Update 05/24/2013
DrDamage is currently being developed for 5.x. Only monks (of any spec) are not supported. All classes which existed prior to Mists are supported.
Current state: Check the http://www.wowace.com/addons/dr-damage/pages/known-issues Page before providing feedback!
DrDamage displays the calculated damage or healing of abilities with talents, gear and buffs included on your actionbar buttons. The addon also adds various statistics to the tooltips in your spellbook and on the actionbar.
Slash Commands:
/drd or /drdmg or /drdamage
If you want to help having this addon translated into your language visit: http://www.wowace.com/projects/dr-damage/localization/
- Supports all classes
- Actionbar addons supported: Default, Bartender 4, CT_BarMod, Dominos, elvUI, Macaroon, Nurfed AB, IPopBar, nUI, ReAction Bars and RDX.
- Places text with the metric of your choosing on the actionbar buttons.
- Damage and healing statistics are placed into your tooltips. This includes for example critical hit chance, spell damage and damage coefficients, averages, DPS, DPSC (damage per seconds cast), damage until OOM and more!
- Your own buffs and your target's debuffs are taken into account.
- Allows manual modification of the essential talents, buffs and character stats used to calculate. For example you can test how much increasing your spellpower by 100 would increase your damage or healing output.
- If you're overwhelmed by the amount of statistics presented, you can use the options reduce the amount to whatever you feel is important!
Known Issues Please see the Known Issues page before opening a ticket.
Bug reports:
- NOTE: DETAILED reports about inaccuracies is the only way we'll know something is wrong. If you don't report it, don't expect it to get fixed!
To submit a bug report, please visit this page first: Mod Feedback This will tell you what we expect and how we need it in order to help you.
Acronym/abbreviation list:
- AP = Attack Power
- RAP = Ranged Attack Power
- SP = Spell Power
- Ht = Hit rating
- Cr = Critical strike rating
- Exp = Expertise rating
- Ha = Haste rating
- Ma = Mastery rating
- HPS/DPS = Healing/Damage Per Second
- HPSC/DPSC = Healing/Damage Per Seconds Casted
- HPSCD/DPSCD = Healing/Damage Per Seconds CoolDown
- HOOM/DOOM = Healing/Damage (until) Out of Mana
- HPM/DPM = Healing/Damage Per Mana
- DPE = Damage Per Energy
- DPF = Damage Per Focus
- DPR = Damage Per Rage
- DPRP = Damage Per Runic Power
- MPS = Mana Per Second (How much mana the spell uses per seconds casted)
- GCD = Global CoolDown
Glyph support needed.
Thanks for the kind words and all. Unfortunately the person I helped to take over the project has apparently stopped working on it. It didn't really go as I had planned and I would've hoped someone would have taken over with the patience to see it through.
As I've quit the game such a long time ago I really can't work on the project as I've lost track of all the changes. So unless someone very talented is willing to take over I'm not sure there's a future for the project. I don't have the patience or the time to teach someone from scratch again.
Best regards,
And let it be said that it's undeniable that this is a high maintenance project and does require a lot of patience and time. So these things considered, I do offer my thanks to the people who tried to help keep it alive.
let us all pray for a new person to take over Dr.Damage
Read the "Donations" portion of this page. Gagorian has quit the game and currently doesn't have the money or Wotlk expansion to play the game.
I've made a change or two to the Mage file to correct for the +hit double dipping frostfire. I've also made Arcane Precision affect all spells. I also had to fix the frostfire coefficients showing much higher than usual (I set it to use just fire coefficients and found the number closely matching the in-game result. Frostfire is currently using both fire and frost coefficients in spell power and that's what's causing it to show twice the damage vs what it's actually doing.)
I, however, do not have repository access to upload that change. And, sadly, other than druids, I don't know enough of the other classes to post any changes of use.
Bar mod = bartender 4
I'm getting a DrDamage error on my paladin (I haven't noticed problems with any of my other characters). It happens when I scroll over my judgments when I have seal of vengeance up (bugs on all judgments, but ONLY with seal of vengeance. No other seals give the error message.)
If I put up another seal (like wisdom) and then put up vengeance, I get this error message:
Interface\AddOns\DrDamage\Caster.lua:1714: attempt to preform arithmetic on field 'SpellDmg' (a nil value)
If I click off my seal, and then put up vengeance first, I get this error message (same directory and file as the one above):
1779: attempt to index local 'tableSpell' (a nil value)
I've deleted my DrDamage folder and reinstalled it, same thing.
Great Addon, btw, saddly I can't use it by the moment because of that annoying error.
how I can change cipher style on ikon spell ???
who know?