Feed Tillers
A simple Data Broker plugin that lists the Tiller, what food they want for the quests A Dish for ... and if you have completed that quest today.
You need a LibDataBroker "Broker" display.
Some examples include ChocolateBar, NinjaPanel, Fortress, StatCore. While Titan Panel supports Broker plugins, it is not a native Broker display, and comes pre-loaded with its own Titan plugins. The advantage of Broker displays (aside from Titan Panel) is that you can change display addons without impacting plugins or plugin settings.
Translating into other languages
There are are only three strings that need translating (yes, it is that simple!) and they can be found in the localization app.
Bugs and Suggestions
There is only one place for these, and the comments section is not that place. Please use the Ticket Tracker app for these. You can log in with your Curse user name and password.
Glad to see this is updated. Nice to see on a mouseover who needs that item or food. I still have to look up where they are though, been years since I've been to halfhill. lol
In reply to Glaciermane:
Sorry for the long delay in answering. If you have TomTom installed, once you get to Pandaria, you can use the display to create a waypoint to the locations of the individual Tillers.
Actually, you can create the waypoint no matter where you are now; the arrow won't show up until you are in Pandaria.
When using with Titan Panel, it's right there for you!
There really IS an addon for everything! :D
So, I saw that hiding Tillers who are currently "Best Friend" was already suggested, implemented, and put in as a patch (over 2 years ago). However, I can't seem to figure out how to turn that feature on...
(Since I only found it about a week ago, I can't imagine my install is an outdated version, and WowAce / Curse have the same current release number and date of April 2015.)
To be clear, on Titan Panel, I can see the addon and the tillers + their preferred food just fine... I just can't figure out how to hide the ones I no longer need to see...
(Also, I middle clicked the FeedTillers entry on Titan Bar just for the heck of it (looking for an options menu of any kind), and it slung a LUA error at me. :) I didn't start a ticket because really, what idiot would think to do such a thing... lol Anyway, if you want the error text let me know, but it's rather unimportant, and it's probably a severe edge-case anyway. :P)
(Edit: Also, also, having coords listed for, or the ability to mark the homes of, each tiller on the map would be an awesome addition! lol)
nice Addon but had some trouble due to no french localization (updated my best on wowace)
Just a quick piece of advice about localization, try to set your variables in english and overwrite them on language basis after instead of exhaustive testing, this way if they are not localizzed, people will at least have them in english (and no error about some concatenate failing du to the variable not being set)
Keep the good work going :)
Really late reply, sorry! I haven't really used FeedTillers in ages, since I am Best Friends with all of them, and have been for months.
Anyway, I saw your suggestion for the localization, and now, if there is no direct translation for a phrase, it defaults to English.
What does, "it is just suppose to work" mean? How exactly do I know why it I'm not seeing it?
I see the screenshots; but, what made them appear? I've tried everything and it just don't show it.
Assuming you have Release 1.0.2 (because the previous versions did not work, unless you were me, and you are not - sorry people!), you need some kind of Broker display, like Titan Panel, ChocolateBar, NinjaPanel, Fortress, RDX with Ace-LDB enabled, etc.
Since there is no mini map icon, no options (in this version anyway - Release 1.0.3 will have some), that might explain why you cannot see the plugin.
Specifically, "it just works" means that you, the user, do not need to do anything other than have a LibDataBroker/Broker display and this addon.
FeedTillers should load without issue in WoW 5.1, but just in case, and please remember to do this every time Blizzard patches and makes you accept the Terms of Use again:
If you are curious, I use ChocolateBar << link as my Broker display. I changed some of its options to get the marble graphic.
Okay; I will look into the data broker display as this must be the issue for me then. I'm not familiar with these. Thanks for liting some so I know where to look.
All fixed and thoroughly tested in Release 1.0.2.
cannot figure out how it works, looked at Titan Panel for the plug in, not there; any help?
I see the problem. I fail at typing. Testing the fix now. Look for Release 1.0.2