Fontain is a simple Ace3 addon to give you a highly configurable set of controls over your UI's font choices.
You can set a master font for your whole UI, and even override SharedMedia so that all addons that use SharedMedia will use your selected font. Additionally, you have fine-grained control over every font in your UI, with a powerful wildcard matching system.
For example, if you want to set your master font to "Calibri", but want your tooltips all in "Bazooka", you could set the font for GameTooltip as you see fit, and all font strings that match GameTooltip* will be updated, including all derivatives. While this is often already done via inheritance, it does catch a number of outlying cases, giving you very powerful control over your UI's font selections.
In reply to fraukebetz:
It does in fact load, however it is not loading profiles so I can't actually utilize the addon because of that. Not sure how easy that'll be to fix, but you've done amazing so far!
In reply to MakiWoi_:
I have pushed an update, give that one a shot for me
In reply to fraukebetz:
Nope! I'm really sorry to say it's still not working, you've done amazing so far, I really appreciate it. Sorry that it isn't working :(
In reply to MakiWoi_:
Might need to investigate further. I don't have an existing profile so from my end it looks good, but there may still be a bug somewhere related to the new API changes. Lets move this to an issue on that repo and track it there, do you mind making one with some details? I'll take another look later tonight!
In reply to fraukebetz:
Posted an Issues thread on the Github!
Fix for 9.0:
In Config.lua, line 30, replace:
In reply to Dranni21312:
Amazing thanks!
In reply to Dranni21312:
It looks like after the code change, the addon still throws some library-related errors. This is due to outdated Ace and LibSharedMedia addons included in the Libs\ subdirectory. This can be fixed either by using the nolib release or by manually replacing these libraries with up-to-date versions.
In reply to Dranni21312:
There are 9 Ace folders in the Lib directory, which one needs updating and where from?
Edit: also the LibSharedMedia on Curse is updated for 8.2, is this version still good to use?
In reply to ChampagneMaki:
I placed all Ace3, Ace3-SharedMedia, LibStub, and CallbackHandler directories from the newest releases into Libs
In reply to Dranni21312:
Newest releases of Fontain do you mean? Or those specific named ones searched on curse? Sorry I never mess with libs
Edit: Just downloaded latest Ac3 which had all those things except LibSharedMedia-3.0
In reply to Dranni21312:
"Single Font Overide" list does not load as of Phase 3 BCC - Your previous fix worked for over a year. Any clues?
Just doesnt load up on the new prepatch 9.0 - anyone know of a fix? Need this addon :(
In reply to ChampagneMaki:
It's the SetBackDrop issue breaking it. I've tried a few things but my LUA skills are moderate at best :( Hopefully someone with more knowhow will be along to fix it fairly soon :(
In reply to Erpgore:
Check the post by Dranni above
SL 9.0 update?
I don't know if there are any forums I'm supposed to go to for this... but I have a question about Font Additions. I use Fontain w/ SharedMedia3.0 *if that matters* and Elvui/S&L and it all works fine. But there is one font that I REALLY want to apply to EVERYTHING *which Fontain does, even forcing it's font on ElvUI and all other aspects of gameplay if you override sharedmedia* found here **. I've looked all over the place for ways to add it to Fontain/SharedMedia3.0/ElvUI and I was only able to find ONE thing that worked... sort of. Copying the font 4 times over in the WoW/Fonts folder and then changing its name to replace the 4 default fonts... but that only works until ElvUI overrides it because I can't apply it to Fontain.
I found some other stuff... but that just ended up erasing the backgrounds for everything on my UI making it hard as hell to read any kind of text at all.![Backdrop-less UI](file:///C:/Users/world/OneDrive/Pictures/Screenshots)
And I now have to reinstall Fontain/SharedMedia3.0/ElvUI/S&L in order to fix whatever I screwed up...
Is there any way that you could add in Fontain? It's one of the few alternative fonts I've found that I like, that has ALL characters, including European Alt Code characters fonted.
Doesn't play well with Legion, even with Eggerd patch.
Hope they fix it.
Or you can just use my pastebin and just copy the whole code into the "Fontain.lua" file :-)
This works well with legion I just did it. If you don't like the fonts they have you can go to Windows and look for the fonts folder. Copy the ones you like it to font folder, then open the LUA file and make sure to copy and paste the lines and you need then change the names so the add-on can see them
In reply to Polarcowgirl:
if meta and __index and type(__index) == "table" and __index.GetFont and not (__index.IsForbidden and v:IsForbidden()) and v:GetObjectType() == "Font" then
tinsert(fontList, v)