DHUD4 is a recode, new features addition and optimization of Drathal's original DHUD.
DHUD4 is Heads Up Display Addon that provides 4 sets of bar to display player, target, pet, focus, target of target and/or vehicle health and power, and target range, druid mana when shapeshifted and threat information. Additionally player buffs, target buffs/debuffs and special class abilities are tracked. Two simple cast bars allow player and target casting tracking too. Bar text info and nameplates can be configured using DogTags.
Slash command: /dhud4
Renaitre's Profile: DHUD4 ships with a Renaitre preloaded profile to adjust the addon to the Renaitre UI layout.
Known Issues
Focusing using drop down menu is now a protected function. Using the focus option in DHUD4 drop-down menus will generate an error.
Global Options
- Config Layout mode to preview settings
- 6 Transparency (Alpha) settings for:
- Death
- In Combat
- Casting
- Target Selected
- Regeneracy
- Out of combat
- Addon scale
- Show/Hide Minimap button
- Selectable horizontal frame spacing and global vertical position.
- Show/Hide bar borders
- Show/Hide empty bars
- Selectable font for all DHUD4 texts
- Selectable bars and abilities texture style (DHUD and Renaitre Tribal textures included)
Player Module
Tracking and layout options for player information.
- Two bars to track Health and Power(mana, rage, energy, focus, runic power). Bar's height and color change to provide visual information of current value.
- Cast bar for player casting
- Configurable layout:
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Configurable sides: Health Left/Power Right, Health Right/Power Left
- Right/Left: Two bars at the selected side
- Configurable order: Health Inner/Power Outer, Health Outer/Power Inner
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Option to swap player info to pet bars when in vehicle.
- Status Icons:
- In Combat
- Resting
- Party Leader
- Master Looter
- PvP Flag (With remaining PvP timer mouse-over option)
- Bar text
- Configurable texts using DogTag library
- Show/Hide text for each bar
- Bar's text can be moved while in "Config Layout mode" (alt+click)
- Cast bar:
- Cast bar side
- Cast bar colors
- Spell info = name, countdown, delay
- Configurable bar colors (full, medium and low level)
Target Module
Tracking and layout options for target information.
- Two bars to track Health and Power(mana, rage, energy, focus, runic power). Bar's height and color change to provide visual information of current value.
- Cast bar for target casting
- Configurable layout (player layout overrides these settings):
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Configurable sides: Health Left/Power Right, Health Right/Power Left
- Right/Left: Two bars at the selected side
- Configurable order: Health Inner/Power Outer, Health Outer/Power Inner
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Target and Target of Target name plates
- Adjust displayed text with DogTags
- Click to target and drop down menu
- Target buffs and debuffs, with clock effect countdown
- Number of displayed buffs
- Number of columns
- Bar border color change for range information
- Bar border color change according to class color.
- Status icons
- Raid (X, circle, skull, etc)
- Target PvP Status
- Elite
- Show target bars for NPCs
- Buff/debuff tips
- Swap buffs/debuufs side
- Bar text
- Configurable texts using DogTag library
- Show/Hide text for each bar
- Bar's text can be moved while in "Config Layout mode" (alt+click)
- Cast bar:
- Cast bar side (player layout overrides this setting)
- Cast bar colors
- Spell info = name, countdown, delay
- Configurable bar colors (full, medium and low level)
Pet Module
Tracking and layout options for target information.
- Two bars to track Health and Power(mana, rage, energy, focus). Bar's height and color change to provide visual information of current value. Additionally bars can be used to track vehicle stats, druid mana while shapeshifted and Lunar/Solar Energy
- Configurable layout:
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Configurable sides: Health Left/Power Right, Health Right/Power Left
- Right/Left: Two bars at the selected side
- Configurable order: Health Inner/Power Outer, Health Outer/Power Inner
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Configurable side for druid tracking
- Track unit health and power
- Bar text
- Configurable texts using DogTag library
- Show/Hide text for each bar
- Bar's text can be moved while in "Config Layout mode" (alt+click)
- Configurable bar colors (full, medium and low level)
Auras Module
Show player buffs and/or weapon enchants close to expiring.
- 16 slots that display buff or weapon enchant icon and time left
- Independent scaling
- Configurable border and text color to emphasize expiration (color starts to change when less than 20 seconds remain)
- Only show mine
- Time filter to display buffs
- Time left font size
- Display weapon enchants as buffs
- Option to configure the slots used by the weapon enchants: two first, two last, two bottom or two top
- Buffs can be shown to the left or to the right
- Option to show tool tip with information about the buff
Abilities Modules (Class specifics)
Show/track abilities specific to your class applied to your target (DoTs, HoTs, etc), or Death Knight runes.
- 12 slots to track abilities
- Independent scaling
- Configurable border and text color to emphasize expiration
- Track time left if ability has it
Class specific
- Combo Points
- Lacerates
- Lifeblooms
- Combo Points
- Sunder armors
Death Knights
- Runes (Runes can be displayed in 1 of 4 possible layouts)
- Holy Power
- Totems
- Shards
- Combo points
Outer Module
Track Target of Target or Focus health and power Track agro status
Different... for example the target buffs and debuffs mimic blizz ones so u can now the school (border color), if its yours (size) and the clock thingy fade timer. =D
Please remember that the best way for me to fix bugs is if you register them at wowace.
- Will look into the cast bar
- Is that the size of the icon in the options menu? How small u want it?
- Click nameplates is on my todo list (please read older post on menus)
Its on Traget/auras/(Buff/debuff)/ size min limit is 20
Target name plates (enable clicks) doesnt work.
all the best foam
Please, please!!! read older posts :P, I am working on it. However I first need to finish the old modules (somewhat in order); DK(which includes leveling a toon to 55 so I can roll a DK), shaman, outter bars; then new functionality: druid module (which includes leveling a druid so I can test eclipse), lock, paladin.
First, really need to add some place where i can click/right-click to get the normal target right-click menu, you know with inspect, set focus, raid icons and so on.
Also, as i have it set up i have me on the left and my target on the right, please add an option to have both the buffs and debuffs of the target on the same side, in my case the right.
First, in DHUD3 this was available in the DHUD minimap button, and I will add it soon to DHUD4 too. However some people might hide the buttons and there is a request to remove and allow TitanPanel and such to add a DHUD menu. In the panel case the menu could still work... but if there is no button? This issue is also related to the target and target of target name plates. Due to blizzard restrictions u can not change frame widths during combat, since names can have various different lengths I use a wide enough frame to hold long ones. In DHUD3 you could target yourself and right click the nameplate to get the menu, but since the frame is so wide there were complaints about how this "non click through" area was annoying. I've been thinking of a workaround... but still haven't find a solution. ANY IDEAS ARE WELCOME!!!! Like, for example, creating a little frame above the name (similar to the pvp or raid icon) so it can be used for menus...
Also, ... Let me se if I get this. Currently u can have this:
DDDD NAME BBBB and u want... NAME BBBB ?
This could get off the screen fast... maybe increase the number of possible columns? Please (for both topics) add a bug at wowace (there is a link in the description, "Development Site") and add any comments ideas you have. This post will soon be on older pages and I will surely forget.
and u want:
It can also be a bit difficult at times to see how many stacks of a debuff are on your target because of the white number on a brightly colored background and the text for when a spell is being cast (while it is very nice to be able to change the color), can be very hard to see because of its size sometimes, which I feel like is a large problem because in the new cata raids and heroic dungeons, interrupting spells is a very important part of many boss encounters.
This however is just my opinion and should not be taken as anything more than that. Great job so far!
Some stuff is still under work, pally power included, so please wait for new releases.
Regarding debuffs, have you tried changing size of buffs/debuffs? Cast text is (by default) at the top of the bar and buffs at the bottom, I don't see how they are interfering. Anyhow, if they are, you can place the HUD in "Config Layout" mode where you can see how the different bars, texts and icons will look. In this mode all texts are movable bi holding the alt key while clicking. You can place the texts where you feel the work for you.
Also I know that Renaitre has some new "Techy" graphics that he has a picture up on wowinterface showing that are really nice looking. Wondering if they were going to be available as another option to choose from.
The green borders seem nice. However atm I am rounding up DHUD3 functionality and adding Pally, Druid and Locks new mechanics so this would have to wait. The best way to make me remember and express your interest in this feature being added is adding a "new feature" bug request at wowace.
I have been working closely with Reanitre in the new textures and adding them to DHUD. Since I am still doing some changes and adding some features he wants to wait for a stable release to round up the textures. Once we are set they will surely make it to DHUD (any comments Renaitre? ;) )
Nitewarlord had some suggestions for the borders of the Tech skins to be shadows, which I like but that brings back the issue we were discussing with coloring the "Tribal" borders.
For the Tribal skins, I want the borders to appear as black shadows. I can do this easily with the .tga files, but DHUD4's handling of the range indicators uses the border graphic, which demands that the .tga be colored white or a shade of grey. There are several ways to work around this codewise, but maybe the easiest would be to assign the range indicator it's own graphic ie 3r instead of 3b which would allow 3b (the regular border) to be a dark border while 3r (the range indicator) to be a light, colored border, or an entirely separate graphic.
Here is a screen of the "Tech" skins with a regular border
Should I be upgrading to this version? Will my settings from dhud3 be saved? Or will this be a whole new addon with different features/looks.