DHUD2 has reached is End Of Life. There will be no more updates or bug fixes.
Please use DHUD3 which has all DHUD2 functionality (and more)
3 sets of Health/Power (mana, rage, energy, focus, happiness) Bars that change colors as they diminish and that give a number value of the status shown
- 4 main bars to show player's and target status
- 2 pet bars to show pet status or druid's mana when shapeshifted
- 2 extra bars to show target's target or focus status
- The number value can be shown in different styles using DogTags
- Bar's text can be moved (alt + left click)
- 16 Player buffs slots
- Show auras as well as weapon buffs (main and off-hand)
- Buffs shown filtered by left duration
- Configurable color to highlight when the buff is close to expiring
- Ability to filter out buffs with duration longer than 30 minutes
- Support for Shaman totems
- Support for Druid/Rogue Combo Points
- Support for Sunder Armors and Lacerates - Option to show time left
- Show level, name, and class of Target
- Show level, name, and class Target's Target
- Target and Target of Target text style configurable using DogTags
- Support for up to 40 target buffs and debuffs
- Status indicator icon to show if the mob is elite
- Status indicator icon to show if you're resting
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in combat
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in PvP - Mouseover time left
- Status indicator icon to show Target PvP Status
- Status indicator icon to show raid icons (X, circle, skull, etc)
- 6 Transparency (Alpha) settings for:
- In Combat
- Casting
- Target Selected
- No Target
- Regenning
- Dead
- Configuration via '''/dhud2''' menu
- Show Druid mana while Shape shifted
- Casting Bar with Spell Name, Casting Time and Casting Delay for both player and target.
- Drop down menus for self and party actions
To do
- Movable Bars
- Death Knight Runes
- Minimap - Fubar button to acces player menu
- Move buttons and auras icons soi they are closer to the outter most displayed bar
- Change the long duration buff filter from 30 minutes default to selectable
- Localizations
- Filter player buffs by name.
- Range check
- Show Class Icon
- Show Target PvP Rank
- Independant frame scaling
- Add other MetaHud features
Known Issues
- Focusing using drop down menu is now a protected function. Using the focus option in DHUD2 dropdown menus will generate an error.
Caeryn Dryad
Markus wrote: HUD is DEAD - There will be no new Version of DHUD because of People only change some textures and do a branch of DHUD without my Permisson. New Versions are only for my Guild from now on. Thanks to goes to all People that supported DHUD until now. Everyone who want's can take over this Project.
Sorry if the quality isn't that great. If you're having trouble seeing what I'm talking about, or need more information, just let me know.
Any possibility of adding a threat meter bar? I'm really torn between DHUD and Icehud (both are fantastic addons and each author should be proud of their creations.) I think a threat bar would be an awesome addition to DHUD. Thanks for all the hard work and great addon!
I have the problem with DHUD that the mana/power bar doesn't show, when I switch the class abilitie on and off in the player options it shows again.
Mostly after dying it's gone and I have to switch it on again.
Also I have seen that my pet's focus bar vanishes at times.
1. Mmmm yes, the outter bars overlap with the totem circles.. WOW! and the do dissapear when I change targets. Working on this ASAP.
2. AFAIK I don't think this can be fixed. It seems focusing via the drop down menu is a protected function and as such addons can not use it. I am still searching for info on this to see if a solution exists.
3. This is not a bug. Fubar support (including minimap button) where removed cause I thought once you set it up you don't need to constantly acces it's menu. Maybe add a drop down menu for self by right clicking on one's heatl bar text... wich wont work for out of combat 0 alphas or for people who hide bar's text... ok, let me think about that MiniMap button coming back. Canyou plese add this as a request ticket in http://www.curseforge.com/projects/5350/tickets/ ?
4. It's not suppose to be gone, Let me check this one.
1. On my shaman, I finally discovered the icons for my totems on the left side of the HUD so that I'm able to click them off at will. However, these buttons seem to disappear (and not reappear unless one totem runs out) if I start selecting something and thus increasing the number of outer bars around my default ones. Can this be fixed?
2. I read in comments a while back about the right-clicking a target's name via the HUD and trying to focus the mob and an error popping up. I haven't seen any more on the problem in comments and still have the problem. Is it possible that this will be able to be fixed? (I'm able to /focus just fine still with minimal bugs, but it's a hassle to do.)
3. I'm not sure this is a bug, but in previous versions of DHUD2, we were given a fubar icon or a minimap icon that we could access certain options, like the player right click menu. The feature isn't in the most recent version and the only way for me to access the menu (to change group loot or other part features, etc) is to /target myself and right click on my own name, which gets a little annoying. Is there a fix?
4. I'm not sure if this is just me, but recently, I noticed that I no longer see raid icons beside names when I'm tabbing through mobs. Am I not looking in the right place or is this feature gone?
Sorry for so many issues all at once, but I haven't noticed any fix for these problems so I thought I'd bring them up. Thanks in advance. :)
While I am in bearform and use lacerate, the amount of lacerates shows besides the bars, but there's no duration timer for it! I don't know whether to reapply lacerate or wait some more.
Can you please open a ticket at http://www.curseforge.com/projects/5350/tickets/ and request it as an enhancement. Where would you like the timer to be?
1) Would it be possible to make one of the outer bars be a timer bar for things like 'Slice n Dice' or 'Savage Roar' (much like IceHUD; that's the only real thing I actually liked about IceHUD =-P)
2) Is it possible to make the combo-point graphic used for death knight runes?
I'm no modder, so I have no idea how plausible these things are, or how busy you might be working on other fixes, so I'm just throwing these out there. =-]
1) I dont really like to make DHUD2 a copycat of other HUDs, so this won't probably make it to my todo list. I woudl still be glad to discuss this matter further with you on how do you see it working on DHUD2. Please open an enhancemente ticket so we can further discuss this.
2) Death Knight runes are on my ToDo list (it's on the description). Only bummer at this point is that I don't know if I will be getting WotlK yet. So they might come in a little late.
This seems to happen when I shift forms. After a couple of shifts it's often back to normal, but it's quite irritating while it's happening.
Any thoughts or comments?