggers for bosses, because they start encounters. However, not all encounters are started by chat triggers. The rest of the phrases are for display purposes. The following languages need a maintainer:
- Korean (koKR)
- Russian (ruRU)
- Simplified Chinese (zhCN)
- Spanish (esES)
- Traditional Chinese (zhTW)
- Brazilian Portuguese (ptBR)
- Latin American Spanish (esMX)
- Code/Inspiration - RDX, BigWigs, DBM
- Coding and Testing - Mäev
- Pane Buttons - Kassay
- Translations - Pettigrow (frFR), Junkie/Fearendon (deDE), horws (ruRU), and everyone else
hi all,
i haven't released anything yet because couldn't test almost nothing when the PTR was up, to make things worse near the patch day 2 guild members decided to stop raiding wich on 10man is killer to find replace in time with the proper gear and the result is a week wasted
so the addon had some erros, the encounters had some erros (basicly spamming issues) and i'm fixing it has we go on
almost all 12 bosses (last 3 are 70% done) are done but only the first 4 are tested in game
i will release the fast i can when i feel that is ready to release (at least when i properly check all the encounters for spam issues)
Looking forward to a new version.
DXE was (by far) the best boss mod I ever used.
Oh wow I miss this addon! Any word if it is still gonna be launched with this patch?
Made at least so that the fight-timer run with battle.:)
Самый лучший аддон, его цвета таймеров ,его звуковые предупреждения за 5секунд до какой либо способности просто шедевр ,не 1-ин аддон таким не похвастается ,другие лишь флудят во время боя.![Smile](
Жаль что всё так пичально с этим аддоном, если бы обновили было бы отлично
best boss mod ever
working on it
but like i said, have little time and i'm only aiming to release for 5.2
i have to finish core stuff, testing stuff if it works or scrap it, sadly some stuff dont turn out like i wanted :|
i'm already building T15 encounters, have to do Party encounters also (no new 5man, so players will still use the existing ones), only after if i have time and no 5.2 yet i will work on T14 bosses
it will come :)
Raiding just doesnt seem the same with out DXE. Sad that there is no word that if this addon is somehow going to make a comeback or they just dropped it? Seems the sadder of the two.
plz up data for mop plz really lovethe mod
Can u please update this for MoP it was amazing!
haven't got time for this lately but a guild member told me that i would spent better time updating another addon better than DXE with is RaidWatch 2
decided with DXE
I would give my vote to RW2 since i enjoyed it very much. But anything that isnt DBM is fine.
Maybe you could "steal" some of the work from since that seemed to go down the drain...
+1 for an update <3
When will this addon be updated for MoP expansion?
Any news on If DXE is going to be updated? Or is it in motion of being updated? Such a great addon to let die.
i have been working on it and also on start (only done few basic cd on bosses)
here a preview :
That looks amazing! Any place where you keeping it updated? Git or CurseForge or something? I'd love to test it out.
not yet, have the same problem that gurki35 has, no documentation for the encounters structures, its tables instead of normal function coding
i will update it somewhere one day when i finish all the bosses but for the first "wave" will only be the normal cooldowns bars (abilitys cds, enrage, warnings, ....)
more advanced stuff like detecting players around you and using the arrow and alerts to move away, things like that will come later
Btw: i added a new moveable Anchor named "Tank warnings" (might change it :P ), the ideia is to make a new place to display Tank debuffs (a help for healers and tanks)
lets see how this work out, be well all
Hi guys, I'm currently trying to update DXE for my own use (In first time
After manual updating of libs and small code update/cleanup, it seems to work correctly (still finding some few lua errors sometimes
The next step is to create all encounter scripts, but I haven't found any documentation about encounter structures. Is there anything like that anywhere ? Or I have to extrapolate from existing ones ?
Thanks for your answers.
PS : Sorry for my bad english, I'm french o/
My heart continues to break with every passing day![Cry](