Tiny addon that makes you appear elite when you target yourself. Works with any unit frame. Does not make your player frame elite, for that use Elite Player Frame.
Tiny addon that makes you appear elite when you target yourself. Works with any unit frame. Does not make your player frame elite, for that use Elite Player Frame.
after tests i saw no bug or error with WoW Retail 8.3.7 so i modified my ElitePlayer.toc for prevent outdated addon error in game:
Original line 1:
Modified line 1:
[ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] addon 'ElitePlayer' try to access protected 'SetTargetClampingInsets()'。
!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:578: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:578>
[C]: in function `SetTargetClampingInsets'
...eBlizzard_NamePlates\Blizzard_NamePlates.lua:242: in function `SetupClassNameplateBars'
...eBlizzard_NamePlates\Blizzard_NamePlates.lua:87: in function `OnNamePlateAdded'
...eBlizzard_NamePlates\Blizzard_NamePlates.lua:44: in function <...eBlizzard_NamePlates\Blizzard_NamePlates.lua:35>
Hi, can u put the silver dragon here as an option just like on Elite Player Frame please, would be great, thanks. ^^
Can you do a addon that show all players as Elite it would be awesome:D plz