Double-click certain frames(see below) for context-sensitive actions. Generally double left-click to advance and double right-click to go back.
As an example, take or hand in completed quests just by continuously double-clicking the questgiver frame.
Nothing more, nothing less. No extra libraries, in-game options or other fluff nor bloat, just couple hundred lines of double-clicking goodness.
Frames handled:
Quest and gossip frames
- Double left-click anywhere to select first available quest(!), (completed) active quest(?), or gossip option.
- (Disabled for quest reward item buttons, so you won't accidentally select and accept the wrong item)
- (Disabled for quest reward item buttons, so you won't accidentally select and accept the wrong item)
- Double-click quest reward to select and accept.
- Double right-click anywhere to go back or close the frame.
Quest-log and quest-detail frames
- Double left-click anywhere to share quest.
- Double right-click anywhere to abandon quest. Double-click again to accept popup.
Loot frame and Need/Greed/Disenchant -buttons
- Double-click the buttons to select and accept popup.
Tradeskill frame
- Double-click any of the list items to quickly craft one selected item.
Auctionhouse frame, Browse and Bid tabs
- Double left-click any of the list items to bid. Double-click again to accept popup.
- Double right-click any of the list items to buyout. Double-click again to accept popup.
Auctionhouse frame, Auctions tab
- Double right-click any of the list items to cancel auction. Double-click again to accept popup.
Vehicle-interface, seat indicators
- Double click the yellow dots on the vehicle-interface that appears under the minimap to kick the player/NPC out.
I didn't realize how much I needed this add-on until it was gone.
Are there any planned updates for 6.x?
I unfortunately stopped playing a good while ago and am not able to keep my addons updated anymore, sorry :-(
I don't mind If anyone else wants to pick it up either.
I'm just now seeing your reply. I'm sorry that you're gone and unable to update. :( I'll miss all the good times DCftW and I had together. ^_^
Hopefully one of the quest auto-accept/turn in addons will do the trick for me in the meantime.
Thanks for all your hard work!
I'm really looking forward to a possible update for this. I got a ton of people in my guild hooked on this addon and now they're all bugging me for updates lol
Hey, I pushed out a new version that hopefully works. I had to disable the loot buttons' support for now, I'll add it back later when I figure out what got changed.
I hope nothing else is broken *crosses fingers*
I understand that I could just disable these functions in Auctioneer and use DoubleClickForTheWin in the AH instead, but I like being able to double-click an auction to bid/buyout an item without confirmation, up to a certain amount.
If there is no UI options to disable specific functions, could you let us know which lines to delete/modify in the LUA? Either way, great idea for a simple, useful and intuitive addon!
If you want to remove the AH functionality completely, you could search & replace "addon == "Blizzard_AuctionUI"" with "false" (without the outer quotes of course)