Click a LDB plugin to drop the cheapest thing in your bags. (The cheapest grey item, by default...)
Also adds a "sell all" button to the merchant frame.
You can configure
- What quality of item to drop
- What quality of item to sell
- To never drop items whose appearance you haven't yet learned
- To never drop soulbound items
- To drop low-level consumables
I've been using the addon for a few months, I think is a great addond. But since a few weeks, I'am not sure if related to latest patch, I've realized that when I open the bag or bank windows it take four or five seconds. Deactivating this addon anything works fine.
I don't know if is something related to another addon, I've tried unistalling more addons, but the only one that gave me that problem was DropTheCheapestThing.
Any idea how to handle this?
Except for that problem, a great tool!!
Your Addon ist very great so far! I like it very much.
For my farming needs i would like to ask you for some improvements like:
Water: [ ] always sell [ ] only keep highest
Food: [ ] always sell [ ] only keep highest
Healpotions: [ ] always sell [ ] only keep highest
Manapotions: [ ] always sell [ ] only keep highest
[ ] sell BoP-Items not in Equipmentmanager sets
[ ] sell currencies (or badges for factions)
Kind Regards,
when did this include the the sell low level items? that was a suprise
Tatewaki: I have no objections.
I'd like to ask you if it would be okay for me to post a modified version of the addon called ProfessionBars to the authors page, to ask him if he would include those changes in his addon..
The reason I'm asking you first is because I used a bit of your code from this addon and I'd like to make sure you're okay with it before posting it..
The parts I used from your addon are those dealing with the filter management options from this addon. (adding / removing stuff from the consider lists.)
Thanks for your time,
Stumbled upon following error: "DropTheCheapestThing Error: Can't sell items while not at a merchant. Aborting." Happens for every merchant, not sure where to check further.
dekimsey: No, which is why it was removed a few months ago.
Is an item library necessary now that the game provides the sell price on all items (wowwiki:GetItemInfo)?