This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Track of your tradeskills across characters, create small buttons for them and track cooldowns.
Just done the changes from Kepi and Eikko. I am working on migrating to the updated LibBabble/rock/sink libraries its just taking longer than anticipated. In the mean time I am just doing the bug fixes mentioned as I can.
@poppyq I am looking into this it seems to be for all users and its just the Research cooldowns.
In your r125 release, the fix for zhTW doesn't work. You have to replace those strings with an older working one first, then save it. I checked an it's broken back to the r120 version. In case you don't have an old version, simply replace the zhTW section with:
L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {
["Filter"] = "過濾",
["Filter Characters on Tooltip"] = "在提示上只顯示哪些角色",
["Purge"] = "清除",
["Purge Characters"] = "清除角色資料",
["Button Visibility"] = "按鈕可見",
["Toggle Button Visibility (per character)"] = "設定按鈕是否可見(各角色)",
["Toggle visibility of"] = "設定可見",
["Button Spacing"] = "按鈕間隔",
["Set Button Spacing"] = "設定按鈕間空白",
["Icon Size"] = "圖示大小",
["Set Icon Size"] = "設定塗是大小",
["Profile Settings"] = "個人設定",
["Hide Skills"] = "隱藏技能",
["Settings"] = "設定",
["Profile specific settings"] = "個人化的個人設定",
["Button Size"] = "按鈕大小",
["Purging %s of %s"] = "清除 %s 於 %s",
-- Added in 1.33
["Single Realm View"] = "單伺服器檢視",
["Show only the current realm in tooltip"] = "只顯示當前伺服器",
} end)
I agree with you totally however I had the issue of methods that exist in the outdated library that are not in the current library (Babble-class-2.2 supports GetHexColor where Lib-Babble-Class-3.0 doesn't.) I am still trying to move from the old libraries to the new ones but am still researching how to do that at the same time. Its a time/patience/knowledge thing. In the mean time I am fixing the things that are occuring as they appear. The Babble-Tradeskill-2.2 doesnt have a Lib-Babble replacement as it has been obsoleted by changes to the API as exposed by WOW. Thats second on the list and will require a lot of code refactoring. I want to get the class one fixed first.
Inscription doesn't show up for me neither. I am using the French Client,and tried to update the Babble-Tradeskill-2.2.lua
line 4676: ["Inscription"] = "Calligraphie",
BUT... I do not see my Northrend Inscription Research cooldown (just so you know, it is translated in "Recherches en calligraphie en Norfendre").
I've also tried to add manually both the Minor and the Northrend skills in Babble, with no luck yet. Is it a translation issue or is it the same for all Scribes regardless of the client's language?
Thanks anyway for this useful addon, keep up the good work :)
In the latest version r123a CoreLocals.lua is not saved as UTF-8. This makes all Traditional Chinese (zhTW) strings appear as "?" in the game. I replaced the strings with an old version and saved it as UTF-8 and it's working.
Am I missing something? I'm using this addon and my alchemy research cooldown and my inscription research cooldown don't show. I've tried rescanning cooldowns and it doesn't change anything.
This mod is great, but you are running up against the limitations of using obsolete libraries in the recent revisions.
Instead of doing private modifications to obsolete libraries (the Babble 2.2 ones) and including them with this mod only, how about change the mod to use the modern, current LibBabble-3.0 libraries? You can do so without having to rewrite the whole mod to use Ace3 (instead of Ace2). Also, switching to the current Sink-2.0 library instead of using the obsolete Sink-1.0 doesn't take much.
I don't want to drag it onto one of my bars and waste a spot, but I hate having to open my spellbook to use it when I need it (I know, I'm lazy)
anyways, Thanks for keeping this mod going,
["Runeforging"] = "Runen schmieden"
Ok How do I restart the packager?
edit: All fixed now cheers.
I'm changing the slug of the project so you'll have to update your svn/etc.
@poppyq I am looking into this it seems to be for all users and its just the Research cooldowns.
L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {
["Filter"] = "過濾",
["Filter Characters on Tooltip"] = "在提示上只顯示哪些角色",
["Purge"] = "清除",
["Purge Characters"] = "清除角色資料",
["Button Visibility"] = "按鈕可見",
["Toggle Button Visibility (per character)"] = "設定按鈕是否可見(各角色)",
["Toggle visibility of"] = "設定可見",
["Button Spacing"] = "按鈕間隔",
["Set Button Spacing"] = "設定按鈕間空白",
["Icon Size"] = "圖示大小",
["Set Icon Size"] = "設定塗是大小",
["Profile Settings"] = "個人設定",
["Hide Skills"] = "隱藏技能",
["Settings"] = "設定",
["Profile specific settings"] = "個人化的個人設定",
["Button Size"] = "按鈕大小",
["Purging %s of %s"] = "清除 %s 於 %s",
-- Added in 1.33
["Single Realm View"] = "單伺服器檢視",
["Show only the current realm in tooltip"] = "只顯示當前伺服器",
} end)
Now the Alchemie issue on german loca is fixed..
thx TimothyLuke
@Zidomo: I agree with you totally however I had the issue of methods that exist in the outdated library that are not in the current library (Babble-class-2.2 supports GetHexColor where Lib-Babble-Class-3.0 doesn't.) I am still trying to move from the old libraries to the new ones but am still researching how to do that at the same time. Its a time/patience/knowledge thing. In the mean time I am fixing the things that are occuring as they appear. The Babble-Tradeskill-2.2 doesnt have a Lib-Babble replacement as it has been obsoleted by changes to the API as exposed by WOW. Thats second on the list and will require a lot of code refactoring. I want to get the class one fixed first.
line 4676: ["Inscription"] = "Calligraphie",
BUT... I do not see my Northrend Inscription Research cooldown (just so you know, it is translated in "Recherches en calligraphie en Norfendre").
I've also tried to add manually both the Minor and the Northrend skills in Babble, with no luck yet. Is it a translation issue or is it the same for all Scribes regardless of the client's language?
Thanks anyway for this useful addon, keep up the good work :)
np, anytime up for help...
and uppps my fault Alchemy = Alchemie ( not with an i after the h )
this happesn if you rely on wowhead translations lol ...sorry for this mistake ...and Alchemie dosen't work here too
Hi Thx @ xevilgrin for translate :)
Inscription = Inschriftenkunde works for me i can see it on Fubar. But Alchemy = Alchimie dont work?
This mod is great, but you are running up against the limitations of using obsolete libraries in the recent revisions.
Instead of doing private modifications to obsolete libraries (the Babble 2.2 ones) and including them with this mod only, how about change the mod to use the modern, current LibBabble-3.0 libraries? You can do so without having to rewrite the whole mod to use Ace3 (instead of Ace2). Also, switching to the current Sink-2.0 library instead of using the obsolete Sink-1.0 doesn't take much.
Hi there ...they even don't appear in german client.
Inscription = Inschriftenkunde
Alchemy = Alchimie
btw. if error codes announce ... locale deDE ... it is a german client ;-)
Ok are you playing in a different language - if so can I enquire which one?