I no longer play WoW, but I do my best to keep this plugin maintained for future versions of the game. Since I don't have any way of testing, any and all feedback on the status of the plugin is appreciated.
What is EPGPWaitlist?
EPGPWaitlist is a waitlist addon that extends the EPGP Mass EP Awards to those on the waitlist and tracks online status.
This means, if a Mass EP Award is given out to the raid, everyone on the waitlist will also receive the Mass EP Award. These waitlist players may NOT be in the raid group and gives them freedom to do quests, randoms or any other activity separate from the raid, even on their alts.
Yes, this addon will automatically track a player on both their main and alts. This does require a very specific setup, read below. Set it and forget it!
If a member is offline for more than 5 minutes on any of their characters, they will not receive Mass EP Awards. In this example, if the player comes back online, they will begin receiving EP again. Any offline duration periods greater than 5 minutes are recorded, but viewing this data is not implemented in version 1.0.
What is EPGP?
EPGP is a balance, self-mainting effort/gear point system, much like Zero-DKP. It can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/epgp/
Adding a member to waitlist
Members may whisper the raid leader with the words "waitlist add" to be added to the waitlist.
Whispering from an Alt
Players may whisper the raid leader with the words "waitlist add" from an alt character and their main character will be added automatically. This is tracked through ranks and public note - see the requirements section.
The raid leader may type "/ewl add <player name>" to add a player manually to the waitlist.
Removing a member from waitlist
Members may whisper the raid leader with the words "waitlist remove" to be removed from the waitlist.
Whispering from an Alt
Players may whisper the raid leader with the words "waitlist remove" from an alt character or their main character will be removed automatically. This is tracked through ranks and public note - see the requirements section.
The raid leader may type "/ewl remove <player name>" to remove a player manually to the waitlist.
Removing all members from waitlist
Use the "/ewl removeall" command to remove all players automatically.
Automatic waitlist wiping
Whenever the user leaves a raid, it will wipe the waitlist. Other than that, the waitlist will persist through offline periods (DC's, reload ui, reboot, etc)
Listing players on waitlist
Use the "/wlp list" command to see all players on the waitlist. This is basic output which will list all the main characters with their online status. If the player is offline, the amount of time offline will be printed in brackets. If the player is on an alt character, the alt's name will be printed in brackets.
Configuring Alt ranks
Adding an alt rank
/ewl addaltrank <0-9> or /ewl addaltrank <rank name> Enter the rank name or rank id representing the rank you wish to add - 0 being GM and 9 being the lowest possible rank.
Removing an alt rank
/ewl removealtrank <0-9> or /ewl removealtrank <rank name> Enter the rank name or rank id representing the rank you wish to remove - 0 being GM and 9 being the lowest possible rank.
Configuring the offline timeout for EP awards
If a player is offline for a specified amount of time, (on both their alts and main) they will no longer receive EP. This defaults to 5 minutes and modified with /ewl offlinetimeout <seconds>
Announcing is done currently to guild chat. This is not customizable, but if someone is willing to work extensively with me on it, I could bring it to fruition - I would just need someone to test it while I make changes.
Tracking Online status
A waitlist player is "offline" if they are neither on their main or an alt character, but will continue to receive EP up to a 5 minute offline duration. This is to allow for disconnections, switching between toons...and not being a complete ass. Beyond the 5 minute marker, the player will not receive any EP awarded. If the player is to come back online, they will again begin to receive EP.
Doesn't EPGP have a waitlist?
Yes, but it sucks. (Sorry guys, love EPGP, but your waitlist is not a thought out for my purposes.) Their waitlist is the member has to message you from their main toon when they want to be added. This will just put a "check" beside their name in EPGP and the next time you award EP, they will receive it. If you don't hand out EP for 2 hours and the player was offline for 99% of that time, they would still receive the EP. After awarding the EP, the player is then removed from the "waitlist" and they must re-add themselves all over again via ANOTHER whisper.
Requirements and Stipulations
The following are a list of requirements or limits of the addon:
- Only guild members may be added to the waitlist.
- Characters to be on the waitlist must be in the guild.
- Alt ranks need to be configured.
- Alt characters must be in the guild.
- Alts must have their main's name (spelled properly but not case sensitive) as their officer note in order to maintain them on the waitlist. (Same as how EPGP handles alts)
- Waitlist players may NOT be in the raid group. This includes alts.
- Don't hate me for the configuration, oddly it works perfect for me. =D
This features will NOT be developed since I no longer play WoW.
Upcoming versions
- v0.5 - Choose channel to announce to
- v0.6 - Listen for commands in guild chat.
- Listen for commands in officer chat.
- Allow players to "list" the waitlist and respond to the appropriate channel.
- v0.7 - Enable/disable addon upon entering/leaving raid.
v1.0 - Export waitlist to saved variables.Completed - waitlist will be retained between disconnections and relogging. Leaving the raid group at any point will still wipe the waitlist.- v1.1 - Report AFK periods for selected player.
- v2.0 - GUI
Please remember that the customization and limitations of this addon in version 1.0 was intended. I molded it to my specific situation and will continually expand it until it forms into a much better addon.
That being said, I am very open for suggestions and would like to hear the demand of functionality so I can get others using this addon as well.
Just updated to 0.3-a.
There was a bug that wasn't updating the raid roster, so it probably wasn't working for anyone.
I added the functionality for waitlist to persist until the user leaves the raid!
You may also set your own custom offline period when the player will stop receiving EP. It defaults to 5 minutes (300 seconds). /ewl offlinetimeout <seconds>
I'm sure I could, sounds like a good plan too.
I'm wondering if there is a time when the person managing waitlist would drop group? I never have to ... except when the Raid ID isn't working, but that's kind of a rare occurence.
I will go ahead and program that functionality, thanks for the idea Tebasile.
"I think the next step is to have it remember who is on waitlist when you log out/reload/disconnect so you don't have to remember.
This will be very easy, but there should be a rule when the waitlist gets automatically purged...like after x number of hours or something..."
Can it just save it until the raid is disbanded.. even on DC/reload, the person doing EPGP is still in the raid.
Oh, I just meant the addon internally keeps track of alts, there was the idea of not tracking them at all. So, no, you don't need to do anything. Just set up the alt ranks.
Players may whisper you from their Alts as well and it will add their main to waitlist.
I'll test in my Monday raid as well :)
Wasn't sure what you meant about tracking alts manually.. do I need to do that? All wait listed people will start on mains, then switch to alts throughout a raid night.
One last comment, I haven't tested this with my raid yet - I will make it beta on Monday if the testing goes good.
I think the next step is to have it remember who is on waitlist when you log out/reload/disconnect so you don't have to remember.
This will be very easy, but there should be a rule when the waitlist gets automatically purged...like after x number of hours or something...
BTW, the command is now /ewl, I need to update the information above.
Okay, alpha version is up and allows for multiple/custom alt ranks.
For a while now I've been using the alt name in the officer notes, but I still track alts manually because the addon wants to know when the player was on their alt and when they were last online on either their alt or main.
I know there is an odd error that pops up when invite players in and out of the raid who are on waitlist, haven't really found the issue yet - must be something to do with being on the waitlist and raid at the same time.
Ohh.. yay, so happy to see you're working on this again!! :D Happy to donate if you set up a paypal somewhere.. am really excited to have this!
Actually EPGP allows you to store the alt/main names in the officer notes.. would it be possible to use that instead?
Edit: oops, just saw you have that as a ticket. I hope you are still working on this project.. am really excited about it! :)
1. The ability to have more than 1 rank be alts. Some guilds have officer/member alt ranks.
2. The ability to choose rank by index rather than name, not everyones alt ranks are "alt" for instance, mine are "avatars" RP ftw.
3. EPGP itself requires alt linking to be done via the officer notes, having to also put this information into the public notes seems wasteful.
I love the concept though, anything that reduces the workload for guild leadership is brill.
We happen to to use for alt notes:
[RealLifeName - profs] MainName
So in our case, an 'ignore whatever is in brackets' would be cool, but mentioned this to another GM using EPGP on my server, and he mentioned the same thing.. they'd like to be able to bracket info they want ignored, as they add dates the person joined and stuff like that to theirs. I have no idea if that is feasible. We could certainly change our notes to match what's needed, as long as we can get the info in there. The reason ours is set that way, is so when you sort by player note, the real life name of the person and all toons that person has are sorted together. (ie. if the main name is before the other info, then we could use the note for sorting any longer).
Again, thanks for coming up with something like this, as we love EPGP, but really despise the wait list functionality (or lack thereof).
Currently two issues: Adding an alt does not add their main and players are not removed when they join the raid. I will fix these tonight, probably just missed to use :lower() on a name string somewhere.Fixed.
Tebasile: Yes, I totally agree. I will add that to the feature list for version 2.0.
For the name and professions, I could set up different formats like reading the note up to the first space and considering that the name. Let me know the format of the note.
I love the idea of this.. but would be nice to be able to set the alt rank to whatever name the guild uses for alts. Also, can there be other info in the player note, as long as the main's name is in their too? We have the mains name, but also have professions.
Transferred this project from the WaitlistPro project. WaitlistPro is another addon I intend to develop.