Elkano's BuffBars
EBB provides groups of statusbar style indicators to show (de)buffs currently affecting your char or some other units (currently focus, pet and target). For the player, it can also show indicators for temporary enchants place on it's weapons.
Due to changes Blizzard made with WoW 4.x it's no longer possible to cancel buffs without the use of secure frames. Currently EBB limits canceling of buffs to out-of-fight since using SecureAuraHeader would have required a major code restructuring. This will be coming in a later version.
Version 2.x is a total recode based on the Ace2 framework which became necessary in order to support some of the longtime wanted and suggested features. It's now possible to show different groups of bars which can be configured in many ways. Each group can be assigned an individual look and filter settings. EBB can be configured via a dropdown menu which is accessible via chat (/ebb config), FuBar plugin or (for the group settings) by right clicking the groups anchor. After setting up a group, its anchor can be hidden by alt-left clicking a bar or the anchor itself in order to lock the group in place.
In order to get additional bar textures and fonts for EBB simply install SharedMedia which is available for download under http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/sharedmedia.aspx
If you have bug reports or feature request, create a ticket: http://www.wowace.com/projects/elkbuffbars/create-ticket/
You can also check my thread at the WoWAce forums: http://forums.wowace.com/showthread.php?t=5290
The most recent development version of EBB is available directly from the WoWAce SVN via http://www.wowace.com/projects/elkbuffbars/files/
In reply to Elkano:
That did the trick. Thank you!
In reply to SoCalBrett:
In file what is described in error replace line 543 with this :
In reply to SoCalBrett:
In file what is described in error replace line 543 with this :
In reply to SoCalBrett:
In file what is described in error replace line 543 with this :
-- (Re)set frame settings
local backdrop
if GameTooltip:GetBackdrop() ~=nil then
backdrop = GameTooltip:GetBackdrop()
Hi, I'm trying to use text in the top right and bottom right slots of the bar, but the only way i can get the bottom right text to appear is if I also use both the top left and bottom left texts (taking them off 'hide'). I also cannot fade those left side texts out, despite the fader function. The best I can do is reduce their font size to 4, which still leaves an untidiness. I hope that makes sense, I'd be glad to clarify anything, but basically I'm trying to hide the left side texts, and use the right side ones.
EDIT: I figured it out - hide the right texts and then align the left texts to the right.
cant remove buffs from myself by rightclick in combat
actually got it working had to delete everything and reinstall from cF
It doesn't seem to be working for me, I still only see the standard Blizzard buff/debuff display.
I also get the following error on login. (See bottom)
I disabled Accountant Classic which was referenced in the error, then it was Atlas, then another and another. I guess maybe if I disable all other Ace 3 addons it will work?
Date: 2021-05-22 16:33:14
ID: 12
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\ElkBuffBars.lua line 283:
attempt to call method 'EnhanceDatabase' (a nil value)
[string "@ElkBuffBars\ElkBuffBars.lua"]:283:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Accountant_Classic\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:70:
[string "@Accountant_Classic\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:498: InitializeAddon()
[string "@Accountant_Classic\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:623:
ElkBuffBars, v2.6.2-199
In reply to theAnton81:
You don't have to disable the other addons, it's just listing the first one to load that provided the Ace3 libraries for the others.
Your problem is caused by LibDualSpec-1.0, which doesn't work on Classic/BCC but should have a guard preventing it from loading built in.
It seems like in your setup, some other addon is putting a dummy into LibStub and that's breaking stuff.
In reply to Elkano:
Thanks for the heads up, I was able to find the culprit with the info you provided.
It was Critline, which has yet to be updated for TBC C. I'm leaving it disabled for now.
Thanks again! :D
2.6.2 has been released and should work with BCC (also with mainline and classic, but only tagged for BCC for the CF client).
Anchors are working fine for me, so please test again and give more details if there are problems.
In reply to Elkano:
Its not coming in CF client for me do you have link to 2.6.2 for manual install?
In reply to sentinelhex:
I've seen your other comment that you've got it working but just for completeness:
Links to the latest file are here on the right side >>>>>
or in the Files tab ^^^^^
Anchors dont seem to work though.
yes that works thanks!
This has worked for me. THANKS A LOT!
Current Workarround:
Just replace the "libs\LibDualSpec-1.0" folder with one of a working addon. For example: quartz.
hello, can u update it for tbc, pls?
can we get TBC version plox!