Elkano's BuffBars
EBB provides groups of statusbar style indicators to show (de)buffs currently affecting your char or some other units (currently focus, pet and target). For the player, it can also show indicators for temporary enchants place on it's weapons.
Due to changes Blizzard made with WoW 4.x it's no longer possible to cancel buffs without the use of secure frames. Currently EBB limits canceling of buffs to out-of-fight since using SecureAuraHeader would have required a major code restructuring. This will be coming in a later version.
Version 2.x is a total recode based on the Ace2 framework which became necessary in order to support some of the longtime wanted and suggested features. It's now possible to show different groups of bars which can be configured in many ways. Each group can be assigned an individual look and filter settings. EBB can be configured via a dropdown menu which is accessible via chat (/ebb config), FuBar plugin or (for the group settings) by right clicking the groups anchor. After setting up a group, its anchor can be hidden by alt-left clicking a bar or the anchor itself in order to lock the group in place.
In order to get additional bar textures and fonts for EBB simply install SharedMedia which is available for download under http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/sharedmedia.aspx
If you have bug reports or feature request, create a ticket: http://www.wowace.com/projects/elkbuffbars/create-ticket/
You can also check my thread at the WoWAce forums: http://forums.wowace.com/showthread.php?t=5290
The most recent development version of EBB is available directly from the WoWAce SVN via http://www.wowace.com/projects/elkbuffbars/files/
Please update for 2.3
Is it possible to "clutch" the buffs and debuffs together?
So when I get a new buff, the debuffs move up a spot.
Bit hard to explain :/
Hey, I'm in the process of downloading the newest version and I was wondering if it fixed the bug where the bars would extend the length of the screen when they expired. This was especially bad on rogue poisons.
I suppose it could be another mod I'm using, but I doubt it. It's not a big deal, I'm just curious.
just download the version released before the most recent - isn't bugged that one, atleast until the new one is fixed
Anyone got a tip on how to remove the blizzard buffbars while using elk? I installed the latest version from wowace but still normal blizzard buffbars are showing aswell as the Elk ones...
I'm having this problem too! Can anyone help please?
This is most likely a problem with some other addon.
Did you try to run EBB (+its libs in case you run disembedded) as only addon?
It's possible that some other addon capable of replacing the buff display is turning their display back on since it isn't ordered to hide them.
I got the problem with the latest dotimer. :(
also, does anyone know how to change the rank display to numbers instead of roman chars?
is it possible to get a warning when the buff fades out? or is about to fade out? like the icon flashing on the blizzard default buff frame?
Questien about getting minimap buttom back write /ebb standby and it should be turned on "Active" and minimap buttom should show up
My questien is following; i'm using filter -> white list when i'm using the white list on a single buff (which i need) its showing a buff called (5)Blessing of demonstration 13:37 how do i get that annoying "Buff" to disappear? many thanks for the addon :)
I turned off the minimap button and i cant figure out how to get it back lol... how do i?
I clicked "enable" and the lil' icon by the minimap disappeared. And I can't get it back. Please, help.
Are you using the newest version 2.x of ElkBuffBars? Are your unitframes Pitbull maybe and the casting bar Quarz? Since all of them use SharedMediaLib for the textures and thus should all show the same textures as options For more textures install SharedMedia.
The 1.3 download listed abouve is outdated and only listet for let's say historical reasons but 2.x is the version to use.
I've really appreciated this addon for raids since pally buffs are notorious for expiring mid fight. Is it possible to push another texture into the addon either by altering the code or replacing the default 'Blizzard' texture?
I'm not sure if replacing the default wouldn't have other effects elsewhere but I really want to use the Aluminum one that I use on other casting bars and unit frames.
Very nice addon! But is there any way to make the bars of the new version look like the old ones? I mean, the textures. I highly prefer those old ones. Other than that, I love the new version
you don't have SharedMedia installed, do you? since the old texture is in there (cilo or otravi iirc)
How do i get the minimap icon for the addon to show ? and how do i get the debuff to show again? it seemed to disappear from the chec k list, when i dleeted the addon, and ptu it back on, it would stay the same. :\
Awesome buff bars, but there are a couple more things I would like. A faded texture for the background of the buff and to make buffs without a time to be fully textured.
A choice whether to limit the amount in a column to goto a column that is opposite to the anchored side, e.g.:
/ebb column 3 /ebb anchor topleft
Would produce 3 rows to each of how ever many column are needed, counting starting from the top leftand going down these columns.
I would also like to see logical tooltip positioning, relational to the position of the anchor, i.e. on the opposite side of the buff to the anchor.
Brilliant mod, I'd also like to say that I have tried the alternative ElkBuffBars but it seemed too fiddely (:P).