This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Track of your tradeskills across characters, create small buttons for them and track cooldowns.
I saw that it lost the inscription section in the upload to curse. I will fix this when I get home from work tomorrow evening and update. The prob is it ignored my new babble libs and grabbed the original ones.
[41594] = {duration = 331200, skill = "Tailoring" }, -- Moonshroud
[41595] = {duration = 331200, skill = "Tailoring" }, -- Spellweave
[41593] = {duration = 331200, skill = "Tailoring" }, -- Ebonweave
Thank you!
["Tailoring"] = bltrade:GetSkillIcon("Tailoring"),
["Inscription"] = bltrade:GetSkillIcon("Inscription"),
[35945] = {duration = 72000, skill = "Jewelcrafting" }, -- Brilliant Glass
[44680] = {duration = 72000, skill = "Inscription" }, -- Research
["Rogue"] = true,
Deathknight = "Death Knight",
["ROGUE"] = true,
DEATHKNIGHT = "Death Knight",
["Weaponsmith"] = true,
["Inscription"] = true,
["Tailoring"] = "Trade_Tailoring",
["Inscription"] = "INV_Inscription_Tradeskill01",
Please update this... i missing the buttons on the fubar.
I'm def. missing this...
we miss inscription :P