Horizontal/Vertical align: Text's align inside its container
Padding: Text's margin inside its container
Global options
Bags & Bank Strata: Z-ordering of bags
Layout: How items will be arranged (Categories, Bags, One bag)
Always layout: If disabled, bags wont perform layout on item loses. This sometimes prevents items jumping all over the place while you sell or disenchant.
Update interval: Bags doesn't perform re-organization at the very moment operations happen, instead it waits a little (Update interval) before doing it in case multiple changes occurs.
Show keys: If disabled famBags will ignore keyring for all its operations
Show items info in tooltip: Item properties are shown in its tooltip. Helps a lot when you are managing categories.
Sections layout
Compact layout: When enabled sections will try to optimize space. If disabled sections will be shown in its category order.
Horizontal padding: Horizontal separation between bag window and sections.
Vertical padding: Vertical separation between bag window and sections.
Horizontal spacing: Horizontal separation between sections.
Vertical spacing: Vertical separation between sections.
Show tooltip: If enabled, a tooltip will be shown when mouse is over the section title with information about the items contained in that section.
Vendor value: If enabled, shows in tooltip the total vendor value for items in the section.
Only stackable items: If enabled, items with maximum stack size equal one, won't be stacked by famBags. Example: Armor, Weapons.
Only full stacks: If enabled, only full stacks will be stacked by famBags. Example: If you have 3 stacks of cloth of 20, 20 and 11 items each, famBags will show them as 40, 11 stacks. This helps mainly when disenchanting.
Items layout
Horizontal padding: Horizontal separation between items and its container.
Vertical padding: Vertical separation between items and its container.
Horizontal spacing: Horizontal separation between items.
Vertical spacing: Vertical separation between items.
Size: Items size.
Quality glow: Quality glow's shape. Used to match items skin.
Enable indicators: If enabled, items will show indicators for stack, new, added, container type and so on.
Indicators size: Item indicator's size.
Indicators offset: Item indicator's margin.
Counts: See text options
Empty slots
Horizontal padding: Horizontal separation between empty slots and its container.
Vertical padding: Vertical separation between empty slots and its container.
Horizontal align: Horizontal align of empty slots inside its container.
Vertical align: Vertical align of empty slots container inside bag windows.
No empty slots available text and color: Text and color for empty slots count when it is zero.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Items order
Order items: If enabled, items will be sorted.
Default order: Recommended. If enabled, items will be sorted using the following built-in ordering: empties last →quality desc →is quest item first →type asc →subtype asc →id desc →bag asc →slot asc. If disabled, items will be sorted using the custom ordering specified below.
Order criteria/Add: Select sorting criteria you want to add to your custom ordering and click Add button.
Items order:
Modifier: Ascending, Descending, Go first, Go Last.
Up: Move criteria up in the list.
Down: Move criteria down in the list.
Delete: Remove criteria from the list.
Main bags
Max buttons x row: Maximum button count to show in a single row.
Fixed width: If enabled, main bags window's width will always be calculated to fit 'Max buttons x row' items. If disabled, width will be calculated using current items.
Horizontal align: Main bags window's horizontal align.
Vertical align: Main bags window's vertical align.
Horizontal spacing: Main bags window's horizontal offset inside screen.
Vertical spacing: Main bags window's vertical offset inside screen.
Persistent position: If enabled, bag's position will be saved between sessions.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Title: See title options.
Horizontal padding: Horizontal separation between search input panel and window.
Vertical padding: Vertical separation between search input panel and window.
Size: Search input panel's width as a percent of window's width.
Level: Search input panel's Z-order.
Animation: If enabled, search input panel will be shown and hidden using a vertical translation animation.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Horizontal padding: Horizontal separation between alts input panel and window.
Vertical padding: Vertical separation between alts input panel and window.
Size: Alts input panel's width as a percent of window's width.
Level: Alts input panel's Z-order.
Animation: If enabled, alts input panel will be shown and hidden using a vertical translation animation.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Max buttons x row: Maximum button count to show in a single row.
Fixed width: If enabled, bank window's width will always be calculated to fit 'Max buttons x row' items. If disabled, width will be calculated using current items.
Horizontal align: Bank window's horizontal align.
Vertical align: Bank window's vertical align.
Horizontal spacing: Bank window's horizontal offset inside screen.
Vertical spacing: Bank window's vertical offset inside screen.
Persistent position: If enabled, bank's position will be saved between sessions.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Title: See title options.
Horizontal padding: Horizontal separation between search input panel and window.
Vertical padding: Vertical separation between search input panel and window.
Size: Search input panel's width as a percent of window's width.
Level: Search input panel's Z-order.
Animation: If enabled, search input panel will be shown and hidden using a vertical translation animation.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Horizontal padding: Horizontal separation between alts input panel and window.
Vertical padding: Vertical separation between alts input panel and window.
Size: Alts input panel's width as a percent of window's width.
Level: Alts input panel's Z-order.
Animation: If enabled, alts input panel will be shown and hidden using a vertical translation animation.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Enabled: If enabled, money frame will be shown below main bags window.
Silver/Copper: Toggle silver and copper values in money frame and LDB display.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Text: See text options.
Blizzard bank
Override Blizzard bank main window: Requires restart for changes to take effect. If enabled, game default main bank container will be hidden and its bag slots and purchase options will be shown in a frame below famBags bank window.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Bag slots
Collect Blizzard default bag slots from UI: Requires restart for changes to take effect. If enabled, game default bag slots will be collected and shown in a frame at the left side of main bags window.
Appearance: See appearance options.
Current section: Section currently on edition
Copy from: Copies appearance and title from selected section to current section
Appearance: See appearance options.
Title: See title options.
Add new category: Adds a new category at the bottom of the list
Category options
Up/Down: Moves current category up/down in the list
Container: You can specify here the container where this category will be shown. Options are: Both, Bank, Bags.
Rename: Rename current category
Delete: Remove current category
Add type: Add selected type to category's types set
Add criteria: Add selected criteria to category's criteria
Logic: Logic sentence used by category to determine if an item is collected.
Criteria options
Up/Down: Moves criteria up/down in the list
Delete: Remove type/criteria from the list
Preset: The preset you want to apply
Preset options: Indicates if default categories and its sections styles will be applied along with preset.