WARNING: I don't actively use this myself any more. I wrote BetterQuest which I now use instead. If you're not incredibly wedded to FuBar, I'd recommend switching.
This is a quest-tracker replacement plugin for FuBar. It provides a tooltip which replicates /most/ of the information from the quest log. It can display (or not): quest level, difficulty, objectives, zones, and suchlike. It will put quest information into the tooltips for quest monsters and items. It will make quest levels appear when talking to NPCs.
If other people in your party are using QuestsFu it'll show you how many of each quest objective they've gathered.
If you want it to, and don't think it will annoy people, you can send a message to party chat when you advance a quest objective.
Shift-click on quests in the tooltip to copy the title to the chatbox if it's open. Control+Shift-click on quests in the tooltip to copy their objectives and status to the chatbox if it's open. Control-click on quests in the tooltip to share them with your party. Alt-click on quests in the tooltip to add them to Blizzard's quest-tracker.
QuestsFu includes a replacement for the Blizzard built-in quest tracker, which can track more than 10 quests at a time. Right-click on it to adjust its scale and coloration. (Or alt-right-click if you've locked the tracker.)
Achievements show up in QuestsFu's tracker. Ain't that cool?
Certain thanks must be given to MonkeyQuest, which motivated me to write this by being everything that I wanted in a quest-tracker replacement while annoying me by putting a frame over a quarter of my screen.
This one just doesnt work well right now. I remember going into zones before and thequests in that zone would pup up in the tracker. It no longer does that. The red text that coems up in the middle of the screen when spells arent ready is no missing as a result of questfu. I believe betterquest does it as well.
It will temporarily fix the blocked messages until/if someone updates this plugin
Just confirming that what Bremic (thanks!) did works! This is done through the questsfu folder under interface--> addons.
In the PartyNotify folder, open up PartyNotify.lua and change "AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.x")" to "AceLibrary("AceLocale-3.0")"
In the PlayerNotify folder, open up PlayerNotify.lua and do the same thing.
You should be able to see your error messages after that.
Back to using version r392, as it doesn't shut down all the chat channels like version r393 does.
Please, look here:
Everything's fine if I disable the "Player status" module.
A fix would be great.
happens with BetterQuest so I think it may have something to do with their tracker or something..
I've updated the library pointers so that it should download / svn checkout without errors. It SEEMS to be working fine for me with FuBar2Broker + Fortress.
Installed ver r392 today and it killed all chat, every chat channel. I'll try an older ver for now.
Just downloaded r392 and the error message display being suppressed problem is not fixed.
Update: I installed Ace3, then went into QuestsFu's Party Notifier and Player Notifier sections and updated all the libraries to use 3.0 instead of 2.x. This fixed the problem.
I believe that I have the same issue. I do not see the error messages for "Not enough rage/energy/mana".
EDIT: It looks like the most recent check-in addresses this. I shall double-check ingame shortly.
Anything planned for 3.0.2?
I noticed when I enable QuestsFu, my error messages disappear (the ones that shows in red when I interrupt a spell, for example).