FuBar_GearFu is a FuBar plugin aimed to make Gear switching with the new Blizzard Gear Manager easier. Just hover over the icon, pick a set, and it will be equipped. As simple as that? yes, as simple as it should be!
FuBar_GearFu is a FuBar plugin aimed to make Gear switching with the new Blizzard Gear Manager easier. Just hover over the icon, pick a set, and it will be equipped. As simple as that? yes, as simple as it should be!
Have fun with it :)
what exactly do you mean by "standard FuBar dropdown menu", as far as I can tell, few addons currently use it (sadly). I think it's the waterfall style, perhaps I can add it via the DewdropLib, but I'm not sure.
The possibility to change position disappeared with the switch from LibRock to Ace3, aswell as the whole profile section. I'm planning to re-add that soon though.
Now, I have 2 ways of fixing this:
1. Manually add those options from GearFu directly, or
2. Modify LibFuBarPlugin-3.0 to make it work equally well with Ace3 as with LibRock.
Obviously, I would prefer option #2, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do so (I'm trying to contact ckknight about it, who is the author of that library). If that doesn't work out, I'll go for option 1. Anyway, you can expect that soon.
1. edit the FuBar config directly:
go to WTF\Account\<username>\SavedVariables\FuBar.lua
now scroll down till you see 3 lists (right, center and left). Now cut and paste "GearFu - Equipment Manager ++", -- [<some number>] from the left list to the right list. (or center if you want). OR
2. You can edit the GearFu code (Interface\AddOns\fubar_gearfu\GearFu.lua
Just under the line GearFu:SetFuBarOption('configType', 'AceConfigDialog-3.0'); add a line GearFu:SetFuBarOption('defaultPosition', "RIGHT") (or "CENTER" for center obviously)
Would it be possible to change right click to the standard FuBar drop down menu? I'd also love the possibility to change the position, Left kinda breaks my UI and I can't for the life of me figure out how to change that in the LUA.