This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Keeps track of time played and rested XP across your characters.
You are strongly encouraged to install/update to Broker_RestFu, which uses much newer (not deprecated) libraries, mainly Ace3 and LibDataBroker.
Ok then that should be as easy as editing the TOC file as described in the comments below. Just change the 1 to a 0 on the LOD line. I'll try it and see if it works
Confirmed. If you edit the .TOC file line LoadOnDemand = 1 to a 0 then the addon loads fine and the icon appears on the "Fubar" and it functions as normal. It would be nice to see an update to the download so everyone that gets this awesome addon to Fubar doesn't have to manually change it. Also having modded the .TOC file it's making my Curse Updater go crazy saying it doesn't recognize that addon I have loaded now.
Hey Phyb, I LOVE RestFU, but I have a favor to ask, could you make the FuBar deoendency an optional one. I actually use it in LDB, but it throws a fit because Fubar is a dependency. I can and have changed it, but I like to be able to update, and when I change the .toc to make it work with LDB curse client throws a fir so I have to ignore it. The only other request I have, can we make it not a load-on-demand. Kinda defeats the purpose of having the info at your fingertips if you have to load it each and every time you log on. Thanks!
I hit Ctrl-Click to delete a toon from the list and now this addon does not work and i get this error.
Date: 2009-01-02 21:59:42
ID: 15
Error occured in: Global
Count: 479
Message: ..\AddOns\FuBar_RestFu\RestFu.lua line 381:
attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
You are gonna have to go to the icon, right-click, and find something called purge data. It will get rid of all the data and then you can relog all the valid characters.
v1.3 doesn't work. Hooked at login-screen, but nothing shown in the fubar and not in the fubar options too. I go back to v1.2.2-2-g749c22c.
This please. Pretty please.
## Interface: 30100
## Title: FuBar - |cffffffffRest|r|cff00ff00Fu|r
## Notes: Keeps track of time played and rested XP across your characters.
## Notes-zhTW: 可顯示目前伺服器上所有角色休息(兩倍經驗值)狀態、下線地點與剩餘休息時間等。
## Notes-ruRU: Отслеживает количество бонусного опыта за отдых у всех ваших персонажей.
## Author: phyber
## Dependencies:
## OptionalDeps: Ace2
## SavedVariables: RestFuDB
## Version: v1.2.2
## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
## X-Credits: ckknight
## X-Embeds: Ace2, AbacusLib, LibCrayon-3.0, DewdropLib, TabletLib
## LoadOnDemand: 0
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: v1.2.2
## X-Curse-Project-Name: FuBar_RestFu
## X-Curse-Project-ID: fubar_restfu
## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/fubar_restfu/mainline
You may get a better response if you submit a ticket via CurseForge (
Just the error "Can't Load 30: Dependency Missing" error
Date: 2009-01-02 21:59:42
ID: 15
Error occured in: Global
Count: 479
Message: ..\AddOns\FuBar_RestFu\RestFu.lua line 381:
attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
I get the following error when I use the Ctrl-Click function to remove a toon I deleted from the list:
Date: 2008-11-22 12:36:51
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\FuBar_RestFu\RestFu.lua line 356:
attempt to index local 'alpha' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
FuBar_RestFu\RestFu.lua:433: OnUpdate()
FuBar_RestFu\RestFu.lua:175: OnTooltipUpdate()
...FuBar_uClock\Lib\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:393: runChildren()
...nterface\AddOns\FuBar\libs\Tablet-2.0\Tablet-2.0.lua:2370: children()