Fontain is a simple Ace3 addon to give you a highly configurable set of controls over your UI's font choices.
You can set a master font for your whole UI, and even override SharedMedia so that all addons that use SharedMedia will use your selected font. Additionally, you have fine-grained control over every font in your UI, with a powerful wildcard matching system.
For example, if you want to set your master font to "Calibri", but want your tooltips all in "Bazooka", you could set the font for GameTooltip as you see fit, and all font strings that match GameTooltip* will be updated, including all derivatives. While this is often already done via inheritance, it does catch a number of outlying cases, giving you very powerful control over your UI's font selections.
If not, anyone know of another mod that can?
Hmm... World Of Warcraft\Fonts\ABF.ttf, restarted WoW, but it's still Fritz Quadrata.
When is this addon going to be updated again?
I would love to replace Clearfont with this but there are several things this doesn't do.
1. Change the fonts at the log in screen. 2. Names over units text isnt changed. 3. Some mods seem to not use the font selected with Fontain.
This morning, I log into one of my toons and the chat font and ONLY the chat font as reverted back to the in-game default, but every other aspect of my UI that has writing/numbers is in the font I chose with Fontain.
I've even tried removing it and the saved variables files, then adding it back, and I get the same thing.
Is there a file I can edit manually to try to restore the chat font to the one I chose?
So, I know how it's triggered, just not how to fix it.
"This morning, I log into one of my toons and the chat font and ONLY the chat font as reverted back to the in-game default, but every other aspect of my UI that has writing/numbers is in the font I chose with Fontain."
I got the same error the day afetr installing Fountain. So I decided to create a new toon and try to replicate my problem in a single chat window (General Window)and leave my other 2 windows (Combat and Custom) without any config.
So I found that the bug happens in 3/3 tries when you change the font size in the Blizzard menu options for that specific tab. If there are more tabs (or windows) and you don't change the font size in the latter, the unmodified window will change fonts whenever you choose them in Fountain. Un fortunately I don't know how to reverse the (now font size) changes so all chat tabs will continue to be modified by Fountain.
I hope the addon Author can figure it out. As for me I'm going to try to clear the chat settings in the WTF folder to see if I get further results.
\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<bliz account name>\<realm of char>\<name of char>\chat-cache.txt
A question... does Fontain allow you to change the font sizes all over the UI? I love Clearfont 3, but I'm also having the hard-crash-with-nothing-saved issue. I'm trying to put up with it but I'm having a rough time.
ALL this mod needs is a touch of documentation. This setting changes this and this and this. Wouldn't even necessarily need to be the mod author, just a user like the rest of us.
Either that or a tooltip for the mod's GUI. (ie, this option will change this and this and this) Some of the descriptions seem a little ambiguous.
Other than that, this mod is fried gold.
Nice addon, but i have same problem that i have with clearfont2. Any hints on why i cant choose "Calibri" font when playing with Ru loc pack? Playing on usual europe realms w\o loc pack is ok however.. Sorry for bad english:P