Simplified Chinese


All Namespaces

  • Abundant Bloodsail Wreckage
  • Abundant Firefin Snapper School
  • Abundant Oily Blackmouth School
  • Abyssal Gulper School
  • Adamantite Bound Chest
  • Adamantite Deposit
  • Add this location to Cartographer_Waypoints
  • Add this location to TomTom waypoints
  • Adder's Tongue
  • Aethril
  • Aileron Seamoth School
  • Akunda's Bite
  • Albino Cavefish School
  • Algaefin Rockfish School
  • Altered Arathor's Spear
  • Altered Blessing Blossom
  • Altered Luredrop
  • Altered Mycobloom
  • Altered Orbinid
  • Always show
  • Anchor Weed
  • Ancient Lichen
  • Ancient Mana Chunk
  • Ancient Mana Crystal
  • Ancient Mana Shard
  • Anglerseeker Torrent
  • Aqirite
  • Aqirite Seam
  • Arakkoa Archaeology Find
  • Arathor's Spear
  • Arcane Vortex
  • Archaeology
  • Archaeology filter
  • Arctic Cloud
  • Are you sure you want to delete all nodes from this database?
  • Are you sure you want to delete all of the selected node from the selected zone?
  • Arthas' Tears
  • Astral Glory
  • Auto Import
  • Auto import complete for addon
  • Automatically import when ever you update your data module, your current import choice will be used.
  • Azshara's Veil
  • Battered Chest
  • Battered Footlocker
  • Battle for Azeroth
  • Bismuth
  • Bismuth Seam
  • Black Barracuda School
  • Black Lotus
  • Black Trillium Deposit
  • Blackbelly Mudfish School
  • Blackrock Deposit
  • Blackwater Whiptail School
  • Blessing Blossom
  • Blind Lake Sturgeon School
  • Blindweed
  • Blood in the Water
  • Blood of Heroes
  • Bloodpetal Sprout
  • Bloodsail Wreckage
  • Bloodsail Wreckage Pool
  • Bloodthistle
  • Bloodvine
  • Bloody Perch Swarm
  • Bluefish School
  • Borean Man O' War School
  • Bound Adamantite Chest
  • Bound Fel Iron Chest
  • Brackish Mixed School
  • Briarthorn
  • Brightly Colored Egg
  • Bruiseweed
  • Bubble Poppy
  • Buccaneer's Strongbox
  • Burial Chest
  • Calm Surfacing Ripple
  • Camouflaged Aqirite
  • Camouflaged Arathor's Spear
  • Camouflaged Bismuth
  • Camouflaged Blessing Blossom
  • Camouflaged Ironclaw
  • Camouflaged Luredrop
  • Camouflaged Mycobloom
  • Camouflaged Orbinid
  • Cataclysm
  • Cerulean Spinefish School
  • Cinder Cloud
  • Cinderbloom
  • Cleanup Complete.
  • Cleanup Database
  • Cleanup Failed.
  • Cleanup in progress.
  • Cleanup radius
  • Cleanup Started.
  • Cleanup your database by removing duplicates. This takes a few moments, be patient.
  • Cleanup_Desc
  • Clear database selections
  • Clear node selections
  • Clear zone selections
  • Click to toggle minimap icons.
  • Cobalt Deposit
  • Color of the tracking circle.
  • Control various aspects of node icons on both the World Map and Minimap.
  • Conversion_Desc
  • Convert Databses
  • Copper Vein
  • Crystallized Aqirite
  • Crystallized Arathor's Spear
  • Crystallized Bismuth
  • Crystallized Blessing Blossom
  • Crystallized Ironclaw
  • Crystallized Luredrop
  • Crystallized Mycobloom
  • Crystallized Orbinid
  • Cursed Queenfish School
  • Dark Iron Deposit
  • Dark Iron Treasure Chest
  • Dark Soil
  • Dart's Nest
  • Database Locking
  • Database locking
  • Database Maintenance
  • Databases to Import
  • Databases you wish to import
  • Death Blossom
  • Decayed Bubble Poppy
  • Decayed Hochenblume
  • Decayed Saxifrage
  • Decayed Writhebark
  • Deep Sea Monsterbelly School
  • Deepsea Sagefish School
  • Delete
  • Delete Entire Database
  • Delete selected node from selected zone
  • Delete Specific Nodes
  • Demonic Archaeology Find
  • Dented Footlocker
  • Disabled
  • Display Settings
  • Draconium Deposit
  • Draconium Seam
  • Draenei Archaeology Find
  • Draenor Clans Archaeology Find
  • Dragonfin Angelfish School
  • Dragonflight
  • Dragon's Teeth
  • Dreamfoil
  • Dreaming Glory
  • Dreamleaf
  • Drust Archaeology Find
  • Dwarf Archaeology Find
  • Earthroot
  • Elementium Vein
  • Elethium Deposit
  • Elusive Elethium Deposit
  • Elusive First Flower
  • Elusive Nightshade
  • Elusive Progenium Deposit
  • Elusive Rich Elethium Deposit
  • Elusive Rich Progenium Deposit
  • Elysian Thade School
  • Emperor Salmon School
  • Empyrium Deposit
  • Empyrium Seam
  • Enabled
  • Engineering
  • Everfrost Chip
  • Expansion
  • Expansion Data Only
  • EZ-Mine Aqirite
  • EZ-Mine Bismuth
  • EZ-Mine Ironclaw
  • Fadeleaf
  • Failed to load GatherMateData due to
  • Fangtooth Herring School
  • FAQ
  • Fat Sleeper School
  • Fathom Eel Swarm
  • Fel Iron Chest
  • Fel Iron Deposit
  • Fel-Encrusted Herb
  • Fel-Encrusted Herb Cluster
  • Felmist
  • Felmouth Frenzy School
  • Felslate Deposit
  • Felslate Seam
  • Felsteel Chest
  • Feltail School
  • Felweed
  • Felwort
  • Festering Rotpool
  • Fever of Stormrays
  • Filter_Desc
  • Filters
  • Fire Ammonite School
  • Firebloom
  • Firefin Snapper School
  • Firethorn
  • Fireweed
  • First Flower
  • Fish filter
  • Fishes
  • Fishing
  • Fjarnskaggl
  • Flame Cap
  • Floating Debris
  • Floating Debris Pool
  • Floating Deep Treasure
  • Floating Shipwreck Debris
  • Floating Wreckage
  • Floating Wreckage Pool
  • Fool's Cap
  • Fossil Archaeology Find
  • Foxflower
  • Frenzied Fangtooth School
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Frigid Bubble Poppy
  • Frigid Hochenblume
  • Frigid Saxifrage
  • Frigid Writhebark
  • Frost Lotus
  • Frostweed
  • Frozen Herb
  • Gas Clouds
  • Gas filter
  • GatherMate Conversion
  • GatherMate data has been imported.
  • GatherMate Pin Options
  • GatherMate2Data has been imported.
  • GatherMateData has been imported.
  • General
  • Ghost Iron Deposit
  • Ghost Mushroom
  • Giant Clam
  • Giant Mantis Shrimp Swarm
  • Glacial Salmon School
  • Glassfin Minnow School
  • Gleaming Draenic Chest
  • Glimmering Chest
  • Glimmerpool
  • Glowcap
  • Glowing Tome
  • Gold Vein
  • Goldclover
  • Golden Carp School
  • Golden Lotus
  • Golden Sansam
  • Goldthorn
  • Gorgrond Flytrap
  • Grave Moss
  • Great Sea Catfish School
  • Greater Sagefish School
  • Green Tea Leaf
  • Gromsblood
  • Ground Wart
  • Hardened Draconium Deposit
  • Hardened Serevite Deposit
  • Heartblossom
  • Heavy Fel Iron Chest
  • Herb Bushes
  • Herb filter
  • Herbalism
  • Highborne Archaeology Find
  • Highland Guppy School
  • Highland Mixed School
  • Highmaul Reliquary
  • Highmountain Salmon School
  • Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Find
  • Hochenblume
  • Huge Obsidian Slab
  • Icecap
  • Icethorn
  • Icon Alpha
  • Icon alpha value, this lets you change the transparency of the icons. Only applies on World Map.
  • Icon Scale
  • Icon scaling, this lets you enlarge or shrink your icons on both the World Map and Minimap.
  • Icon scaling, this lets you enlarge or shrink your icons on the Minimap.
  • Icon scaling, this lets you enlarge or shrink your icons on the World Map.
  • Icons
  • Imperial Manta Ray School
  • Import Data
  • Import GatherMate2Data
  • Import GatherMateData
  • Import Options
  • Import Style
  • Importing_Desc
  • Incendicite Mineral Vein
  • Indurium Mineral Vein
  • Infurious Bubble Poppy
  • Infurious Draconium Deposit
  • Infurious Hochenblume
  • Infurious Saxifrage
  • Infurious Serevite Deposit
  • Infurious Writhebark
  • Infused Ichor Spill
  • Ionized Minnows
  • Iridescent Amberjack School
  • Iron Deposit
  • Ironclaw
  • Ironclaw Seam
  • Irradiated Arathor's Spear
  • Irradiated Blessing Blossom
  • Irradiated Luredrop
  • Irradiated Mycobloom
  • Irradiated Orbinid
  • Islefin Dorado Pool
  • Jade Lungfish School
  • Jawless Skulker School
  • Jelly Deposit
  • Jewel Danio School
  • Keybind to toggle Minimap Icons
  • Keybind to toggle Worldmap Icons
  • Khadgar's Whisker
  • Khorium Vein
  • Kingsblood
  • Krasarang Paddlefish School
  • Kyparite Deposit
  • Laestrite Deposit
  • Lagoon Pool
  • Lambent Bubble Poppy
  • Lambent Hochenblume
  • Lambent Saxifrage
  • Lambent Writhebark
  • Lane Snapper School
  • Large Battered Chest
  • Large Darkwood Chest
  • Large Iron Bound Chest
  • Large Jelly Deposit
  • Large Mithril Bound Chest
  • Large Obsidian Chunk
  • Large Solid Chest
  • Large Timber
  • Legion
  • Lesser Bloodstone Deposit
  • Lesser Firefin Snapper School
  • Lesser Floating Debris
  • Lesser Oily Blackmouth School
  • Lesser Sagefish School
  • Leypetal Blossom
  • Leypetal Powder
  • Leystone Deposit
  • Leystone Seam
  • Lichbloom
  • Liferoot
  • Load GatherMate2Data and import the data to your database.
  • Load GatherMateData and import the data to your database.
  • Lost Sole School
  • Lumber Mill
  • Luredrop
  • Lush Arathor's Spear
  • Lush Blessing Blossom
  • Lush Bubble Poppy
  • Lush Elusive First Flower
  • Lush Elusive Nightshade
  • Lush First Flower
  • Lush Hochenblume
  • Lush Luredrop
  • Lush Mycobloom
  • Lush Nightshade
  • Lush Orbinid
  • Lush Saxifrage
  • Lush Writhebark
  • Mageroyal
  • Magma Thresher Pool
  • Mana Thistle
  • Mana-Infused Gem
  • Mantid Archaeology Find
  • Maplewood Treasure Chest
  • Marrowroot
  • Mauve Stinger School
  • Mechanized Chest
  • Merge
  • Merge will add GatherMate2Data to your database. Overwrite will replace your database with the data in GatherMate2Data
  • Merge will add GatherMateData to your database. Overwrite will replace your database with the data in GatherMateData
  • Metamorphic Draconium Deposit
  • Metamorphic Serevite Deposit
  • Mine filter
  • Mineral Veins
  • Minimap Icon Scale
  • Minimap Icon Tooltips
  • Minimap Icons
  • Mining
  • Mists of Pandaria
  • Mithril Deposit
  • Mixed Ocean School
  • Mogu Archaeology Find
  • Molten Draconium Deposit
  • Molten Serevite Deposit
  • Monelite Deposit
  • Monelite Seam
  • Moonglow Cuttlefish School
  • Mossgill Perch School
  • Mossy Footlocker
  • Mountain Silversage
  • Mountain Trout School
  • Muddy Churning Water
  • Mudfish School
  • Musselback Sculpin School
  • Mycobloom
  • Mysterious Camel Figurine
  • Nagrand Arrowbloom
  • Nerubian Archaeology Find
  • Netherbloom
  • Nethercite Deposit
  • Netherdust Bush
  • Netherwing Egg
  • Nettlefish School
  • Never show
  • Night Elf Archaeology Find
  • Nightmare Vine
  • Nightshade
  • Obsidian Chunk
  • Obsidium Deposit
  • Ogre Archaeology Find
  • Oil Spill
  • Oily Abyssal Gulper School
  • Oily Blackmouth School
  • Oily Sea Scorpion School
  • Only import selected expansion data from WoWDB
  • Only import selected expansion data from WoWhead
  • Only while tracking
  • Only with digsite
  • Only with profession
  • Onyx Egg
  • Ooze Covered Gold Vein
  • Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit
  • Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein
  • Ooze Covered Silver Vein
  • Ooze Covered Thorium Vein
  • Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit
  • Orbinid
  • Orc Archaeology Find
  • Osmenite Deposit
  • Osmenite Seam
  • Other Archaeology Find
  • Overwrite
  • Oxxein Deposit
  • Pandaren Archaeology Find
  • Patch of Elemental Water
  • Peacebloom
  • Phaedrum Deposit
  • Plaguebloom
  • Platinum Deposit
  • Pocked Bonefish School
  • Pool of Fire
  • Practice Lockbox
  • Precursor Placoderm School
  • Primal Draconium Deposit
  • Primal Serevite Deposit
  • Primitive Chest
  • Prismatic Crystal
  • Prismatic Leaper School
  • Processing
  • Progenium Deposit
  • Pure Saronite Deposit
  • Pure Water
  • Purple Lotus
  • Pyrite Deposit
  • Radiating Apexis Shard
  • Ragveil
  • Rain Poppy
  • Rasboralus School
  • Ravasaur Matriarch's Nest
  • Razormaw Matriarch's Nest
  • Redbelly Mandarin School
  • Redtail Loach School
  • Reef Octopus Swarm
  • Rich Adamantite Deposit
  • Rich Aqirite
  • Rich Bismuth
  • Rich Blackrock Deposit
  • Rich Cobalt Deposit
  • Rich Draconium Deposit
  • Rich Elementium Vein
  • Rich Elethium Deposit
  • Rich Empyrium Deposit
  • Rich Felslate Deposit
  • Rich Ghost Iron Deposit
  • Rich Ironclaw
  • Rich Kyparite Deposit
  • Rich Laestrite Deposit
  • Rich Leystone Deposit
  • Rich Monelite Deposit
  • Rich Obsidium Deposit
  • Rich Osmenite Deposit
  • Rich Oxxein Deposit
  • Rich Phaedrum Deposit
  • Rich Platinum Deposit
  • Rich Progenium Deposit
  • Rich Pyrite Deposit
  • Rich Saronite Deposit
  • Rich Serevite Deposit
  • Rich Sinvyr Deposit
  • Rich Solenium Deposit
  • Rich Storm Silver Deposit
  • Rich Thorium Vein
  • Rich Trillium Vein
  • Rich True Iron Deposit
  • Right-click for options.
  • Rimefin Tuna Pool
  • Rising Glory
  • River Bass Pool
  • Riverbud
  • Royal Ripple
  • Runescale Koi School
  • Runestone Treasure Chest
  • Sagefish School
  • Sand Shifter School
  • Saronite Deposit
  • Savage Piranha Pool
  • Saxifrage
  • Scarlet Footlocker
  • School of Darter
  • School of Deviate Fish
  • School of Tastyfish
  • Schooner Wreckage
  • Schooner Wreckage Pool
  • Sea Scorpion School
  • Sea Stalks
  • Select All
  • Select all databases
  • Select all nodes
  • Select all zones
  • Select Database
  • Select Databases
  • Select Node
  • Select None
  • Select the archaeology nodes you wish to display.
  • Select the fish nodes you wish to display.
  • Select the gas clouds you wish to display.
  • Select the herb nodes you wish to display.
  • Select the mining nodes you wish to display.
  • Select the treasure you wish to display.
  • Select Zone
  • Select Zones
  • Selected databases are shown on both the World Map and Minimap.
  • Sentry Fish School
  • Serevite Deposit
  • Serevite Seam
  • Shadowlands
  • Sha-Touched Herb
  • Shift-click to toggle world map icons.
  • Shimmering Treasure Pool
  • Shipwreck Debris
  • Shore Treasure
  • Show Archaeology Nodes
  • Show Databases
  • Show Fishing Nodes
  • Show Gas Clouds
  • Show Herbalism Nodes
  • Show Minimap Icons
  • Show Mining Nodes
  • Show Nodes on Minimap Border
  • Show Timber Nodes
  • Show Tracking Circle
  • Show Treasure Nodes
  • Show World Map Icons
  • Shows more Nodes that are currently out of range on the minimap's border.
  • Silken Treasure Chest
  • Silkweed
  • Silver Vein
  • Silverbound Treasure Chest
  • Silvergill Pike School
  • Silverleaf
  • Sinvyr Deposit
  • Siren's Sting
  • Slimy Mackerel School
  • Small Obsidian Chunk
  • Small Thorium Vein
  • Small Timber
  • Snow Lily
  • Solenium Deposit
  • Solid Chest
  • Solid Fel Iron Chest
  • Sorrowmoss
  • Sparkling Pool
  • Sparse Firefin Snapper School
  • Sparse Oily Blackmouth School
  • Sparse Schooner Wreckage
  • Spinefin Piranha School
  • Spinefish School
  • Sporefish School
  • Sporefused Arathor's Spear
  • Sporefused Blessing Blossom
  • Sporefused Luredrop
  • Sporefused Mycobloom
  • Sporefused Orbinid
  • Sporelusive Arathor's Spear
  • Sporelusive Blessing Blossom
  • Sporelusive Luredrop
  • Sporelusive Mycobloom
  • Sporelusive Orbinid
  • Star Moss
  • Starflower
  • Stargazer Swarm
  • Starlight Rose
  • Steam Cloud
  • Steam Pump Flotsam
  • Stonescale Eel Swarm
  • Storm Silver Deposit
  • Storm Silver Seam
  • Stormvine
  • Strange Pool
  • Stranglekelp
  • Sturdy Treasure Chest
  • Sungrass
  • Suspiciously Glowing Chest
  • Swamp Gas
  • Swarm of Slum Sharks
  • Takk's Nest
  • Talador Orchid
  • Talandra's Rose
  • Tattered Chest
  • Teeming Firefin Snapper School
  • Teeming Floating Wreckage
  • Teeming Oily Blackmouth School
  • Temporal Dragonhead Pool
  • Terocone
  • The Burning Crusades
  • The distance in yards to a node before it turns into a tracking circle
  • The Frozen Sea
  • The North Sea
  • The War Within
  • Thousandbite Pirahna Swarm
  • Tiger Gourami School
  • Tiger Lily
  • Timber
  • Tin Vein
  • Tiragarde Perch School
  • Titanium Vein
  • Titan-Touched Bubble Poppy
  • Titan-Touched Draconium Deposit
  • Titan-Touched Hochenblume
  • Titan-Touched Saxifrage
  • Titan-Touched Serevite Deposit
  • Titan-Touched Writhebark
  • Toggle if World Map icons are clickable (to remove them or generate way points).
  • Toggle showing archaeology nodes.
  • Toggle showing fishing nodes.
  • Toggle showing gas clouds.
  • Toggle showing herbalism nodes.
  • Toggle showing Minimap icon tooltips.
  • Toggle showing Minimap icons.
  • Toggle showing mining nodes.
  • Toggle showing the tracking circle.
  • Toggle showing timber nodes.
  • Toggle showing treasure nodes.
  • Toggle showing World Map icons.
  • Tol'vir Archaeology Find
  • Tracking Circle Color
  • Tracking Distance
  • Treasure
  • Treasure filter
  • Trillium Vein
  • Troll Archaeology Find
  • Trove of the Thunder King
  • True Iron Deposit
  • Truesilver Deposit
  • Twice-Fortified Arcwine
  • Twilight Jasmine
  • Un'Goro Dirt Pile
  • U'taka School
  • Vigil's Torch
  • Viper Fish School
  • Vrykul Archaeology Find
  • Warlords of Draenor
  • Waterlogged Footlocker
  • Waterlogged Wreckage
  • Waterlogged Wreckage Pool
  • Webbed Aqirite
  • Webbed Bismuth
  • Webbed Ironclaw
  • Webbed Ore Deposit
  • Weeping Aqirite
  • Weeping Bismuth
  • Weeping Ironclaw
  • Whiptail
  • White Trillium Deposit
  • Wicker Chest
  • Widowbloom
  • Wild Steelbloom
  • Windswept Bubble Poppy
  • Windswept Hochenblume
  • Windswept Saxifrage
  • Windswept Writhebark
  • Windy Cloud
  • Winter's Kiss
  • Wintersbite
  • Withered Herb
  • World Map Icon Scale
  • World Map Icons
  • World Map Icons Clickable
  • Wrath of the Lich King
  • Writhebark
  • Zandalari Archaeology Find
  • Zin'anthid

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