DHUD2 has reached is End Of Life. There will be no more updates or bug fixes.
Please use DHUD3 which has all DHUD2 functionality (and more)
3 sets of Health/Power (mana, rage, energy, focus, happiness) Bars that change colors as they diminish and that give a number value of the status shown
- 4 main bars to show player's and target status
- 2 pet bars to show pet status or druid's mana when shapeshifted
- 2 extra bars to show target's target or focus status
- The number value can be shown in different styles using DogTags
- Bar's text can be moved (alt + left click)
- 16 Player buffs slots
- Show auras as well as weapon buffs (main and off-hand)
- Buffs shown filtered by left duration
- Configurable color to highlight when the buff is close to expiring
- Ability to filter out buffs with duration longer than 30 minutes
- Support for Shaman totems
- Support for Druid/Rogue Combo Points
- Support for Sunder Armors and Lacerates - Option to show time left
- Show level, name, and class of Target
- Show level, name, and class Target's Target
- Target and Target of Target text style configurable using DogTags
- Support for up to 40 target buffs and debuffs
- Status indicator icon to show if the mob is elite
- Status indicator icon to show if you're resting
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in combat
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in PvP - Mouseover time left
- Status indicator icon to show Target PvP Status
- Status indicator icon to show raid icons (X, circle, skull, etc)
- 6 Transparency (Alpha) settings for:
- In Combat
- Casting
- Target Selected
- No Target
- Regenning
- Dead
- Configuration via '''/dhud2''' menu
- Show Druid mana while Shape shifted
- Casting Bar with Spell Name, Casting Time and Casting Delay for both player and target.
- Drop down menus for self and party actions
To do
- Movable Bars
- Death Knight Runes
- Minimap - Fubar button to acces player menu
- Move buttons and auras icons soi they are closer to the outter most displayed bar
- Change the long duration buff filter from 30 minutes default to selectable
- Localizations
- Filter player buffs by name.
- Range check
- Show Class Icon
- Show Target PvP Rank
- Independant frame scaling
- Add other MetaHud features
Known Issues
- Focusing using drop down menu is now a protected function. Using the focus option in DHUD2 dropdown menus will generate an error.
Caeryn Dryad
Markus wrote: HUD is DEAD - There will be no new Version of DHUD because of People only change some textures and do a branch of DHUD without my Permisson. New Versions are only for my Guild from now on. Thanks to goes to all People that supported DHUD until now. Everyone who want's can take over this Project.
As watchout stated, afaik there is no work arround.
/dhdu2 should pop up the menu. If not try going to blizz's game menu, Interface and then to the addons tab, dhud2 menu should be there.
What version of the addon are u using?
I have been staying away of clickable frames (bars, names, etc) for a reason: If a frame is not clickable it is "transparent" to your mouse, i.e. you can click "through" the frame to an object behind it. With DHUD2 beeing a HUD, clickable frames will put a large "blocked" area in the middle of your screen making players, items, mobs, etc., unselectable. I might be wrong or mising something in my coding, but this is the behaviour I have seen in my tests. If I am wrong, can someone 1 tell me how to do it right?
But now that I finished writting this I realize that Target name plate can be clicked for drop down menu... maybe click Target Target name plate to target it? Can you please open a ticket requesting this added funtionality?
I don't want to try and tell you how to play the game or sound like a smartpants, but here are my 2 cents: ToT targeting is managed in game by an action called Assist. I found most usefull to keybind this action, just beneath my WASD (actually ESDF in my layout). I use V for "tab" targeting (target next hostile) and B for assist.
And that of course isn't click-through either.
(maybe add an option "clickable targets"?)
DHUD2 uses 2 text "Name Plates" to show your target and target of target name, level, class, etc. (configurable with DogTags). The option to show/hides these are under:
Menu->Taget->Target Name Plate->Show
Menu->Taget->Target Target Name Plate->Show
Also you can change the info displayed on these name plates. DHUD2 comes with 4 default options, found under (just showing for Target name, but is the same for Target Target)
Menu->Taget->Target Name Plate->Name Style
If you want to use your own custom DogTag the next option, will let you do this:
Menu->Taget->Target Name Plate->Custom Name Style
DogTags are very powerfull and can show you almost any information about your target. Enter /dog for in-game LibDogTag-3.0 Tag documentation and even a test pane where you can test tags before using them. A tag with errors wil simply show no info.
I just started getting this real buggy problem 2 days ago. I was wondering if I could get some help. Here is the Error messages:
When I got this error: I lost the HUD but got 2 scroll bars at the top of my window but they don't let me open them.
I have tried unistalling and reinstalling but with no luck:
Message: ..\AddOns\DHUD2\core.lua line 22:
Usage: EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset): 'libname' - Cannot find a library instance of "LibDebugLog-1.0".
DHUD2\core.lua:22: in main chunk
\AddOns\DHUD2\options.lua line 298:
attempt to index global 'DHUD2' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
DHUD2\options.lua:298: in main chunk
: ..\AddOns\DHUD2\layout.lua line 1956:
attempt to index global 'DHUD2' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
DHUD2\layout.lua:1956: in main chunk
..\AddOns\DHUD2\bars.lua line 121:
attempt to index global 'DHUD2' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
DHUD2\bars.lua:121: in main chunk
..\AddOns\DHUD2\texts.lua line 81:
attempt to index global 'DHUD2' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
DHUD2\texts.lua:81: in main chunk
..\AddOns\DHUD2\auras.lua line 35:
attempt to index global 'DHUD2' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
DHUD2\auras.lua:35: in main chunk
What version are you using? r90 and r91 had a packaging problem and LibDebugLog was not included and/or not referenced correctly. Version r92 should have solve this issue.
i <3 it.
it helps me so much when fingers of frost or brain freeze procs.
this addon makes me enjoy this game.
i appreciate all the hard work youve put into this.
thank you
Like we experienced a few months ago, 2 (in-oprative) pulldown menus are in the top of the screen.
Include file="Libs\LibDebugLog-1.0\LibDebugLog-1.0\lib.xml"
Thx mellos!