This plugin adds professions to a FuBar menu. It gives an overview of the skill level of each profession. Each profession entry in the menu can be clicked to open the corresponding profession window. Clicking on a gathering professions has no effect.
If you use TitanPanel please use TitanProfessions (http://www.curse.com/downloads/details/9963/) instead.
If you have ProfessionsBook installed (http://www-en.curse-gaming.com/downloads/details/8423/) an additional entry to open that addon is added to the menu.
- List all professions which open a professions window and open them
- List skill levels of professions
- Add a menu entry to ProfessionsBook if that addon is installed
It is possible that you encountered an error in ProfessionsBook. There were a few things missing which I have corrected in version 1.01 of both ProfessionsBook and ProfessionsFu. Please download the new versions and hopefully your problem should be fxed.
I do have ProfessionsBook installed. I did NOT click on a sub menu before, I will try this. En version
Does the tooltip open and list your professions? Do you have ProfessionsBook installed? If yes, your tooltip should look like the screenshot provided above. Clicking on one of the entries should either open the approriate profession window or the ProfessionBook.
Which language version of WoW do you use? I have tested the addon with the English and German versions only.
I click the Fubar icon, doesn't do anything. from what I read on the tooltip all I needed to do was click on the tooltip and it would open up ProfessionsBook....not doing that for me, and no error either. Do you have a built in debugger code I can turn on?
@justcallmefred: What exactly do you mean with "would not open ProfessionsBook"?
Would not open ProfessionsBook .