This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Hey, I just manually downloaded the files from WoWAce and installed them. The issue is solved! Thanks a lot! Probably just the install files here at curse are empty. Woooh, got all my clean and sorted bags again, Yipieeh!
That's really bizarre, since the files should be identical on both the WoWAce and Curse sides, but I'm having the same problem when I try to download it from Curse.
I'll try retagging the file, just to see if it makes any difference.
Hmmm - I just realized that I was splitting the items from the default bank frame instead of my addon when I was testing it yesterday. In hind sight, seems rather silly of me... ;-)
Getting the same problem as Zottek. Also, when you click on a banked item in any way with the bank open, it sends it to your bag. Won't allow you to split stacks or stack manually.
Since 4.0.1 the configuration of the bags does not work anymore. Already tried updating / deinstalling (with saved variables) / reinstalling / resetting. When I rightclick on a bag, nothing happens. It would be great if this could be fixed, FBoH is my favorite addon, keps my bags nice and tidy. Thanks!!
I'd really like to know how to remove the total count tooltip. I don't really need to know that there is 1 hearthstone on each of my characters. It even lists some characters that don't exist anymore.
Here's an interesting bug I've encountered. I moved a full profession bag from my bank into one of my character bag slots, swapping the two bags, then swapping them back. Now fBoH shows the items that were in the profession bag permanently. I cannot click or move these phantom items from my main bag, and neither relogging, reloading the UI, or even resetting my profile seems to get rid of them.
Though I'm sure deleting the saved variables directly would do the trick.
I'm assuming you're not talking about the bank items, which will by default be displayed in your views, even when you're not at the bank.
Try just moving an item from one slot to another in your inventory. That should force a refresh. Otherwise, if you want to send me your FBoH saved variables file, I can take a look and try to figure out what's happening. Easiest way is probably just to attach it to a ticket, like you did with the Equipment Manager patch (thanks again for that, BTW :-) ).
Thanks a lot!
Probably just the install files here at curse are empty.
Woooh, got all my clean and sorted bags again, Yipieeh!
I'll try retagging the file, just to see if it makes any difference.
Anyway, I'll take another look at this.
Should be working now. :-)
When I rightclick on a bag, nothing happens.
It would be great if this could be fixed, FBoH is my favorite addon, keps my bags nice and tidy.
Though I'm sure deleting the saved variables directly would do the trick.
Try just moving an item from one slot to another in your inventory. That should force a refresh. Otherwise, if you want to send me your FBoH saved variables file, I can take a look and try to figure out what's happening. Easiest way is probably just to attach it to a ticket, like you did with the Equipment Manager patch (thanks again for that, BTW :-) ).
I created tabs likes "Food", "Mining", "Gear", "Items in Bank", ...
Its some work to configure. It there any possibility, to apply this to all my characters?
Hey brandorf, can you post the patch for the Equipment Manager module please.
I have a patch for the Equipment Manager module to make it work with 3.2 if you are interested.
As of 3.2 the Equipment Manager module does not seem to work.