WARNING: I don't actively use this myself any more. I wrote BetterQuest which I now use instead. If you're not incredibly wedded to FuBar, I'd recommend switching.
This is a quest-tracker replacement plugin for FuBar. It provides a tooltip which replicates /most/ of the information from the quest log. It can display (or not): quest level, difficulty, objectives, zones, and suchlike. It will put quest information into the tooltips for quest monsters and items. It will make quest levels appear when talking to NPCs.
If other people in your party are using QuestsFu it'll show you how many of each quest objective they've gathered.
If you want it to, and don't think it will annoy people, you can send a message to party chat when you advance a quest objective.
Shift-click on quests in the tooltip to copy the title to the chatbox if it's open. Control+Shift-click on quests in the tooltip to copy their objectives and status to the chatbox if it's open. Control-click on quests in the tooltip to share them with your party. Alt-click on quests in the tooltip to add them to Blizzard's quest-tracker.
QuestsFu includes a replacement for the Blizzard built-in quest tracker, which can track more than 10 quests at a time. Right-click on it to adjust its scale and coloration. (Or alt-right-click if you've locked the tracker.)
Achievements show up in QuestsFu's tracker. Ain't that cool?
Certain thanks must be given to MonkeyQuest, which motivated me to write this by being everything that I wanted in a quest-tracker replacement while annoying me by putting a frame over a quarter of my screen.
Would really be nice to let users know if this one will be updated. I pretty much hope so, it's really a useful thing to have. If not, please let us know here, Kemayo. Thanks for the work so far .-)
Please update this
Please update this.
Wowmatrix .. is that not the program the does not HOST the addon's but STEALS bandwidth from the site it is originally hosted on stopping people from visiting the original site to help support them from ad revenue?
As far as I'm concerned you should be banned from ever entering this site.
Please to keep up to date, and stop with the 'holier than thou' attitudes. Kthanx.
Just my 2 cents...
However, to fix the problem, without breaking the addon anymore (like that link I only changed 1 line, well, commented it out anyway.
If you open up the file AddOns\FuBar_QuestsFu\PlayerNotify\PlayerNotify.lua, find the line (near the bottom) and add "--" to the start of the line which says "self:Hook("UIErrorsFrame_OnEvent", true)", you should fix the problem, but also not break other parts of the addon.
here is a version that fixes the not displaying of the game error messages
Also, didn't this addon at one point have a version dated AFTER 3.0.2-release? Now it's back to 29Sep. I could have sworn I only downloaded addons that were updated post-3.0.2.
I'm just a user of this mod and I saw your comments so I thought I'd see if I can help
you out. I had these same questions/issues too.
=====> Regarding the "quest tracking box that won't go away or hide":
Right click on the QuestFu item in your FuBar. Near the top of that list, you should see an item called "Modules". Go into that sub-menu and turn of the checkbox for "Detached". This will make that ever-present quest tracker go away.
I don't understand why this addon needs to have this new "Detached" module in addition to it's standard FuBar-style detachable tooltip. The two views contain almost identical information. The only improvement I can see in the Detached module is that it has better folding as well as a summary of your quest count at the top.
To the addon author... Why not just put all this information in main addon tooltip and just get rid of the Detached module? It's not really necessary and in my view, it clutters up the screen and makes things more complicated than they need to be. I've been using QuestFu for well over a year and when I really wanted to have a persistant window of my quests open on the screen, I would just detach the regular tooltip from the FuBar menu and it was more than adequate for tracking my quests during alt leveling etc. So, get rid of the "Detatched" module.
Ask yourself, is this a case of Creeping Featuritis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_creep)?
=====> About the Quixote annoyance
Right click the QuestFu item on your FuBar and again, go into the Modules subdirectory. this time, turn off "PartyLog". This will remove those Quixote messages.
As with "Detatched", is this feature really necessary? Do we need to have the capability of rummaging through someone else's quest logs? I think there is enough stuff to keep up with in WoW withouth having to worry about what other people have in their Quest Logs. But it doesn't matter because this part of the Plugin is broken in any case. So just uncheck this PartyLog option in the Modules directory and it will remove those cluttering Quixote messages from your screen.
Hope this helps.
1)The sounds are not consistent, sometimes I hear them, sometimes not. End of the quest sound worked once that I can remember when set to faction.
2)The quest tracking box that won't go away or hide. I got Fubar so I don't have boxes hanging around the screen.
3)Do I care if my party members have Quioxite? Do I? Why is this in the middle of my screen?
It would be nice if there was an interface for this on the UI menu that gave some tooltip info to what all these option mean. Who and what is being notified and when and where?
Just replace line 72-75 from Fubar_QuestFu\PlayerNotify\PlayerNotify.lua with the following lines:
function QuestsFu_PlayerNotify:UIErrorsFrame_OnEvent(self, event, message)
if QuestsFu_PlayerNotify.db.profile.suppress and event == "UI_INFO_MESSAGE" and message:match("^.+: ?%d+/%d+$") then return end
return QuestsFu_PlayerNotify.hooks.UIErrorsFrame_OnEvent(self, event, message)
Works fine for me..