GarajalInnervation opens a frame during the Garajal encounter that displays information about the amount of the Spiritual Innervation buff applied to players. This overcomes the limitation that Blizzard implemented this buff as a non-stacking one, and the only way in the stock UI to tell how much buff one has is to examine the tooltip text, which can be most cumbersome during a raid encounter!
The addon is lightweight and does very little in the background if not in Mogu'shun Vaults and not in the Gara'jal encounter.
- Display Spiritual Innervation strength for all players in the raid: This is primarily intended for raid leaders or healers. Healers can prioritize heals easily to buff all DPS efficiently.
- Can display Spiritual Innervation strength for only yourself: Intended for DPS players in raid groups that want them to exit when their buff has reached a certain level.
- Notification of maximum buff attained: Have DPS players that don't want to use this addon and you want them to exit when the healer has topped them off? This feature will notify players via whisper, or the raid via /raid or /rw, when a player has reached maximum buff level. This feature is only usable by the raid leader or assistants and is disabled in LFR mode
- Small and lightweight: The whole add-on is only a few hundred lines of Lua code and is nearly entirely disabled when not in the Gara'jal encounter.
How to Use
After installing the addon, use the configuration menu (under Interface Options, Addons Tab, GarajalInnervation tree entry, or use /gvation command) to select a display mode - either all players or yourself only. Self-only mode is recommended for DPS players who are not raid leaders, while the all player mode is recommended primarily for healers and raid leaders. Click the "Toggle Frame" button to show the GarajalInnervation frame - position it to your liking on the screen by dragging anywhere in the window, then toggle it off again with the same button. The frame will be hidden until you are in the Gara'jal encounter and when shown will retain the positioning.
While in the configuration, if you will be your raid's leader, you can optionally enable the notification messages to DPS players when their buff has reached capacity. This only works outside of LFR mode and only when you are raid leader or an assist. This function is also disabled if you are using the "self only" display mode.
If you have questions or comments on the add-on, feel free to leave a comment. If you encounter problems, please file a ticket on the WoWAce project site.
This is a fabulous mod which I swear by for both of my Mogu'shan raids, but in sharing it with other less addon-inclined people, I've discovered a rather serious problem. Unless I'm reading your code wrong, you haven't actually embedded any of the included Ace3 libraries. Now this isn't an issue if the user's running other Ace3 addons that already do that, but for people who don't use any of those, it can mean GarajalInnervation doesn't function at all, because it can't find an instance of AceAddon or LibStub.
This should be fixable by making an embeds.xml file in the form specified here, and then referencing that file before GarajalInnervation.lua in the TOC. If you like, I've already written up XML/TOC files to fix this problem for a friend - you can find them here. Great mod, regardless!
Thanks for the issue report - I've fixed the problem using parts of what you provided - thanks for the information! The libs were being bundled, but were not being loaded properly.
Sorry for not getting back to it sooner - this interface does not email notify so I did not see your comment until I went to update the addon for 5.2.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but I can't get this addon to work properly for me. I can see the frame, that's quite visible, but I don't get any of the bars that actually display the numbers to show up for me while healing up the DPS. I have it turned on to show the everyone.
Make sure that you are using the newest version (1.0.0) - older ones will not work and behave as you describe due to a change made with release of patch 5.1
If you still have problems, turn on Lua Error display (Esc->Interface->Help->Check "Display Lua errors") - if you receive a window with Lua error information, copy & paste it into a ticket on the project site (link above). Please make sure to note what raid size (10/25) and difficulty (norm/heroic) you are using it on.
Maybe rename
It didn't, but I like the suggestion and went ahead and changed the add-on to allow the messaging options for assists or raid leader. Thanks for the input! Grab 0.9.2 or higher to get this change.
Will this also do a /w /raid /rw if you're not the leader, but have assist?
I ask because our raid leader tends to not like running extra addons, but as loot master and raid assist, I generally run things like YorshajAnnounce and GarajalAnnounce instead for the RW announcements.