DHUD4 is a recode, new features addition and optimization of Drathal's original DHUD.
DHUD4 is Heads Up Display Addon that provides 4 sets of bar to display player, target, pet, focus, target of target and/or vehicle health and power, and target range, druid mana when shapeshifted and threat information. Additionally player buffs, target buffs/debuffs and special class abilities are tracked. Two simple cast bars allow player and target casting tracking too. Bar text info and nameplates can be configured using DogTags.
Slash command: /dhud4
Renaitre's Profile: DHUD4 ships with a Renaitre preloaded profile to adjust the addon to the Renaitre UI layout.
Known Issues
Focusing using drop down menu is now a protected function. Using the focus option in DHUD4 drop-down menus will generate an error.
Global Options
- Config Layout mode to preview settings
- 6 Transparency (Alpha) settings for:
- Death
- In Combat
- Casting
- Target Selected
- Regeneracy
- Out of combat
- Addon scale
- Show/Hide Minimap button
- Selectable horizontal frame spacing and global vertical position.
- Show/Hide bar borders
- Show/Hide empty bars
- Selectable font for all DHUD4 texts
- Selectable bars and abilities texture style (DHUD and Renaitre Tribal textures included)
Player Module
Tracking and layout options for player information.
- Two bars to track Health and Power(mana, rage, energy, focus, runic power). Bar's height and color change to provide visual information of current value.
- Cast bar for player casting
- Configurable layout:
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Configurable sides: Health Left/Power Right, Health Right/Power Left
- Right/Left: Two bars at the selected side
- Configurable order: Health Inner/Power Outer, Health Outer/Power Inner
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Option to swap player info to pet bars when in vehicle.
- Status Icons:
- In Combat
- Resting
- Party Leader
- Master Looter
- PvP Flag (With remaining PvP timer mouse-over option)
- Bar text
- Configurable texts using DogTag library
- Show/Hide text for each bar
- Bar's text can be moved while in "Config Layout mode" (alt+click)
- Cast bar:
- Cast bar side
- Cast bar colors
- Spell info = name, countdown, delay
- Configurable bar colors (full, medium and low level)
Target Module
Tracking and layout options for target information.
- Two bars to track Health and Power(mana, rage, energy, focus, runic power). Bar's height and color change to provide visual information of current value.
- Cast bar for target casting
- Configurable layout (player layout overrides these settings):
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Configurable sides: Health Left/Power Right, Health Right/Power Left
- Right/Left: Two bars at the selected side
- Configurable order: Health Inner/Power Outer, Health Outer/Power Inner
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Target and Target of Target name plates
- Adjust displayed text with DogTags
- Click to target and drop down menu
- Target buffs and debuffs, with clock effect countdown
- Number of displayed buffs
- Number of columns
- Bar border color change for range information
- Bar border color change according to class color.
- Status icons
- Raid (X, circle, skull, etc)
- Target PvP Status
- Elite
- Show target bars for NPCs
- Buff/debuff tips
- Swap buffs/debuufs side
- Bar text
- Configurable texts using DogTag library
- Show/Hide text for each bar
- Bar's text can be moved while in "Config Layout mode" (alt+click)
- Cast bar:
- Cast bar side (player layout overrides this setting)
- Cast bar colors
- Spell info = name, countdown, delay
- Configurable bar colors (full, medium and low level)
Pet Module
Tracking and layout options for target information.
- Two bars to track Health and Power(mana, rage, energy, focus). Bar's height and color change to provide visual information of current value. Additionally bars can be used to track vehicle stats, druid mana while shapeshifted and Lunar/Solar Energy
- Configurable layout:
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Configurable sides: Health Left/Power Right, Health Right/Power Left
- Right/Left: Two bars at the selected side
- Configurable order: Health Inner/Power Outer, Health Outer/Power Inner
- Centered: One bar at each side of the player
- Configurable side for druid tracking
- Track unit health and power
- Bar text
- Configurable texts using DogTag library
- Show/Hide text for each bar
- Bar's text can be moved while in "Config Layout mode" (alt+click)
- Configurable bar colors (full, medium and low level)
Auras Module
Show player buffs and/or weapon enchants close to expiring.
- 16 slots that display buff or weapon enchant icon and time left
- Independent scaling
- Configurable border and text color to emphasize expiration (color starts to change when less than 20 seconds remain)
- Only show mine
- Time filter to display buffs
- Time left font size
- Display weapon enchants as buffs
- Option to configure the slots used by the weapon enchants: two first, two last, two bottom or two top
- Buffs can be shown to the left or to the right
- Option to show tool tip with information about the buff
Abilities Modules (Class specifics)
Show/track abilities specific to your class applied to your target (DoTs, HoTs, etc), or Death Knight runes.
- 12 slots to track abilities
- Independent scaling
- Configurable border and text color to emphasize expiration
- Track time left if ability has it
Class specific
- Combo Points
- Lacerates
- Lifeblooms
- Combo Points
- Sunder armors
Death Knights
- Runes (Runes can be displayed in 1 of 4 possible layouts)
- Holy Power
- Totems
- Shards
- Combo points
Outer Module
Track Target of Target or Focus health and power Track agro status
Is there any way to import my settings from DHUD3 to DHUD4? I was hoping for Profiles but don't see the ones of DHUD3. Please, please, please, tell me that there is a way.
Thank you in advance :)
Sadly, no. Many of the configuration settings have changed and that was actually one of the reasons to make a new version.
Regarding the profiles, are you not seeing even the basic default ones, or just not seeing yours?
First, thanks for this new iteration. I can't play without DHUD anymore, so I forbid you from quitting addon development.
Second, I'm having an issue with target/player auras (in the target menu, aura tab). Though I have deselected the show tips radio control, it continues to show them. I also wonder if there is a click-through option that should be here or simply isn't working. I would very much be greatly okay with such a feature for those auras. I can't describe how happy I am that the health/power text bars are now click-through.
Thanks again for the greatness of DHUD's current and future development. Also, yay.
Thanks for the warm words and a couple of donations can make your forbidding stick ;).
I will look into this. Disabling the tips should disable clicks, i.e. auras become click through. Thanks for the report (can u make it a bug at wowace?).
Happy questing!
Ive changed all other fonts to 14, but the default font 10 for these two lines is unreadable for me on my high-res screen.
Under the Target menu in the layout tab in the Target Nameplate and Target of Target Nameplate options there should be a size setting. PLease tell me if changing them is not working for you.
Thanks to Hyres and ishysquishy for reports =D
(Image of Where elements of Config Layout used to be and no longer are) http://i52.tinypic.com/eh0ikk.png
And as far as I know I am not experiencing any lua errors, but I have encountered a few more changes as of version 1.1
First: Holy power is now displaying but it does seem like it may be flawed if not intentional, it seems that once it hits 3 charges of holy power the graphic will not reset to zero regardless of holy power, again I have provided a few images and hope this will help in some way.
(Showing 3 charges on DHUD with 0 Holy Power) http://i51.tinypic.com/2lo6k39.png
(Showing 3 charges on DHUD with 1-3 Holy Power and config settings)http://i51.tinypic.com/1y26o3.png
Another problem that stood out to me is that regardless of setting, the default blizzard cast bar no longer appears as of 1.1
(Image showing a casting action via default target frame, DHUD target frame, but absent of player casting bar with settings set to not disable it) http://i52.tinypic.com/n5lthl.jpg
If you have anything you want to discuss further I would be more that happy to take this to email or private message as to not clutter this page with information that will be dated by the time the next patch is out.
As always, thanks for your work.
I tried to play without it, but the casting indication on DHUD4 is much too hard to see, so I've had to disable the mod for all my casters. Looking forward to this being resolved at some point.
For the cast bar... It was sort of intentional, I assumed people will just prefer it to be gone for good. Will fix it.
Regarding HP i have tried this with my lv 9 Pally. Maybe the mechanics change at higher levels (which I doubt) or it is simply buggy. I will look further into it.
I would be glad if you could send a PM with your email. I would love to get some extra help, specially regarding classes I don't play.
Grats on finally pushing it live.
Thanks for the grats and for using DHUD4.
What has "stopped" being movable in config? I tried it again on a Pally and holy power is being tracked ok. Are you perhaps getting any lua errors?
Made some changes to how modules load to try and fix the module not loading bug. Fixed the drop downs (name plates and minimap icon) and added a small frame for name plate targeting. This means that to access name plates menus u will need to click at the very center of the name plate. This reduces the "non click through" area.
I think it is stable and complete enough to make it release. I will continue working on the missing features, primarily lock shards and druid eclipse.
Date: 2011-04-18 12:58:40
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\DHUD4\Bars\DHUD4_Bar.lua
line 238:
attempt to index field 'text' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
DHUD4\Bars\DHUD4_Bar.lua:238: Colorize()
DHUD4\Bars\DHUD4_CastBar.lua:353: SetVal()
DHUD4\Bars\DHUD4_CastBar.lua:496: SetLayout()
DHUD4\Modules\DHUD4_Target.lua:1631: SetLayout()
DHUD4\DHUD4.lua:674: SetLayout()
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:5
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[4]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[4]"]:5
(tail call): ?
...face\AddOns\AtlasLoot\Libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:314: Fire()
And one more thing: when I don't have a target, it still shows the word "Target" on the bottom there. In DHUD3 there was a name of the target if I had one and empty space if I didn't. I can try to post a screeshot if you don't know what I mean. If you do, can I get rid of it somehow?
Thanks for DHUD4 :)
And the Auras menu seems to only relate to the round buffs on the left/right side of the healt/mana bar.
For me DHUD3 still works fine and I'm still using it until I figure v4 out.
Under the Target menu there is an Aura tab, you can disable buffs and debuffs there.
Also, is there a way to move the bars closer together? like make the space between the two sides smaller, you can do it in the older Dhud versions but not DHUD4