This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
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It still works fine, even in 4.1 but a slight mod is required. Blizzard changed the position of the NPC id returned by UnitGUID function ( ). To fix, edit the Finklestein.lua and at line 150 you will find the following line that is part of the frame's GOSSIP_SHOW() function : if tonumber(strsub(UnitGUID("target") or "", 9,12),16)==28205 then Change this to : if tonumber(strsub(UnitGUID("target") or "", 7,10),16)==28205 then
When done, it should correctly identify Finklestein again and should work as advertised.
If you want to allow it to load without enabling the "Load out-of-date AddOns" option, simply bump the supported version in the Finklestein.toc file from : ## Interface: 30200 to ## Interface: 40100
Forgot to mention.. If you use an on-demand addon loader, reflect the change in the Finklesten.toc as well by replacing the X-LoadOn-GOSSIP_SHOW tag with this line : ## X-LoadOn-GOSSIP_SHOW: if tonumber(strsub(UnitGUID("target") or "", 7,10),16)==28205 then AddonLoader:LoadAddOn("Finklestein"); FinklesteinFrame:GOSSIP_SHOW(); end
I avoided this quest for over a year and a half, hated doing it. Today I decided to try this addon in hopes it would help me complete within 20 minutes. It didn't.
The problem I am having with this addon is that it only showed the minimap dot the very first time I used the addon, for the very first item I was told to get. After that, the pink dot on minimap telling me what room to go to never showed up again.
Needless to say I failed miserably. I had to redo the quest 5x til I finally completed it on my own. The only thing that did work was the blinking ping dot when you hover over an item but I must admit it's very faint and several times I didn't even see it. I think it would be help if you made it a darker, easier to see color.
But yeah, what would have helped me the most was seeing that minimap dot telling me what room to go to but it only worked for the very first item and never again after that. Not even when I had to keep restarting the quest due to failure of finding items in time.
I just thought I would say this addon still works perfectly fine for 3.3.3, need to do the out of date addon thing but it gave me no errors and worked great.
I click Load Out-of-date addons and it checks the quest helper but it wont load up. -what dose it look like when its loaded up? -do you know how to fix this? -dose it only work for Alliance characters?
This gave me the wrong location for "Crystallized Hogsnot" yesterday. The blip was on the south wall of the southern room, when it should have been on the south wall of the northern room.
I'm wondering if it is possible to change how this addon marks out the various ingredients. I find it a bit difficult at times to see the "blink" while hovering the smaller ingredients.
I've seen Quest Helper marking quest objectives with what looked like raid icons (the pink "arrow"), but had the size scaled down of course. This made it extremely easy to see the right quest obj.
Would it be possible implement something like this?
Blizzard changed the position of the NPC id returned by UnitGUID function ( ).
To fix, edit the Finklestein.lua and at line 150 you will find the following line that is part of the frame's GOSSIP_SHOW() function :
if tonumber(strsub(UnitGUID("target") or "", 9,12),16)==28205 then
Change this to :
if tonumber(strsub(UnitGUID("target") or "", 7,10),16)==28205 then
When done, it should correctly identify Finklestein again and should work as advertised.
If you want to allow it to load without enabling the "Load out-of-date AddOns" option, simply bump the supported version in the Finklestein.toc file from :
## Interface: 30200
## Interface: 40100
## X-LoadOn-GOSSIP_SHOW: if tonumber(strsub(UnitGUID("target") or "", 7,10),16)==28205 then AddonLoader:LoadAddOn("Finklestein"); FinklesteinFrame:GOSSIP_SHOW(); end
The problem I am having with this addon is that it only showed the minimap dot the very first time I used the addon, for the very first item I was told to get. After that, the pink dot on minimap telling me what room to go to never showed up again.
Needless to say I failed miserably. I had to redo the quest 5x til I finally completed it on my own. The only thing that did work was the blinking ping dot when you hover over an item but I must admit it's very faint and several times I didn't even see it. I think it would be help if you made it a darker, easier to see color.
But yeah, what would have helped me the most was seeing that minimap dot telling me what room to go to but it only worked for the very first item and never again after that. Not even when I had to keep restarting the quest due to failure of finding items in time.
-what dose it look like when its loaded up?
-do you know how to fix this?
-dose it only work for Alliance characters?
Thankyou, bai.
how do i download this to wow
I'm wondering if it is possible to change how this addon marks out the various ingredients. I find it a bit difficult at times to see the "blink" while hovering the smaller ingredients.
I've seen Quest Helper marking quest objectives with what looked like raid icons (the pink "arrow"), but had the size scaled down of course. This made it extremely easy to see the right quest obj.
Would it be possible implement something like this?
Have you updated to the latest version?
Have you tried disabling minimap addons?
Have you tried disabling ALL other addons?
Can you find one that conflicts?