
FlagRSP2 is an AddOn for World of Warcraft that allows players to add additional information about their characters into the game. It is designed to support role players and allow others with FlagRSP2 to easily see if the character is a role player or is even in character.

FlagRSP2 is a continuation of flagRSP 0.5.6 by Flokru. FlagRSP2 is a completely new code base and uses subroutines from flagRSP 0.5.6 and code from AF_Tooltip.

FlagRSP2 and flagRSP 0.5.6 are compatible with each other. The plan is to support MyRoleplay as well in the future.

FlagRSP 0.5.6 should be DISABLED when using FlagRSP2. They will conflict with each other.


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