Displays who is talking in Voice Chat programs (such as Ventrilo or Teamspeak).
- Right-click on the FuBar plugin (or Minimap Icon) and hover over "Press to Talk Key".
- In the textbox that appears, enter the key you use for Push-To-Talk in your voice chat program.
- Mouse buttons look like: BUTTON4 = Mouse Button 4
- Modifiers look like: CTRL-` = Control + Grave ( ` )
- Single keys look like: G = g
- In the textbox that appears, enter the key you use for Push-To-Talk in your voice chat program.
- Alternately, you can set this in the default Key Bindings panel from the game Menu.
- The binding is located under VoiceFu.
- Creates a keybinding in WoW, which the player must set to match their chat client's Push-To-Talk (PTT) keybinding.
- When the player is pushing the PTT key, WoW broadcasts their name to other players in the party/raid/battleground.
- Alternately, if not in a party, the addon can be set to broadcast to other ungrouped players in the guild.
- Players who are not using the addon will not receive any information from this addon. It communicates solely on the hidden addon channel.
This addon requires that multiple people in the group and/or guild are using it. It is designed for use by raiding guilds or groups of close friends who regularly use a third-party voice chat client.
I no longer play, and plan not to return. If anyone has any interest in this project, please email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to add you to the project so that you may take over.
Whenever you press your Vent keybinding, it transmits your character's name, class and level across the game's ADDON data channel, and anyone in your group (who ALSO has the addon installed) will see your character's name in FuBar. Likewise, whenever they press their respective Vent keybindings, it transmits their names, classes and levels... and you are able to see their name(s) in FuBar.
It doesn't interfere or communicate with Vent... it's just meant to be a solution so your guild can all grab this addon and be able to see who's talking at any given time.