GatherMate2 Classic
GatherMate2 is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map.
This is the version for WoW Classic, the version for Retail can be found here.
GatherMate will remember the location of every herb you pick or every ore you mine, so that you can easily find the positions of the herbs and mines again. Once you come into range of a recorded spot, GatherMate will show an icon representing the type of herb/ore/fish/etc. on your mini map, directly allowing you to decide if its worth checking out. Additionally, all spots are shown on the World Map, to ease navigation to certain types of nodes and making gathering more fun.
To give you a head start, GatherMate2 also offers a pre-filled data module, so you don't need to discover all herbs and mines yourself, but instead can just start gathering right away. Simply install GatherMate2_Data Wowhead Classic and hit a few buttons to import all the provided data, and you're good to go.
- Tracking of all gathering professions and more!
- Herbs
- Mines
- Fishing Pools
- Treasures
- Display of all collected data on the World Map and the MiniMap
- Support for Routes
- Import data via GatherMate2_Data Wowhead Classic
- Share data in your guild with GatherMate_Sharing
Video about configuring this addon.
Using GatherMate2 is straight-forward.
After the installation, GatherMate2 is automatically active and collecting data.
You can configure which data should be shown on the World Map or MiniMap in the Configuration Dialog, which can be accessed either via the /gathermate slash command or be found in the Interface options in the WoW Menu.
Localization (Translation of Nodes)
GatherMate2 relies on the node names to be translated in all languages WoW supports. You can contribute additional translations for your language here using the Localization tool:
Any translations submitted through that tool will be automatically included in the next release.
the addons it outdated, if you want to use this in the 4.4.2 version you need to manually modify the file "" you cand do it in notepad, you need to replace any "" for "", just change the last 1 fo 2 and will start working again. PS. route file is
\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns\GatherMate2\
Can this be used in combination with the battle map?
I am having this error pop up whenever I try to go to Gathermate2's settings.
1x GatherMate2/Config.lua:1184: attempt to index global 'InterfaceOptionsFrameAddOns' (a nil value)
[string "@GatherMate2/Config.lua"]:1184: in function <GatherMate2/Config.lua:1183>
[string "@GatherMate2/Config.lua"]:1200: in function <GatherMate2/Config.lua:1199>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:866: in function `DisplayLayout'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:807: in function `DisplayCategory'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:749: in function `SelectCategory'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:275: in function `OpenToCategory'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsInbound.lua"]:158: in function <...lizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsInbound.lua:155>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetAttribute'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsInbound.lua"]:61: in function <...lizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsInbound.lua:60>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@GatherMate2/Config.lua"]:1224: in function <GatherMate2/Config.lua:1222>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
name = "GatherMate 2"
parent = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'InterfaceOptionsFrameAddOns' (a nil value)"
Hello nevcairiel! My WoW classic anniversary client says that your addon is outdated. If I try to use it anyways, the addon won't work. Can you please fix this?
In reply to Proxiety77: the addons it outdated, if you want to use this in the 4.4.2 version you need to manually modify the file "" you cand do it in notepad, you need to replace any "" for "", just change the last 1 fo 2 and will start working again. PS. route file is
\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns\GatherMate2\
I installed the addon manually into my classic addons folder today, but the addon is not showing up in my addons list in game. Any idea what could be causing that, or how to fix it? I can see the gathermate2 database that I installed using wowup, just not the gathermate2 classic addon.
i also cannot /gathermate i made a post a while back but havent heard anything on it im not sure anyone is monitoring it
im playing on classic era
is /Gathermate not working for anyone else on hardcore? Can't import data without it but whenever i type it, pressing enter does nothing and /Gathermate just sits there in my chat input.
34x GatherMate2/Config.lua:1223: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory' (a nil value)
[string "@GatherMate2/Config.lua"]:1223: in function <GatherMate2/Config.lua:1222>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Titan/TitanLDB.lua"]:303: in function <Titan/TitanLDB.lua:301>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "GatherMate 2"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory' (a nil value)"
Without any other addons below:
Message: Interface/AddOns/GatherMate2/Config.lua:1184: attempt to index global 'InterfaceOptionsFrameAddOns' (a nil value)
Time: Thu Oct 17 12:00:25 2024
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/GatherMate2/Config.lua:1184: attempt to index global 'InterfaceOptionsFrameAddOns' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GatherMate2/Config.lua"]:1184: in function <Interface/AddOns/GatherMate2/Config.lua:1183>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GatherMate2/Config.lua"]:1200: in function <Interface/AddOns/GatherMate2/Config.lua:1199>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:866: in function `DisplayLayout'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:807: in function `DisplayCategory'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:749: in function <.../Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua:742>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:144: in function <...e/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua:143>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:147: in function `TriggerEvent'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_CategoryList.lua"]:152: in function <...s/Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_CategoryList.lua:150>
Locals: name = "GatherMate 2"
parent = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'InterfaceOptionsFrameAddOns' (a nil value)"
In reply to boxcutter: Getting the same error message. Getting it in a few addons actually. Gathermate2 is working but it errors and won't open the config. Which I kinda need to do to really use it. Guess I'll dig through the WTF files to make setting changes there for now.
i am having trouble importing gathermate2 data for classic era
Could you update it to the latest Classic Era Game Version of 1.15.4?
Would be awesome, thanks a lot in advance!
Importing is broken for Cata with the exception of archaeology nodes.
Can you add "Resonating Nightmare Bloom" (Season of Discovery)
Can you add "Only while tracking" option to "Show Archaeology Nodes"? The minimap has tracking option "Track Digsites". It would be great if that also controlled if the gathermate archaeology icons showed up. Thanks!
Für alle deutschen Cata Spieler, die das selbe Problem haben wie ich, das gewisse Sammelpunkte beim entdecken/aufsammeln auf der Map nicht angezeigt werden, habe ich ein Update gebastelt.
Hello, has anyone managed to import the information from Cataclysm Classic? I have reinstalled Gathermate2, Gathermate2 DB and Handynotes but I cannot import the Cata nodes correctly (WOTLK, TBC and Vanila nodes work fine)
Anyway to get this working with archaeology? Is there a line of code that can be easily changed?
In reply to Speaker1264: Oh bump on this please
Cata Classic
Any way to quickly remove/cleanup all nodes in Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms, since most of the zones have changed layout now, so nodes are shown all over the place now.
I could clean the entire database, but I would like to keep all the Outland and Northrend nodes :(