DHUD2 has reached is End Of Life. There will be no more updates or bug fixes.
Please use DHUD3 which has all DHUD2 functionality (and more)
3 sets of Health/Power (mana, rage, energy, focus, happiness) Bars that change colors as they diminish and that give a number value of the status shown
- 4 main bars to show player's and target status
- 2 pet bars to show pet status or druid's mana when shapeshifted
- 2 extra bars to show target's target or focus status
- The number value can be shown in different styles using DogTags
- Bar's text can be moved (alt + left click)
- 16 Player buffs slots
- Show auras as well as weapon buffs (main and off-hand)
- Buffs shown filtered by left duration
- Configurable color to highlight when the buff is close to expiring
- Ability to filter out buffs with duration longer than 30 minutes
- Support for Shaman totems
- Support for Druid/Rogue Combo Points
- Support for Sunder Armors and Lacerates - Option to show time left
- Show level, name, and class of Target
- Show level, name, and class Target's Target
- Target and Target of Target text style configurable using DogTags
- Support for up to 40 target buffs and debuffs
- Status indicator icon to show if the mob is elite
- Status indicator icon to show if you're resting
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in combat
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in PvP - Mouseover time left
- Status indicator icon to show Target PvP Status
- Status indicator icon to show raid icons (X, circle, skull, etc)
- 6 Transparency (Alpha) settings for:
- In Combat
- Casting
- Target Selected
- No Target
- Regenning
- Dead
- Configuration via '''/dhud2''' menu
- Show Druid mana while Shape shifted
- Casting Bar with Spell Name, Casting Time and Casting Delay for both player and target.
- Drop down menus for self and party actions
To do
- Movable Bars
- Death Knight Runes
- Minimap - Fubar button to acces player menu
- Move buttons and auras icons soi they are closer to the outter most displayed bar
- Change the long duration buff filter from 30 minutes default to selectable
- Localizations
- Filter player buffs by name.
- Range check
- Show Class Icon
- Show Target PvP Rank
- Independant frame scaling
- Add other MetaHud features
Known Issues
- Focusing using drop down menu is now a protected function. Using the focus option in DHUD2 dropdown menus will generate an error.
Caeryn Dryad
Markus wrote: HUD is DEAD - There will be no new Version of DHUD because of People only change some textures and do a branch of DHUD without my Permisson. New Versions are only for my Guild from now on. Thanks to goes to all People that supported DHUD until now. Everyone who want's can take over this Project.
Never had those pop up for me. I will put them on top of my list. Thx for the support. Also take in mind that only the text, scale and alpha changes takes place inmediately. The rest will happen most certanly next time u change target. I am working on making changes happen as u change the oprtions atm.
@all: Thr for the support and for using the addon, seeing the downloand count and the favorites increase makes me happy :D. Work have been consuming and kept me away from coding this past days. I hope to get some done on the weeken and upload a version next week.
@jmdakilla: This is what Nixxen asked about: a target/target-targret drop down menu. I didn't pay much attention to this but I know the code is there somewere. This has been added to my todo list.
@attix: SVN is going to drive me nuts.... When you upload to wowace SVN u don't upload the libraries scince this ones too are there and beeing updated by their authors, you only tell SVN to include a copy of them when someone downloads. I guess I am poiting in the wrong direction and getting a developer version or something of the libraries. I will look into this matter.
Hi there,
the wowace-version isn`t working for me. I get a lot of errors while loading the embedded libraries. It would be great if you could fix that. Great work though.
how do u target another player an in spect them with this bar an invites etc.?????
how come when i go to wow character part the addon button on the left bottom corner isnt there? please help =)
because you didn't put the addon in the addons folder. wherever you download the zipped file unzip it into your wow folder, the path will look something like this (this is where mine goes): c:\program files\world of warcraft\interface\addons. The file dhud2 goes in your addons folder. If you have no other mods and this is your first and you dont put it in the right place, you won't have the addons button in the lower left corner of the character login screen.
I didn't get what is it that you are talking about. Are you talking about in game or in the addon setup window after logon?
Came to think of another thing that would be nice.
The right click menu on your target / yourself. Or if it is there already; make it more obvious :P
Have tried righclicking most of the bars without finding it atleast.
The code is there I am sure it is... at least for the target. But I think I have it diabled. Added to my todo list :D
@Xneff: The black box icons is still unresolved and I haven't been able to find out what is causing it. The taxture is there and the alplha value is correct... if any one has any ideas they are welcome. I am working on the layout options but as I posted b4 this requires some major changes. I will say I have this feature like 30% implemented. Will work on them as soon as the cast bar is bug free =D.
@joelore: I upgraded my wow folder copy using aceupdater after uploading version 0.9 and worked for me. Some files in the 0.32b might have a "read only" attribute and that may cause the updater to fail. Ace revision number should be r57887 for the 0.9 version. As I posted b4 svn and my own version control software don't like each other much. If u can't get it with the updater please use the one here. I will continue to try and fix this issue in next updates.
@Nixxen: Detachable modules.... that would be nice if I knew how to do it lol. I will add it to the request feature and look into it. I think this was the idea behind the offsets in the original DHUD, but it's out of my lua/wow API knowledge atm. Cast delay had a bug that prevent it from working... which also prevented channeling spells form updating the cast bar. I am working on that atm. There is also an alpha bug which makes the cast bar show at a lower alpha when casting one spell after another, this is also beeing look into.
Would like to suggest a feature.
Being able to place the text and such at another place would be nice.
Best would probably be to have a main position for the hud, and then have detatchable modules(each bar / text would be one module or part) that you could drag around to where you wanted it and lock it there.
Also, how's things hanging on the cast delay/knockback? :P
Are you updating the Ace SVN repository? My Aceupdater keeps telling me that DHUD2 cannot be updated because it is protected. It is the latest version so I wanted to be sure.
Well I was going to ask about "Option to change layout to place player bars at 1 side and target at the other" But then i saw it in the To-Do list. So love what you have done so far, have an occasionally issue with buff icons bugging out and becoming black boxes.
Have you fixed the Scale issue yet? Thats really all I am waiting on for this hud...
What is the scale issue?
What's best? this addon or Metahud addon? :) Thanks for the feedback.
well from what i can tell by the comments here and metahud (which i use), they look about the same in how it works and looks. Since metahud seemingly has no problems, i think i'll use it. But kudos to the author of this mod for trying to learn and putting forth some effort.
pet bar works perfect now TYVM!!! you sooo rock! lol
(Cant wait for enemy cast bar :))
keep up the great work...much appreciated
@adw155: v0.9b is the one currently uploaded to wowace. I have trouble working with turtle svn and my own version control software... but I think I think I have finally make it work (wowace version will show version 0.2b still)
@garbast: Do u have a debug addon that gives you information abuot the error? This will help me fix the bug, as that line has never issued an error for me.
I have permanent errors with core.lua line 2047. Dont know whats wrong, but i know that ICEhud does work and is able to show pet values. Sorry to say that, but i cant use DHUD2 until this bug is fixed.