ElvUI Profession Datatexts
A set of datatexts that show detailed info about your professions
Datatext Summery
- - 2 'dynamic' datatexts for your primary professions, they will automatically detect what 'main' professions you have learned
- - 4 dedicated datatexts for your secondary professions
- - 1 compact datatext that shows all professions in a single datatext-slot, included the option to costumize display, add/remove tracking, "untracked"
professions will be added in a tooltip
- - Datatexts will warn you when you approach/reach skill level cap (not maximum cap, there is a difference
Important notice:
This addon does NOT work WITHOUT ElvUI!!
My other projects/addons:
ElvUI Draenor Currencies Datatext
A lightweight datatext-plugin for ElvU that shows you all the relevant currencies for Draenor
ElvUI Currencies datatext
The same principle as the Draenor currencies, but this one is for all your currencies, and included a tooltip for "hidden" currencies
It takes quite a bit of time on my part to develop and maintain the addons I created, as well as provide support for them. Any help you can provide financially, to show your appreciation for my work is greatly appreciated by me.
Is this addon being maintained anymore? :(
In reply to ERR404gaem & karaste:
RL has been hectic, I haven't had much time to play, let a lone keep addons up to date. When I am able I will update, but it might take a little time.
All of a sudden getting the following error today (when profession is leatherworking)
5x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn 'ElvUI_ProfDataTexts' tried to call the protected function 'CastSpellByName()'.
!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:519: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:519>
[C]: in function `CastSpellByName'
...ns\ElvUI_ProfDataTexts\Datatexts\prof_primaryone.lua:396: in function `origOnClick'
...dOns\ElvUI_Enhanced\modules\datatexts\extratexts.lua:180: in function `onClick'
ElvUI\Modules\datatexts\DataTexts.lua:230: in function <ElvUI\Modules\datatexts\DataTexts.lua:228>
I'm receiveing the following error when just ELVui, its Config and bug grabber is enabled.
8x Error loading ElvUI_ProfDataTexts\Locales\krKO.lua
it looks like the file or the line in load_locales.xml is incorrect.
file is koKR.lua
line is krKO.lua
In reply to tinkerten13411:
Nice catch, i'll have it fixed ASAP. it took me a little while to catch it myself after your report, I literally just woke up.
Seems that nowadays, secondary professions are non detected correctly. My fishing, cooking and first ad says "not learned" (are not).
I've checked this and seems to be working just as intended. if the issues persist please file a bug ticcket on the project site, perhaps accopmanied with screenshots.
Question, do you by any chance have the client language set to anything else than English? That would explain why you experiencing what is happening. Other languages besides English aren't supported in the addon (yet). but I will work on extra language support so it works properly in other languages as well. My apologies for the troubles and I will get to work sorting this out. Untill then, You'll have to makedo with the English version.
Update Toc