Update 05/24/2013
DrDamage is currently being developed for 5.x. Only monks (of any spec) are not supported. All classes which existed prior to Mists are supported.
Current state: Check the http://www.wowace.com/addons/dr-damage/pages/known-issues Page before providing feedback!
DrDamage displays the calculated damage or healing of abilities with talents, gear and buffs included on your actionbar buttons. The addon also adds various statistics to the tooltips in your spellbook and on the actionbar.
Slash Commands:
/drd or /drdmg or /drdamage
If you want to help having this addon translated into your language visit: http://www.wowace.com/projects/dr-damage/localization/
- Supports all classes
- Actionbar addons supported: Default, Bartender 4, CT_BarMod, Dominos, elvUI, Macaroon, Nurfed AB, IPopBar, nUI, ReAction Bars and RDX.
- Places text with the metric of your choosing on the actionbar buttons.
- Damage and healing statistics are placed into your tooltips. This includes for example critical hit chance, spell damage and damage coefficients, averages, DPS, DPSC (damage per seconds cast), damage until OOM and more!
- Your own buffs and your target's debuffs are taken into account.
- Allows manual modification of the essential talents, buffs and character stats used to calculate. For example you can test how much increasing your spellpower by 100 would increase your damage or healing output.
- If you're overwhelmed by the amount of statistics presented, you can use the options reduce the amount to whatever you feel is important!
Known Issues Please see the Known Issues page before opening a ticket.
Bug reports:
- NOTE: DETAILED reports about inaccuracies is the only way we'll know something is wrong. If you don't report it, don't expect it to get fixed!
To submit a bug report, please visit this page first: Mod Feedback This will tell you what we expect and how we need it in order to help you.
Acronym/abbreviation list:
- AP = Attack Power
- RAP = Ranged Attack Power
- SP = Spell Power
- Ht = Hit rating
- Cr = Critical strike rating
- Exp = Expertise rating
- Ha = Haste rating
- Ma = Mastery rating
- HPS/DPS = Healing/Damage Per Second
- HPSC/DPSC = Healing/Damage Per Seconds Casted
- HPSCD/DPSCD = Healing/Damage Per Seconds CoolDown
- HOOM/DOOM = Healing/Damage (until) Out of Mana
- HPM/DPM = Healing/Damage Per Mana
- DPE = Damage Per Energy
- DPF = Damage Per Focus
- DPR = Damage Per Rage
- DPRP = Damage Per Runic Power
- MPS = Mana Per Second (How much mana the spell uses per seconds casted)
- GCD = Global CoolDown
The author has already posted an update on the status of DrDamage for Cataclysm.
this is one of my favorite addons too, but be patient and actually read what is going on before simply posting "update this!"
Also, please consider that the team behind this addon is working on this in their spare time, they're doing it essentially for free, and have a gargantuan task in front of them. The enormous (and ongoing) changes to the mechanics of every class, many of the abilities in the game, the gear, talents, and stats have combined to mandate an update to Dr. Damage that must amount to something like a complete rewrite.
I personally would like to thank each of them for their work, and I encourage everyone who is impatient for the release of this addon to remember that, like Blizzard, these guys don't want to release something until it actually works. Bad information is worse than no information. Be patient and perhaps show some gratitude. Either way, the updates will be done soon enough.
I love WoWI, and prefer to get all my addons from there. Just posting here to nudge you towards reposting DrDamage on WoWInterface when you get the chance.
I love DrDamage and have used it since mid-TBC. I remember the growing pains of the last expansion, so I can be patient with the Cata version, for sure!
Curse still says 3.3.3
I'm just letting you know that we're planning on updating DrDamage for Cataclysm but I'd also like to point out that it's a lengthy process as there's just loads of mechanics that need to be rewritten from scratch, tested and corrected.. We're hoping to have a version ready for when Cataclysm is officially released, so be patient.
So it won't be around for 4.0.1 and 4.0.3. It sucks, but he's doing what he can. Feel free to donate with me, it's a great addon and he deserves whatever little help we can muster up!
PayPal: gagorian (at) gmail (dot) com